Scripture. What is considered Scripture?

john w

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But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

I ask..

"Produce this perfect and pure "The words of God." Where can we get a copy?.
-chapter, verse, from this perfect and pure scripture(your words) that assert "the Words of God are perfect." Show us from this perfect and pure scripture."

And what do we get from this junkie? A spam of a random verse, that he put his finger on, after taking another hit, from his bong, that is quite irrelevant.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Did yuh notice at the end how the dude had to have the last word?

He tapped the cymbal, then she dinged her bell, then he runs his fingers down the strings.

Hillarical. :chuckle:


Did you notice that the junkie is employing "The Modern English," in his "posts"(loosely employed here), that he learned from watching re-runs of "Friends," and taking a few more hits from his hasheesh? Cool, Spicolli.

john w

New member
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The Bible answers you clearly. It appears you refuse to believe it.

Here is an example:

Luke 1 Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, 3 I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed.

Luke says he decided to write his gospel. He investigated. He talked to eyewitnesses. God didn’t write the gospel of Luke. The Bible says he didn’t.

Why do you disbelieve the Bible?

A Bible believer is someone who believes the Bible. If you believe God wrote the book of Luke, then you are not a Bible believer.

And look at Ephesians 1.
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A “Bible believer” believes Paul wrote the book of Ephesians. A person who doesn’t believe the Bible claims God wrote the book of Ephesians.

Which are you? Do you believe the Bible? If so, then you know God did not write the Bible.

The LORD God is the author, and preserver, of the bible, devil child.


Well-known member
The LORD God is the author, and preserver, of the bible, devil child.

He just doesn't believe that God had men write down exactly what He wanted written down, and he has no concept, whatsoever, of His power to keep it exactly as He wants it. "Write this for a memorial..", "Write these words".... Write, write, it is written.

It's unbelief....worse yet, as you say, it's EVIL.


New member
Originally Posted by 2003cobra
Why do you disbelieve the Bible?

Originally posted by John w
I don't, you slanderous devil child. I believe every word. You do not. You correct it, and do not.

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

john w

New member
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He just doesn't believe that God had men write down exactly what He wanted written down, and he has no concept, whatsoever, of His power to keep it exactly as He wants it. "Write this for a memorial..", "Write these words".... Write, write, it is written.

It's unbelief....worse yet, as you say, it's EVIL.

Agreed, D of G....He has a fake God/"god," of his deceitful, desperately wicked Jeremiah 17:9 KJV heart, an impotent God, who just could not use his "imperfect" creatures, as His instruments, "vessels,"(survey the Tabernacle)to preserve His scripture, even though He created the universe, His creatures, raises the dead, warms the heart of a mother, from the smile of her "little one,"............

It is unbelief, and insanity, trying to "splain away" the scriptures that testify to the authorship, and subsequent preservation of His "volume of the book," much like the evil Pharisees, others, tried to explain away, craftily dismiss, the missing corpse of the Saviour.


New member
Produce this perfect and pure "The words of God." Where can we get a copy?.
-chapter, verse, from this perfect and pure scripture(your words) that assert "the Words of God are perfect." Show us from this perfect and pure scripture.

Ah, you love to repeat yourself.

There are no perfect scriptures.

Why do you think there are? The Bible never claims to be perfect.

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ah, you love to repeat yourself.

There are no perfect scriptures.

Why do you think there are? The Bible never claims to be perfect.

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

Produce this perfect and pure "The words of God." Where can we get a copy?.
-chapter, verse, from this perfect and pure scripture(your words) that assert "the Words of God are perfect." Show us from this perfect and pure scripture.

Not a peep.


New member
What did God write? Where can we get a copy?

The scriptures tell us:
1) God wrote the 10 commandments on stone tablets
2) Jesus wrote on the ground while telling the ones with sin to cast the first stone.

The Bible claims to be written by people.

That is what people who believe the Bible believe.

People who claim the Bible was written by God do not believe what the Bible actually says.

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There are no perfect scriptures.

1.Chapter, verse, from the "perfect Words of God," that testifies to this assertion.

2. Confirmed child of the devil.


We agree the Words of God are perfect….. The Words of God are pure and perfect.

1. Prove it, as asked.

2. Were can we get a copy of these "perfect/pure" "The Words of God?"

Not a peep-asked over, and over.


New member
The LORD God is the author, and preserver, of the bible, devil child.


Quote the passages.


Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?


New member
He just doesn't believe that God had men write down exactly what He wanted written down, and he has no concept, whatsoever, of His power to keep it exactly as He wants it. "Write this for a memorial..", "Write these words".... Write, write, it is written.

It's unbelief....worse yet, as you say, it's EVIL.

What, in your opinion, did God write down about the ancestors of Joseph?

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?


New member
1.Chapter, verse, from the "perfect Words of God," that testifies to this assertion.

2. Confirmed child of the devil.

You haven’t made the case that “perfect words of God” means “Bible.” Your philosophy on that is not found in scripture.

Provide scripture that you think supports your philosophy.

1. Prove it, as asked.

2. Were can we get a copy of these "perfect/pure" "The Words of God?"

Not a peep-asked over, and over.
Prove the words of God are perfect?

That is a matter of faith, not proof.

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The scriptures tell us:
1) God wrote the 10 commandments on stone tablets
2) Jesus wrote on the ground while telling the ones with sin to cast the first stone.

The Bible claims to be written by people.

That is what people who believe the Bible believe.

People who claim the Bible was written by God do not believe what the Bible actually says.

Luke says Joseph’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Nathan.

Matthew says Jospeh’s direct paternal ancestor was David’s son Solomon.

Which do you believe?

Produce this perfect and pure "The words of God." Where can we get a copy?.
-chapter, verse, from this perfect and pure scripture(your words) that assert "the Words of God are perfect." Show us from this perfect and pure scripture.

Not a peep.


New member
Moses wrote the second set of commandments-"the originals" were destroyed.

Was Moses imperfect?

You're a moron, and now assert that we no longer have the 10 commandments, since it was written by an "imperfect" person, Moses.

You don’t know Moses was imperfect?

Are you aware that he was not allowed to enter the Holy Land due to his imperfections?