Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


New member
Daqq writes:
In other words, if you are going to accuse the scripture of being full of errors, then it would be better for you to stay away from chronologies until you understand from the Torah that there are four generations to the "first age" of a man: for these things are supernal and cannot be understood by the carnal minded belly walker, (O generation of vipers, lol).
1) I did not accuse the scriptures of being “full of errors.”
2) The rest of your post is nonsense.

Would you answer whether Joseph was a descendant of David’s son Nathan or David’s son Solomon?


Well-known member
Daqq writes:

1) I did not accuse the scriptures of being “full of errors.”
2) The rest of your post is nonsense.

Would you answer whether Joseph was a descendant of David’s son Nathan or David’s son Solomon?

No, it is not "nonsense", you simply do not know the Torah or the Prophets.
It appears that you actually do not understand much of anything you read.

Exodus 20:5 KJV
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Exodus 34:7 KJV
7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

Numbers 14:18 KJV
18 The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

Deuteronomy 5:9 KJV
9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

Deuteronomy 24:16 KJV
16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

Ezekiel 18:1-4 KJV
1 The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying,
2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?
3 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.
4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Ezekiel 18:19-20 KJV
19 Yet say ye, Why? doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right, and hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live.
20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

You do not get to point your finger and cry out, "contradiction! contradiction!", unless of course you only want to prove that you are indeed dead. All of the above statements are true: none of them contradict. The question is why? and how is that so? how can they all be true? If you never ask why and seek out the truth then you will never make it past your own fourth generation beast. :chuckle:
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New member
The word scripture defined:

Often, Scriptures. Also called Holy Scripture, Holy Scriptures. the sacred writings of the Old or New Testaments or both together.
(often lowercase) any writing or book, especially when of a sacred or religious nature.
(sometimes lowercase) a particular passage from the Bible; text.


the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed;
a particular system of faith and worship.

So there are many "scriptures" .... "religion" (system of faith and worship) is dependent on what one bases their beliefs on ... and there are many religions


New member
2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

1 Corinthians 2:13

which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.

2 Peter 1:20-21

But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God
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john w

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You think the Lord commanded you to take His place on the judgment seat of
Jesus Christ, yet you cannot even judge whether Nathan or Solomon was the ancestor of Joseph?

It appears you simply want to deny the truth, which is an unworthy approach for a person who claims to be a Christian.

I gave you chapter, verse, where the LORD God commands us to judge whether one is saved, by their testimony, slicing up your "argument," opinion, from your unbelieving "spirit," and what do we get from you? More changing the "argument," diversion, side stepping, dodge ball, create a moving target,moving the goal posts. That's slick, real slick....Slick as an eel slithering down the toilet.

I "deny the truth," you opinionate? No, I have "the scripture of truth," and I believe every word of it, as my final authority; I submit to its authority, do not correct it-it corrects me."It appears" that you have no truth, as you do not have "the scripture of truth," as your belief determines what the scriptures should teach, should say; if it does not, you correct it. Thus, correcting it makes you the final authority, as correcting any alleged scripture, presupposes an authority over it.

I asked, over, and over, politely, for this dishonest religious drone, to tell us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that he cites, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors.

Did our "scholar," who is helping a perfect LORD God correct His book, with all his brilliance, respond? No.

He continues to side step, tap dance, do the hokey pokey and turn all about,and wine about (fill in the blank).Bozo time, from a poser, a dishonest drone, with no faith in the bible, that God gave him.

Such fools like him are hopeless. They cannot get honest. They cannot deal with facts. They cannot handle the truth, because they do not have "the scripture of truth," do not have a "is given by inspiration" scripture, "the volume of the book"-they have a fake, expired bible. They still are of use to us, for they provide a clinic,on how to handle wolves. Ask yourself this: who is appealing to the scriptures, in an attempt to "prove," that nobody has the scriptures? Who is trying to convince the sheep/babes, that God did not preserve His pure, perfect, sure, true, sound(by definition) scriptures, by appealing to the scriptures, which the LORD God did not preserve? It's called anti thinking.....Welcome to Laodicea. And remember: sheep and wolves generally don't live in peace. But knock yourself out,if that provides you the Christmas "warm and fuzzies."

You muse:

It appears you simply want to deny the truth, which is an unworthy approach for a person who claims to be a Christian.

No, droid, listen up-my brothers in Christ would never attempt to talk me out of my faith in the KJB, God's preserved scriptures for English speaking people, like you, and all you other unbelieving bible critics/scammers/agnostics/mystics/thieves/correctors, do. The only thing that I have here, in this predominantly Christ/God rejecting world,on this grave yard called earth, is my bible. You, religious drone, are a bible rejecting/correcting, bible agnostic/mystic, a braying jacka, with no faith in God's promise to preserve His scripture, which, by scripture's own testimony, is without error,perfect, sound, true, pure, right, since its author is without error,perfect, sound, true, pure, right,whose main mission, "ministry," in life, is to talk the babes/sheep out of their faith in the bible, so that they can become as spiritually blank as you are.

I have a bible, which I believe-every word. It is perfect, pure, true, sound, right, and you, and others, have not, cannot prove otherwise. You are just too ignorant to understand it. Pray to this fake God/'god" of yours, who is, according to you, too inept/impotent to see to it that His creatures have a perfect book, to grow you a brain. That is why you imagine it to have errors, and you're too stupid to believed the LORD God, and, instead, you believe in a bunch of sinners, like yourself, who also have found no errors in the scriptures.

It's called unbelief.

TOL audience:

I have warned, for years, on this jewel of a board, that, if you are not careful, and do not bury yourself deeply into the scripture's testimony, about itself, "What saith the scriptures, about the scriptures?," you can be drawn into the madness of bible agnosticism/mysticism/expiration. I stay on topic. Bible agnosticism/mysticism/expiration is this:

Nobody can have a copy of the scriptures, that is pure, perfect, true, sound, right, that anyone can see, preach, teach, or believe. To "prove" this, these bible correctors/agnostics, dishonest religious drones, appeal to "the scriptures," that do not exist. It's called insanity....logging in, and losing your mind.They can do NADA with the book, except hurt themselves, and hurt others, if you are stupid enough to follow them into the ditch.

Am I missing something, you might ask me? Perhaps. However,at least I'm not missing the scriptures, which I have, and can press to my heart, and testify, with conviction, that I believe every word of it. It's called conviction, taking God at His word, "quit you like men"(1 Cor. 16:13 KJV, 1 Samuel 4:9 KJV).I am grateful, and thankful, that my soul/spirit rests in the hands of an all powerful, perfect, pure, sure, true, sound, right LORD God,whose word is so powerful, perfect, pure,sure true, sound, right, that earth will pass away before His word does. Apparently, these bible critics/agnostics/mystics assert that those troublesome verses re. preservation are amongst the errors.

These bible correctors deal with uncertainty, and reject what is certain. They do not believe the LORD God. There are others, in the book, who followed such a course of action....Survey Numberrs 14 ff. For those who have ears, and are able to hear, the LORD God's people do not doubt the scriptures, nor sit in judgment of the book. The book does, will correct/judge them. Tick.....tick...tick...

Rough, tough words? Yes-the bible/war is rough/tough. Accept it.

Tell us, bible correctors/mystics/agnostics: Who talked you out of your faith in the book? It certainly was not the LORD God and His book...Side bar, LORD God.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Pretending “thus saith the Lord” in some texts, where God is quoted, means the entire Bible is quoting God is silly — like claiming a newspaper article that quotes Donald Trump means the entire newspaper is quoting the President.

Have you even thought about this?
You missed it, not even knowing your own "argument," re. "canon."

No, I gave you, chapter, verse, ftrom the book, testifying, that, what the scripture saith, the LORD God saith-the book itself makes no distinction-what the book says, the LORD God says. Was scripture even "written" at the time of Exodus? Poor you-1 Cor. 2:14 KJV


Genesis 21:10 KJV

Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

Galatians 4:30 KJV

Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

What scripture says, is what the LORD God says.

Of course, the LORD God showed me this, in His word, because I believe every word, unlike you.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Pretending “thus saith the Lord” in some texts, where God is quoted, means the entire Bible is quoting God is silly — like claiming a newspaper article that quotes Donald Trump means the entire newspaper is quoting the President.

Have you even thought about this?

Have you though about telling us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that you cite, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors?

Not a peep. Fascinating, Jim.


TOL Subscriber
Hi, heir,
Do you know the 1611 KJV had more than 66 books and some were removed in the 1800s?
The book I hold in my hands has 66 and I believe it to be the pure and preserved words of the Lord as promised. We have all scripture. Thanks.


New member
I gave you chapter, verse, where the LORD God commands us to judge whether one is saved, by their testimony, slicing up your "argument," opinion, from your unbelieving "spirit," and what do we get from you? More changing the "argument," diversion, side stepping, dodge ball, create a moving target,moving the goal posts. That's slick, real slick....Slick as an eel slithering down the toilet.

I "deny the truth," you opinionate? No, I have "the scripture of truth," and I believe every word of it, as my final authority; I submit to its authority, do not correct it-it corrects me."It appears" that you have no truth, as you do not have "the scripture of truth," as your belief determines what the scriptures should teach, should say; if it does not, you correct it. Thus, correcting it makes you the final authority, as correcting any alleged scripture, presupposes an authority over it.

I asked, over, and over, politely, for this dishonest religious drone, to tell us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that he cites, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors.

Did our "scholar," who is helping a perfect LORD God correct His book, with all his brilliance, respond? No.

He continues to side step, tap dance, do the hokey pokey and turn all about,and wine about (fill in the blank).Bozo time, from a poser, a dishonest drone, with no faith in the bible, that God gave him.

Such fools like him are hopeless. They cannot get honest. They cannot deal with facts. They cannot handle the truth, because they do not have "the scripture of truth," do not have a "is given by inspiration" scripture, "the volume of the book"-they have a fake, expired bible. They still are of use to us, for they provide a clinic,on how to handle wolves. Ask yourself this: who is appealing to the scriptures, in an attempt to "prove," that nobody has the scriptures? Who is trying to convince the sheep/babes, that God did not preserve His pure, perfect, sure, true, sound(by definition) scriptures, by appealing to the scriptures, which the LORD God did not preserve? It's called anti thinking.....Welcome to Laodicea. And remember: sheep and wolves generally don't live in peace. But knock yourself out,if that provides you the Christmas "warm and fuzzies."

You muse:

No, droid, listen up-my brothers in Christ would never attempt to talk me out of my faith in the KJB, God's preserved scriptures for English speaking people, like you, and all you other unbelieving bible critics/scammers/agnostics/mystics/thieves/correctors, do. The only thing that I have here, in this predominantly Christ/God rejecting world,on this grave yard called earth, is my bible. You, religious drone, are a bible rejecting/correcting, bible agnostic/mystic, a braying jacka, with no faith in God's promise to preserve His scripture, which, by scripture's own testimony, is without error,perfect, sound, true, pure, right, since its author is without error,perfect, sound, true, pure, right,whose main mission, "ministry," in life, is to talk the babes/sheep out of their faith in the bible, so that they can become as spiritually blank as you are.

I have a bible, which I believe-every word. It is perfect, pure, true, sound, right, and you, and others, have not, cannot prove otherwise. You are just too ignorant to understand it. Pray to this fake God/'god" of yours, who is, according to you, too inept/impotent to see to it that His creatures have a perfect book, to grow you a brain. That is why you imagine it to have errors, and you're too stupid to believed the LORD God, and, instead, you believe in a bunch of sinners, like yourself, who also have found no errors in the scriptures.

It's called unbelief.

TOL audience:

I have warned, for years, on this jewel of a board, that, if you are not careful, and do not bury yourself deeply into the scripture's testimony, about itself, "What saith the scriptures, about the scriptures?," you can be drawn into the madness of bible agnosticism/mysticism/expiration. I stay on topic. Bible agnosticism/mysticism/expiration is this:

Nobody can have a copy of the scriptures, that is pure, perfect, true, sound, right, that anyone can see, preach, teach, or believe. To "prove" this, these bible correctors/agnostics, dishonest religious drones, appeal to "the scriptures," that do not exist. It's called insanity....logging in, and losing your mind.They can do NADA with the book, except hurt themselves, and hurt others, if you are stupid enough to follow them into the ditch.

Am I missing something, you might ask me? Perhaps. However,at least I'm not missing the scriptures, which I have, and can press to my heart, and testify, with conviction, that I believe every word of it. It's called conviction, taking God at His word, "quit you like men"(1 Cor. 16:13 KJV, 1 Samuel 4:9 KJV).I am grateful, and thankful, that my soul/spirit rests in the hands of an all powerful, perfect, pure, sure, true, sound, right LORD God,whose word is so powerful, perfect, pure,sure true, sound, right, that earth will pass away before His word does. Apparently, these bible critics/agnostics/mystics assert that those troublesome verses re. preservation are amongst the errors.

These bible correctors deal with uncertainty, and reject what is certain. They do not believe the LORD God. There are others, in the book, who followed such a course of action....Survey Numberrs 14 ff. For those who have ears, and are able to hear, the LORD God's people do not doubt the scriptures, nor sit in judgment of the book. The book does, will correct/judge them. Tick.....tick...tick...

Rough, tough words? Yes-the bible/war is rough/tough. Accept it.

Tell us, bible correctors/mystics/agnostics: Who talked you out of your faith in the book? It certainly was not the LORD God and His book...Side bar, LORD God.

Luke says that Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan. Matthew says Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan’s brother Solomon. Which one was it? If you believe you are powerful enough to sit on the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and decide who is a Christian and who is not, shouldn’t this be an easy question for you?


New member
Have you though about telling us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that you cite, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors?

Not a peep. Fascinating, Jim.
The church has preserved many documents through the centuries. They are valuable and provide a wealth of information. They are not perfect and never claim to be,

I prefer the 22-book New Testament of the Church of the East, a canon more ancient than the one you use. If you use the 66-book Protestant canon, that is only a couple of hundred years old. The 1611 KJV has more books.

If you are looking for a perfect Bible, you won’t find one. God never promised us a perfect book.

Luke says that Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan. Matthew says Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan’s brother Solomon. Which one was it? If you believe you are powerful enough to sit on the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and decide who is a Christian and who is not, shouldn’t this be an easy question for you?


New member
The book I hold in my hands has 66 and I believe it to be the pure and preserved words of the Lord as promised. We have all scripture. Thanks.

Thank you for your reply. I just thought that you would want to know that the 1611 KJV had more books.

And there are minor, insignificant errors in the books of the Bible, because the books were written by imperfect people. God has always used imperfect people to do His work.

An excellent example of an error (and of imperfect preservation) in the KJV is the “book of life” versus “tree of life” difference in the last chapter of Revelation. That is a very interesting example.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Luke says that Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan. Matthew says Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan’s brother Solomon. Which one was it? If you believe you are powerful enough to sit on the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and decide who is a Christian and who is not, shouldn’t this be an easy question for you?
Tell us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that he cites, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors.

Not a peep, from the admitted bible corrector/agnostic, not bible believer.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The church has preserved many documents through the centuries. They are valuable and provide a wealth of information. They are not perfect and never claim to be,

I prefer the 22-book New Testament of the Church of the East, a canon more ancient than the one you use. If you use the 66-book Protestant canon, that is only a couple of hundred years old. The 1611 KJV has more books.

If you are looking for a perfect Bible, you won’t find one. God never promised us a perfect book.

Luke says that Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan. Matthew says Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan’s brother Solomon. Which one was it? If you believe you are powerful enough to sit on the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and decide who is a Christian and who is not, shouldn’t this be an easy question for you?
Have you though about telling us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that you cite, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors?
If you are looking for a perfect Bible, you won’t find one. God never promised us a perfect book.

Yes, He did, wicked drone. I have a perfect bible in my hands, you vile, wicked pawn of the devil, as the LORD God never taught you that; the devil taught you that, as I gave you, chapter, and verse, in which to soak your satanic brain, testifying that the scriptures are perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right, and a perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right LORD God promised to preserve them, but you dishonor Him, like your daddy devil, flipping the bird at him, you demon.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Thank you for your reply. I just thought that you would want to know that the 1611 KJV had more books.

And there are minor, insignificant errors in the books of the Bible, because the books were written by imperfect people. God has always used imperfect people to do His work.

An excellent example of an error (and of imperfect preservation) in the KJV is the “book of life” versus “tree of life” difference in the last chapter of Revelation. That is a very interesting example.
Tell us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that you cite, and define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors.

Silencio, as the devil has a gag order on him.
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Well-known member
Perfect example of using the letter to kill the message, like his god johnboy uses the fear card to bash and beat down his perceived enemy who doesn't worship the letter/shadow 2Cor 3:6, and proclaims to know and teach the mystery of Christ within yet is still time bound by traditions of men that stumble over the unconditional love of reconciliation a finished work before the foundation of his world, like Matt 11:11 tells him how to interpret the birth of Christ in him he babbles on about the pure letter that portrays Galatians 3:1-5 flesh and blood sacrifices as spiritual substance, yet even the letter tells him those are figurative examples Galatians 4:24 and has no Spiritual merit or relevance when taken literally except to the sons of Hagar which is clearly his state of vanity and bondage Galatians 4:1, looking into times because he also is in bondage to time Matt 11:3, a pile of? well Paul explains it in Philippians in his progression to 1John 4:18.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Perfect example of using the letter to kill the message, like his god johnboy uses the fear card to bash and beat down his perceived enemy who doesn't worship the letter/shadow 2Cor 3:6, and proclaims to know and teach the mystery of Christ within yet is still time bound by traditions of men that stumble over the unconditional love of reconciliation a finished work before the foundation of his world, like Matt 11:11 tells him how to interpret the birth of Christ in him he babbles on about the pure letter that portrays Galatians 3:1-5 flesh and blood sacrifices as spiritual substance, yet even the letter tells him those are figurative examples Galatians 4:24 and has no Spiritual merit or relevance when taken literally except to the sons of Hagar which is clearly his state of vanity and bondage Galatians 4:1, looking into times because he also is in bondage to time Matt 11:3, a pile of? well Paul explains it in Philippians in his progression to 1John 4:18.

Real tough guy, are you Zekie, with that "johnboy" zinger, sweetie. Feel better about yourself? You're a mutt, a clown, in a parade of clowns, who was not qualified to weigh in on the subject, as your "act" on TOL is imitating Oprah, and you have contributed NADA, punk, to "What saith the scriptures, about the scriptures?" issue.

Merry Christmas, loser, and take your seat, until I recognize you, not being in my league, and remember...Your fake, made up "god" loves you, and so does Satan/Santa Claus.

Moron. You're beginning to bore us with your drive by satanic shootings.


Well-known member
Perfect example of using the letter to kill the message, like his god johnboy uses the fear card to bash and beat down his perceived enemy who doesn't worship the letter/shadow 2Cor 3:6, and proclaims to know and teach the mystery of Christ within yet is still time bound by traditions of men that stumble over the unconditional love of reconciliation a finished work before the foundation of his world, like Matt 11:11 tells him how to interpret the birth of Christ in him he babbles on about the pure letter that portrays Galatians 3:1-5 flesh and blood sacrifices as spiritual substance, yet even the letter tells him those are figurative examples Galatians 4:24 and has no Spiritual merit or relevance when taken literally except to the sons of Hagar which is clearly his state of vanity and bondage Galatians 4:1, looking into times because he also is in bondage to time Matt 11:3, a pile of? well Paul explains it in Philippians in his progression to 1John 4:18.

No. You are wrong and ignorant of the very scriptures that say you must live by. You are making a false dichotomy as if one and the other cannot coincide. :nono: In fact, it has to be both. Read Matthew 4:4 You cannot love the Lord, without loving the words of the Lord ELSE, you are just loving yourself and your own thoughts and life. John 12:25


Well-known member
Real tough guy, are you Zekie, with that "johnboy" zinger, sweetie. Feel better about yourself? You're a mutt, a clown, in a parade of clowns, who was not qualified to weigh in on the subject, as your "act" on TOL is imitating Oprah, and you have contributed NADA, punk, to "What saith the scriptures, about the scriptures?" issue.

Merry Christmas, loser, and take your seat, until I recognize you, not being in my league, and remember...Your fake, made up "god" loves you, and so does Satan/Santa Claus.

Moron. You're beginning to bore us with your drive by satanic shootings.

Na that's you're role on here to keep that type of energy fed.