How can one even begin to do that without being born again? And then how can one do it without the power of Pentecost in his life?
One can not...
It would be very rare...
Not in these times...
I suspect that you just rebutted your previous accusation which you directed at me a few pages back... I deserve worse accusations, mind you... But some of yours are simply mistaken...
So thank-you...
But back to the OP -
So the Old Testament Saints were not born again, they were not Baptized into Christ, they had no Pentecost of the Holy Spirit, and they were far, far greater than the likes of us will ever be as human persons... The had more of the Holy Spirit than most of us will ever pretend to even imagine [it cannot BE imagined, mind you]... They walked in Power unknown to us... Who, with Elijah, has closed the heavens of late for 3 years and 6 months as a punishment for an unrighteous king? Who has brought a dead son of a widow back to life? Who has brought God's Fire down upon a Sacrifice?
So what is it that the Christian Baptized into the Kingdom of Heaven (following his having begun repenting in response to the Call of God Who foreknew and preselected him) HAS that makes him or her GREATER THAN these OT Prophets and Saints who wielded so much more POWER than this Baptized Christian?
You CANNOT SAY the Holy Spirit, for they all were drenched in the Holy Spirit...
And you cannot say Christ in Spirit, for they all SPOKE with the pre-incarnate Christ, the Word of God, a lot in Spirit...
And you cannot say Christ in the Flesh, because Christ departed at His Ascension into Heaven (to come again)...
And you cannot say that the Christian has simply committed himself to Christ and had a Spiritual experience confirming it privately...
And the answer is that the Baptized Christian is a New Creation IN Christ,
Who not only has had all his sins washed away in the Baptismal waters...
Who not only has been filled with the Holy Spirit through Anointing...
But who also is now a NEW PERSON in Christ...
Whose Nous is not only illumined as was that of Adam before the Fall...
But whose very PERSON, his hypostasis, which stands under ALL that he or she ever does, is now joined together with the Hypostasis, the very Person, of Christ-God... NOT in Power, but in Person...
It is THIS New Creation, because it is joined together with Christ, that is, because of that fact, GREATER THAN ANY of those Great Prophets and Saints of the Old Testament...
This is why Scripture tells us we are "Baptized INTO Christ..."
And ONLY Christ can Baptize you into Himself...
And He does so bodily by human fleshy hands...
As He Himself was Baptized in Jordan's waters...
By the man, John the Baptist...
As was Paul baptized into Christ...
At the hands of Ananias...
Who filled him with the Holy Spirit...