Would you say that the OT Saints had the indwelling Holy Spirit or was the Holy Spirit intimately and individually upon them?
Inside and outside...
Glowing, in the case of Moses...
Abiding in them...
As did the Dove upon Christ...
Come down from the opened heavens...
As He emerged from Jordan River's waters...
The BOUNDARY of the Promised Land...
What is the Orthodox view of the distinction of Pentecost in this regard?
Others can explain it better than I, yet by God's Grace perhaps we can inquire...
The Jews crossed the Jordan after their Baptism in the Red Sea and their wanderings in the wilderness, seeking the God-Promised Land of their inheritance... And it was only AFTER they entered the Promised Land that they encountered the Giants, Goliath being the Typos... And all feared this Goliath, who strutted back and forth in all his strength and mocked them grievously...
Until David...
A little shepherd-boy king-to-be...
Who looked upon Goliath and his arrogance...
And remember? He became indignant!
We all know how he took Goliath's head...
Well, the Faithful were all Baptized into Christ at His Ascension, but they were too weak to BEAR the further things which Christ had yet to teach them... And these teachings are those of the hard and narrow way of humility in suffering... And it is this which the Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost gave to them... POWER to overcome the giants of the opposing demonic forces into which they were being thrust, as Apostles of Christ... The power to rejoice in their infirmities to the Glory of God, where His Power is PERFECTED in human weakness...
Pentecost also gave to them the speaking in tongues, which was as a Sign to them, and served to identify the People of God... Yet moreso, as Paul exhorted them, to prophesy, the greater Gift of the Spirit, not readily given, yet attainable to those earnestly seeking and willing to co-suffer with Paul as with Christ, "...as it were, appointed unto death..."
But what they HAVE, that the OT Saints did NOT have, is not the Holy Spirit saturating them, but much more...
They have UNION with the Hypostasis of the Risen Christ IN THEIR OWN hypostasis...
There comes a union of the person being baptized into Christ with the Person of Christ Himself,
and this
co-en-Hypostatic UNION in Baptism INTO Christ
IS the
New Creation
we BECOME in the Baptismal Waters of Regeneration...
NOT in POWER do we become one with Christ in Baptism,
But One in Person with the Son of God incarnate and ascended...
The more we become less our selves in self-denial...
The more we become Christ-in-us...
And in this, the very flesh-body of Christ gains increase...
Every time a believer is Baptized by that Body into that Body...
The acquisition of the Power of the Holy Spirit, following Pentecost, is a function of God's purposing conjoined with the person's willingness to follow Christ in ascending the Cross, as "appointed unto death"...
And it is in this that we regain the beauty which Adam lost...
When he turned from God to self in the Garden...
And in the shame of his ugliness...
He sought to hide from God...