Me too!![]()
It is a jargon foreign to my ears...
Oh... OK... I thought that was kinda the whole point of the difference between Old and New Testament Salvation... eg That we receive something different in the New that the Old did not bestow...
Yes - That is VERY foreign to my ears... We understand that Christ, in His incarnation, took on Him-SELF the WHOLE human nature which He received from the Blessed Virgin... And in this ONE human nature He lived utterly without sin and thereby overcame death in THAT particular body, His Own... And ONLY in His Own Body... Not in yours or mine or any of His contemporaries...
And that is why, when He died on the Cross and descended into Hades, [where John the Forerunner was already foretelling His imminent arrival to those therein], He was able, in His human nature, to OVERCOME DEATH AND HADES, and release those held there by the power of death...
It is because He ONLY overcame Death in Himself that we who are to be saved need to be baptized INTO HIM becoming members of His Body, the Ekklesia, which continues in Him upon this earth after He ascended to the Father... (And He shall come again...)
So we see nothing vicarious in this at all, but instead see Christ our God coming for us and saving us from the wiles of the enemy that seeks our total destruction along with himself (or ITself, which is probably more accurate...)
So that He did not die vicariously in our place, but died sinlessly so as to overcome Death by His Death on the Cross, into which we are baptized, that we should follow Him, taking up our own crosses daily in denial of self, and calling on the Name of the Lord...
A little different from your formulaics, this one, yes?
I Agree With Much Of That As Jesus Overcame Death And Sin. "Dying" Sinless, In That Jesus Lived Without Sin As a Man. However, Moments Before Death He Felt The Sin of The World, Past, Present, Future; Briefly Separated From The Father. Impossible To Fathom The Weight Of The Sins Of Mankind. Mine Alone, Carried So Much