Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I don't imagine anything,
I live here and describe to
you what is going on.
You describe what you think is going on. But I'm a recovered alcoholic, and believe me, I know only too well how what one thinks is going on can be very different from what's actually going on.
You don't choose to be poor,
but you do choose to drop out
of school and you then disadvantage
yourself. You may be born poor,
but you have to choose to be stupid.
And the fact is many choose to be smart
when they are poor and they wind up
with good jobs just like the Highway
Patrol Captain and get out of poverty.
The classic assumption of a capitalist society is to assume that the cause poverty is a lack of money. When a lack of money is really just a symptom of poverty. The cause of poverty in injustice turned into hopelessness. And that process can happen very early in the lives of people who have been born into multiple generations of injustice and oppression, brought on by a skin color that they can do nothing about.

You make the assumption that a kid drops out of school because he's lazy, or arrogant, or because he lacks ambition and character. But you ignore the fact that he likely never had those gifts to begin with. All he ever really had was hopelessness, and despair, and neglect. From your perspective school leads to good jobs. But from his perspective nothing will ever lead to a good job. So why bother? He's learned to reject education before he could even learn to appreciate it. That's the trap of poverty. It not only takes away ambition and character, it denies them before they can even manifest.

The truth is that a high school diploma will not get a black man a job doing anything but being a lowly servant his whole life, and it won't pay him enough to support himself or a family: to live like a man. You think an education is great because for you, it can be. But that's just not true for a black man in a society that still fears and distrusts black men. You think because some black men find their way over this very high wall, that the wall doesn't matter, and is being used as an excuse, but that's the lie the wall-builders tell, to justify themselves, and their greed, and their prejudice, and the damage they are doing to others because of it.


do you mean 'they' are just arrested without cause?
and who is the 'we' in your scenario?
The we is our society. The police state we evolved into as a nation. The they is anyone the police target. And that means millions of teens. Without cause is an interesting concept. If a cop wants to arrest a person they will find sufficient cause. I mean no disrespect to the many fine officers serving their communities. I do, however, know how they are trained. It is a rough business and there are bad apples on every force.

Fiat Tenebris

New member
You are right Delmar, should I remove the word queer and keep the phrase antisocial, or remove the word antisocial and keep the word queer? Or should we just go back to her drooling over men and babbling about men she is not married to making her "hot"?

One would think in a Christian forum, that a moderator like yourself would think it reasonable that I thank another forum member for offering to pray for the safety of my son and the men he is working with? One would think that a man like yourself would object to someone criticizing me for thanking that person for his prayers? If I have read you wrong, please explain?

Are you ranting about those naughty objects on legs again? I've already read most of that piffle.

A "hot men" thread isn't personally to my taste either - if you could point me to a quote where you damned the hot women thread I'd retract my comment and apologise.


New member
You describe what you think is going on. But I'm a recovered alcoholic, and believe me, I know only too well how what one thinks is going on can be very different from what's actually going on.

This is true. Not all perception is the reality.

The classic assumption of a capitalist society is to assume that the cause poverty is a lack of money. When a lack of money is really just a symptom of poverty. The cause of poverty in injustice turned into hopelessness. And that process can happen very early in the lives of people who have been born into multiple generations of injustice and oppression, brought on by a skin color that they can do nothing about.

That can happen late in life as well. There is a great deal of discrimination against older people trying to get work in favor of younger folks. An illegal alien is often hired before someone in their 50's, 60's or 70's.

You make the assumption that a kid drops out of school because he's lazy, or arrogant, or because he lacks ambition and character. But you ignore the fact that he likely never had those gifts to begin with. All he ever really had was hopelessness, and despair, and neglect. From your perspective school leads to good jobs. But from his perspective nothing will ever lead to a good job. So why bother? He's learned to reject education before he could even learn to appreciate it. That's the trap of poverty. It not only takes away ambition and character, it denies them before they can even manifest.

There are so many programs now Purex that are helping to break that cycle by teaching parents to teach their children that they have value and can have better lives through employment. TMPOV it always boils down to the parents and faith in God.

The truth is that a high school diploma will not get a black man a job doing anything but being a lowly servant his whole life, and it won't pay him enough to support himself or a family: to live like a man.

That's not true. A high school diploma is a good start and even if folks don't have the money for a college education, there are good paying jobs available. If Obama would get his foot off the neck of America's small businesses and penalize big companies taking their manufacturing oversees, there would be more jobs. If I were to tell what you have stated here to the man who owns the Ford dealership in town, he'd tell you something not so nice. He has no college degree and he started his life in a Kentucky shack. He went to high school and he studied and he started working for an auto dealer as a detailer. He sold my husband and I several cars over the years and is a whole lot better off financially than my husband and I will ever be. I know a lot of black men who work hard in the blue collar sector and they do very well.

You think an education is great because for you, it can be. But that's just not true for a black man in a society that still fears and distrusts black men. You think because some black men find their way over this very high wall, that the wall doesn't matter, and is being used as an excuse, but that's the lie the wall-builders tell, to justify themselves, and their greed, and their prejudice, and the damage they are doing to others because of it.

I won't say that you're not right about this because you are. I will say though that black men and women don't have to give the wall power in their lives. They are valuable assets to our society's workforce. There are businesses out there that know this. I remember seeing an angry woman screaming that Michael Brown was going to college and was going to make something of himself. Then what in tarnation was that boy doing robbing and accosting a man? He had more to live for than that. He had a choice.
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New member
I don't like to make a noisy entrance. After 3 years of house burglary, some habits stay with you.

[I'm joking, I was a catnapper]

And I've confirmed that you haven't introduced yourself in the Newbie section. It's not mandatory and folks don't consider it anything more than what it is. It is, however, a better way to start off here at TOL because folks tend to be suspicious around here for some reason. I don't know, it might have something to do with sock accounts and repeat appearances of banned members jumping into the middle of threads. I'm not saying that you fit the bill in either case or that you're not the least bit legit so please don't get me wrong on that. I was just explaining. If you don't want to go there, that's fine. I will still offer my hand in welcome. Don't much care for your choice of car though. My sister had a Fiat and it was nasty. LOL (just kidding)
I'm a little rusty with my latin....let there be light?


New member
Hall of Fame
I think it's more about poverty than race, though in a way it makes it about race due to the extreme inequity where blacks are concerned.

Its about lack of morality, not poverty. If it was about poverty, most small towns across america would be hotbeds of crime and thats simply not the case.


New member
Hall of Fame
More than a dozen witnesses back up cop’s version of Ferguson shooting, police sources say

CNN reported Monday on a phone call to a talk radio show over the weekend in which a caller claiming to be a friend of the officer tells a story that backs up police accounts that the Ferguson, Mo., shooting resulted from a struggle for the officer’s weapon started by shooting victim Michael Brown.

The caller said Brown not only tussled with the officer, causing the gun to go off, before running. When the officer with gun drawn ordered him to halt, the caller said, Brown turned and rushed the officer.

That was when the officer shot Brown six times, the caller said. The final, fatal bullet struck bullet struck Brown in the top of the head, indicating his head was down, backing up the caller’s contention that he was rushing the officer when the shooting took place.

The version is now being backed up being backed up by numerous witnesses, the Blaze reported late Monday, citing a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
read more at link


New member
What is important for you to remember is that what is in my heart can only be seen by God and you are not He.

Congratulations, you finally
wrote something true, it was bound
to happen, even a broken clock is
right twice a day. I can't see what
is in your heart, all I can see is
your drool.


New member
The classic assumption of a capitalist society is to assume that the cause poverty is a lack of money. .

I don't make assumptions,
and the cause of poverty
in this country is a lack of
being raised by a responsible
father, who teaches you to
stay in school and teaches you
to work hard, so you can stop
being poor. If the father knows
how to teach these things, then
the kid would not be in poverty
in the first place. Skin color has
nothing to do with it. Having
babies out of wedlock and no father
around to raise them has the same
effect on whites, they turn into

A good father does not just instill
hope, he instills skills and rational
thinking, and most important of all
he instills initiative.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...I can't see what is in your heart, all I can see is your drool.
You might have a stickmatism. :eek:

I don't make assumptions, and the cause of poverty in this country is a lack of being raised by a responsible father...
You know, you really come up with the best arguments against you.

...I was a catnapper]
How do the wages compare to dog walking?

And for the obligatory OP bit: I wonder how long it's going to take to identify and round up the criminals dialed in to take advantage?


New member
Are you ranting about those naughty objects on legs again? I've already read most of that piffle.

A "hot men" thread isn't personally to my taste either - if you could point me to a quote where you damned the hot women thread I'd retract my comment and apologise.

Or you could keep your apology,
and grow up enough to realize
there is a difference between a
non married person talking about
what they are attracted to and
a married person drooling over
someone other than her husband? :idunno:


New member
You know, you really come up with the best arguments against you.

Yes, because inner city minorities
raised with no father do so much
better on the socio-economic scale
than whites raised by
responsible fathers. You really
are stupider than IMJ looks.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes, because inner city minorities raised with no father do so much better on the socio-economic scale than whites raised by responsible fathers.
The better comparison would have been between minorities reared with and without a father over a strata of similar economic circumstances.

But then you couldn't have worked in all that inferential racist nonsense. So I can see the conflict for you. :plain:

You really are stupider than IMJ looks.
Where with you manners and IQ are in a dead heat...emphasis on the dead, especially from the clavicle up.


New member
The truth is that a high school diploma will not get a black man a job doing anything but being a lowly servant his whole life, and it won't pay him enough to support himself or a family: to live like a man.

There are millions of entrepreneurs
in this country of different races,
that do NOT have a college degree.
The evidence does not back your
assertions. College is not the only
answer, just one of them.


New member
Why is it that there is still riots and looting? Just looking for an excuse?

The police have not focused
on arresting looters, they are
focused on harassing the media
and displaying a show of force
to peaceful protesters. All the while
more and more outsiders show up
to loot and destroy.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Either way the facts remain.
Which? Yours or the actual, empirical sort?

But you are welcome to stay inside your bubble and pretend.
Nah, I'd rather take a hard look at all of it and the people who tend to generalize from their bias instead, like you. Now you had a good post a while back in response to fool, but the incessant drumming on the off handed (and by no reasonable stretch serious) bit by IMJ is only a little less ridiculous than your racially biased horsefeathers in your last.

So there. :plain: