You describe what you think is going on. But I'm a recovered alcoholic, and believe me, I know only too well how what one thinks is going on can be very different from what's actually going on.I don't imagine anything,
I live here and describe to
you what is going on.
The classic assumption of a capitalist society is to assume that the cause poverty is a lack of money. When a lack of money is really just a symptom of poverty. The cause of poverty in injustice turned into hopelessness. And that process can happen very early in the lives of people who have been born into multiple generations of injustice and oppression, brought on by a skin color that they can do nothing about.You don't choose to be poor,
but you do choose to drop out
of school and you then disadvantage
yourself. You may be born poor,
but you have to choose to be stupid.
And the fact is many choose to be smart
when they are poor and they wind up
with good jobs just like the Highway
Patrol Captain and get out of poverty.
You make the assumption that a kid drops out of school because he's lazy, or arrogant, or because he lacks ambition and character. But you ignore the fact that he likely never had those gifts to begin with. All he ever really had was hopelessness, and despair, and neglect. From your perspective school leads to good jobs. But from his perspective nothing will ever lead to a good job. So why bother? He's learned to reject education before he could even learn to appreciate it. That's the trap of poverty. It not only takes away ambition and character, it denies them before they can even manifest.
The truth is that a high school diploma will not get a black man a job doing anything but being a lowly servant his whole life, and it won't pay him enough to support himself or a family: to live like a man. You think an education is great because for you, it can be. But that's just not true for a black man in a society that still fears and distrusts black men. You think because some black men find their way over this very high wall, that the wall doesn't matter, and is being used as an excuse, but that's the lie the wall-builders tell, to justify themselves, and their greed, and their prejudice, and the damage they are doing to others because of it.