Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


New member
You are a nut, there are
5 S.W.A.T. vehicles in Fergustan,
and 290 police cars.

You are a whackadoodle that
knows nothing about St. Louis,
and you don't know anyone
on SLPD. No such agency, liar.
Cold busted again.:dunce: :rotfl:

The term is SLMPD.


Oh good grief. Busted eh? You're funny. The folks I know work for the Saint Louis County Police Department if you want to be all formal about it.

"whackadoodle" Isn't that what CW calls me?


New member
I don't really want stats. Statistics are a field given to much ambiguity for many reasons. They may or may not have any relation to fact or reality.

It's undeniable that there's an epidemic of single-mom families, and that includes blacks. Why can't we represent the truth of racIAL facts without resorting to it being considered racIST.

I have no malicious hatred of intent by saying such things, and they must be applied equitably to all people groups. Ethnicity is just a descriptive field like a spreadsheet header for a column. It needn't be automatic hate-mongering.

I'm a volunteer Prison Chaplain, and its a bare fact that there's a larger number of blacks incarcerated than other races. That points up a concern to focus attention for resolution of inequities, not an opportunity to insist I'm a racist for daring mention skin pigmentation.

Genetically, the amount of melanin in the cells for skin coloration is amongst the smallest distinction between humans. Identical twins are more different than blacks and whites in this context. So I think it's vital to recognize the objective truths of race as one of the components in evaluating causal factors to determine effective solutions.

Why can't we embrace THAT mentality instead of alleged tolerance, especially as professing Christians?

I minister to more blacks in county jails and state prisons than any other race. I serve them by washing them with the water of the Word, and we have a true and mutual agape love. And part of that includes addressing race openly with much love. It's the only way.

You are wasting your
time with this nutter.
You could tell her that
73% of all NBA players
are black, and she would
call you a racist, and then
you would say no, that is
the NBA.

I could tell her I had a black
Corvette and it was the worst
car I have had, and the nutter
would cry, "that's RACIST".

They can't hear NO FATHER
in the Child's LIFE, they only
hear what they want to hear.

2 Corinthians 4:4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We know it is hard for libtards like you to realize that inner city violence is 9 times more likely to be BLACK on BLACK, not white on white.
I'm neither a liberal or someone who is unaware of the horrific problem of violence in poor, disproportionately black communities. I'm also not the one who said this had nothing to do with race. You did that. And to use your parlance/litmus, you lied when you said it.

The reason you did was because I'd caught sight of something that in immediate retrospect made you uncomfortable with your rhetoric:
Yes, because inner city minorities raised with no father do so much better on the socio-economic scale than whites raised by responsible fathers.
Everyone see what he did there or should I note it again?

And yet I tell you it is not the color of their skin, but the fact that 87 percent of them grow up in a home without a father, and then you cry racist?
Then no reason to note race at all. I believe you want to think you're free of some of that coloring your bias, but the way you make associations doesn't really help you on the point and your quick, illogical denial of what you'd written, I suspect, is the essentially decent part of you trying to rationalize the influence.

What are you,a white version of Sharpton?
No. I am a guy who worked among the poor for years, who in my state are (a microcosm) disproportionately black. I worked with the AG's office and in the private sector dealing with the effects and problems associated with poverty. I'm a guy who has had a gun or two aimed in my direction in anger as a VAWA lawyer in some of those communities and who spent years dealing with predatory lenders and criminally negligent landlords, as well as habitual dead beats and irresponsible, under-educated and violent repeat offenders. During my legal studies I worked with inner city gang members at a last stop educational boot camp.

So I get the problems of poverty and violence within a large segment of the black community. I've brushed up against it, seen the impact of it and the efforts by so many to escape it.

That said, too many people seem vested in trying to make this particular event some sort of socio-political watershed. Not every policeman who shoots an unarmed suspect is a villain or every black man killed by one a martyr. Nor is lethal violence against an unarmed teen something we should fail to examine with a fine tooth comb or fail to wonder at, publicly. It seems on the face of it excessive and troublesome, as does the police response to initially peaceful protest.

I suspect, when all the facts are in and the long dark night of this town's soul is ended what we will be left with is a confluence of mistakes, assumptions and tragic, preventable consequence. But until we have sworn testimony and actual, authenticated evidence to look at the rest of all of this, my part included, is really so much sound and fury...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We know it is hard for
libtards like you to realize
that inner city violence is
9 times more likely to be
BLACK on BLACK, not white on
white. And yet I tell you it is not
the color of their skin, but the fact
that 87 percent of them grow up in
a home without a father, and then
you cry racist? What are you,
a white version of Sharpton?

Aright, you want to show some thinking ability? Why would I say it is more about sex than race?
You stated part of the answer in your response


New member
What a bunch of bull.


Research shows that, in many inner-city African American neighborhoods, nearly 70 percent of the children will go to bed tonight without their father present. Further, African American men have a higher death rate, a lower life expectancy, and a greater incidence of serious diseases than males in other ethnic groups. There are more African American men in prison than there are on American college campuses. The average real income for African American males ages 20 to 24 has fallen by 50 percent since 1988. Other than through sports and entertainment, the American culture’s ways of gaining community and family influence have been less available for them."

Alrightie! So the CDC and the Pew Research Center are full of bull. Noted. :plain:


New member
That said, too many people seem vested in trying to make this particular event some sort of socio-political watershed. Not every policeman who shoots an unarmed suspect is a villain or every black man killed by one a martyr. Nor is lethal violence against an unarmed teen something we should fail to examine with a fine tooth comb or fail to wonder at, publicly. It seems on the face of it excessive and troublesome, as does the police response to initially peaceful protest.

I suspect, when all the facts are in and the long dark night of this town's soul is ended what we will be left with is a confluence of mistakes, assumptions and tragic, preventable consequence. But until we have sworn testimony and actual, authenticated evidence to look at the rest of all of this, my part included, is really so much sound and fury...

Everything you said that
is not in bold above, seems
possible if not reasonable.

The problem with your statement
about the "unarmed" is ridiculous,
particularly when you have
been punched by a 260 pound 18 year
old and had your face fractured. An unarmed
160 lb. man can generate lethal force
with his hands and feet. A 260 lb.
man can kill you with one blow.


New member
I'm a volunteer Prison Chaplain, and its a bare fact that there's a larger number of blacks incarcerated than other races. That points up a concern to focus attention for resolution of inequities, not an opportunity to insist I'm a racist for daring mention skin pigmentation.

Was the quote yours? No. I was not calling you a racist.


New member
I'm neither a liberal or someone who is unaware of the horrific problem of violence in poor, disproportionately black communities. I'm also not the one who said this had nothing to do with race. You did that. And to use your parlance/litmus, you lied when you said it.

The reason you did was because I'd caught sight of something that in immediate retrospect made you uncomfortable with your rhetoric:

Everyone see what he did there or should I note it again?

Then no reason to note race at all. I believe you want to think you're free of some of that coloring your bias, but the way you make associations doesn't really help you on the point and your quick, illogical denial of what you'd written, I suspect, is the essentially decent part of you trying to rationalize the influence.

No. I am a guy who worked among the poor for years, who in my state are (a microcosm) disproportionately black. I worked with the AG's office and in the private sector dealing with the effects and problems associated with poverty. I'm a guy who has had a gun or two aimed in my direction in anger as a VAWA lawyer in some of those communities and who spent years dealing with predatory lenders and criminally negligent landlords, as well as habitual dead beats and irresponsible, under-educated and violent repeat offenders. During my legal studies I worked with inner city gang members at a last stop educational boot camp.

So I get the problems of poverty and violence within a large segment of the black community. I've brushed up against it, seen the impact of it and the efforts by so many to escape it.

That said, too many people seem vested in trying to make this particular event some sort of socio-political watershed. Not every policeman who shoots an unarmed suspect is a villain or every black man killed by one a martyr. Nor is lethal violence against an unarmed teen something we should fail to examine with a fine tooth comb or fail to wonder at, publicly. It seems on the face of it excessive and troublesome, as does the police response to initially peaceful protest.

I suspect, when all the facts are in and the long dark night of this town's soul is ended what we will be left with is a confluence of mistakes, assumptions and tragic, preventable consequence. But until we have sworn testimony and actual, authenticated evidence to look at the rest of all of this, my part included, is really so much sound and fury...

You worked as a VAWA lawyer? Awesome!!!!


Well-known member
and maybe he actually stole something
You do realize, I hope, that even if he stole something, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with his being shot and killed. Stealing something cannot justify his being killed in any way. It doesn't even mitigate it, except in the minds of idiots and bigots..


You do realize, I hope, that even if he stole something, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with his being shot and killed. Stealing something cannot justify his being killed in any way. It doesn't even mitigate it, except in the minds of idiots and bigots..

Stealing set it in motion. Cause and effect.


New member
You do realize, I hope, that even if he stole something, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with his being shot and killed. Stealing something cannot justify his being killed in any way. It doesn't even mitigate it, except in the minds of idiots and bigots..

I think it's already been discussed that Brown got shot because he attacked the officer.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You worked as a VAWA lawyer? Awesome!!!!
I think my wife's least favorite moment was reading a description of the opposing part in one that included the phrase "carries a sawed off shotgun"... I worked about three or four years as a VAWA lawyer with the commiserate stories, like the one involving a fellow who worked for GP, who stood about six six, three bills, rushing across a twenty yard space outside of a courtroom toward my client, all of five three and about a hundred and ten. It ended with a tangle of deputies...strange, satisfying days.

Everything you said that is not in bold above, seems possible if not reasonable.
Everything I wrote was both. We shouldn't rush to assume anything in a case like this. Police have done horrible and illegal things before and many a dead man a their hands is a felon whose death is warranted by circumstance.

The problem with your statement about the "unarmed" is ridiculous, particularly when you have been punched by a 260 pound 18 year old and had your face fractured.
One part of one narrative does not the unassailable truth make.

An unarmed 160 lb. man can generate lethal force with his hands and feet. A 260 lb. man can kill you with one blow.
And a man trained in how to approach, restrain and drop a suspect then shooting that suspect repeatedly until he is dead is, at the very least, reason to raise an eyebrow and investigate.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why was he shot?
Well he had not much to validate himself, so, he had a 'macho' act going on. He would not move off the road.

The policeman had some the same attitude, in a way. He was not going to dismiss his authority over some punk kid, and that seems the hidden reason.

It is more related to identity as authoritative figure and the refusal of that authority than to the race issue


Well-known member
Why was he shot?
Well he had not much to validate himself, so, he had a 'macho' act going on. He would not move off the road.

The policeman had some the same attitude, in a way. He was not going to dismiss his authority over some punk kid, and that seems the hidden reason.

It is more related to identity as authoritative figure and the refusal of that authority than to the race issue
That's what gets cops in trouble all the time. They're taught to keep the "upper hand" at all times, and so they don't understand that there are some scenarios when the best solution is to just back off.


New member
I think my wife's least favorite moment was reading a description of the opposing part in one that included the phrase "carries a sawed off shotgun"... I worked about three or four years as a VAWA lawyer with the commiserate stories, like the one involving a fellow who worked for GP, who stood about six six, three bills, rushing across a twenty yard space outside of a courtroom toward my client, all of five three and about a hundred and ten. It ended with a tangle of deputies...strange, satisfying days.

My friend who served as a VAWA officer for a couple years said the same sort of thing. She found it very satisfying but stressful.