Then why does it matter to so many people here that he be guilty of stealing a pack of cheap cigars?
Character issue.
Then why does it matter to so many people here that he be guilty of stealing a pack of cheap cigars?
That's what gets cops in trouble all the time. They're taught to keep the "upper hand" at all times, and so they don't understand that there are some scenarios when the best solution is to just back off.
Came across this, real nice, its ok to loot, but they should be doing it in white
‘Loot … and rob them, not your own'; Twitter users advise black people to loot white neighborhoods
It'd make more of a political/social statement...but if you thought police response was bad now................:dizzy:
Well if there's one thing a number of people around here can't be accused of it's interjecting class into the debate.ha ha, never happen, and that is more class than race. We do have a class system in USA
Well if there's one thing a number of people around here can't be accused of it's interjecting class into the debate.lain:
I don't really want stats. Statistics are a field given to much ambiguity for many reasons. They may or may not have any relation to fact or reality.
It's undeniable that there's an epidemic of single-mom families, and that includes blacks. Why can't we represent the truth of racIAL facts without resorting to it being considered racIST.
I have no malicious hatred of intent by saying such things, and they must be applied equitably to all people groups. Ethnicity is just a descriptive field like a spreadsheet header for a column. It needn't be automatic hate-mongering.
I'm a volunteer Prison Chaplain, and its a bare fact that there's a larger number of blacks incarcerated than other races. That points up a concern to focus attention for resolution of inequities, not an opportunity to insist I'm a racist for daring mention skin pigmentation.
Genetically, the amount of melanin in the cells for skin coloration is amongst the smallest distinction between humans. Identical twins are more different than blacks and whites in this context. So I think it's vital to recognize the objective truths of race as one of the components in evaluating causal factors to determine effective solutions.
Why can't we embrace THAT mentality instead of alleged tolerance, especially as professing Christians?
I minister to more blacks in county jails and state prisons than any other race. I serve them by washing them with the water of the Word, and we have a true and mutual agape love. And part of that includes addressing race openly with much love. It's the only way.
I don't really want stats. Statistics are a field given to much ambiguity for many reasons. They may or may not have any relation to fact or reality.
It's undeniable that there's an epidemic of single-mom families, and that includes blacks. Why can't we represent the truth of racIAL facts without resorting to it being considered racIST.
I have no malicious hatred of intent by saying such things, and they must be applied equitably to all people groups. Ethnicity is just a descriptive field like a spreadsheet header for a column. It needn't be automatic hate-mongering.
I'm a volunteer Prison Chaplain, and its a bare fact that there's a larger number of blacks incarcerated than other races. That points up a concern to focus attention for resolution of inequities, not an opportunity to insist I'm a racist for daring mention skin pigmentation.
Genetically, the amount of melanin in the cells for skin coloration is amongst the smallest distinction between humans. Identical twins are more different than blacks and whites in this context. So I think it's vital to recognize the objective truths of race as one of the components in evaluating causal factors to determine effective solutions.
Why can't we embrace THAT mentality instead of alleged tolerance, especially as professing Christians?
I minister to more blacks in county jails and state prisons than any other race. I serve them by washing them with the water of the Word, and we have a true and mutual agape love. And part of that includes addressing race openly with much love. It's the only way.
Whatever the may have/may not have scenario in the store, Brown assaulted the officer and walked away. Then he turned to "bumrush" the assaulted officer.
Was the police pre-maturely militarized? Yes.
Are the police and other jurisdictions purposely escalating and taking advantage of the opportunity to assault innocents? Yes.
Is it provoking other idiots to stupid actions? Yes.
Are all individuals STILL responsible for their own illegal actions? Yes.
Is this being used to promote unrest and instability as another trial-run for martial law on a local level? Yes.
Is the media being controlled and manipulated? Yes.
Are constitutional civil rights being violated? Yes.
Is it ALL for the purpose of inciting class warfare via racial tension? Yes.
Then why does it matter to so many people here that he be guilty of stealing a pack of cheap cigars?
Was the quote yours? No. I was not calling you a racist.
The Michael Brown shooting happened preemptively?
I'm looking at Christian media sources.
Did you show them an ID to enter the prison? Better think carefully about that answer seeing your past claims about a legal name and all. Anyone want a real liberating testimony from a free soul listen to Micheal Mcclains video on how he was jailed and released because he claimed no legal name, and was in universal love without labels, even converted some christians into the real agape love instead of imprisoning them with more dogma and false rhetoric from MR love here.
I want the name of the prison and number as well, you can leave it on a PM, just want to check out your story to see if you really don't use a legal name hot shot.
What is funny is how the libs in this thread think they can scare white people into being branded racist by opposing the racially motivated riots by bigots.
What is funny is how the libs in this thread think they can scare white people into being branded racist by opposing the racially motivated riots by bigots.
Didn't you know? ALL conservatives, Christians, patriots, and many others are all racists. And terrorists. Domestic terrorist racists.
Be tolerant. They aren't, but you need to be. See how that works?