Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"Are the police and other jurisdictions purposely escalating and taking advantage of the opportunity to assault innocents?"

No, they do not, and they should have escalated that incident, as it was not to be curbed without violent confrontation. Any good police officer should know this.
Not many officers want to harm citizens; you mislead stating such.


New member
Hall of Fame
Came across this, real nice, its ok to loot, but they should be doing it in white

‘Loot … and rob them, not your own'; Twitter users advise black people to loot white neighborhoods

It'd make more of a political/social statement...but if you thought police response was bad now................:dizzy:

Statement of what?

Really? I know you're blonde but......

but im making you work for it. Spell it out.


New member
Hall of Fame
Buy a vowel. :chuckle:

You need to tell us what political statement looting rich white communities in response to perceived injustice in their own community makes, other than they are in it for the loot and destruction, and justice has nothing to do with it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hes being sarcastic..

Oh, OK"

He did mention something about racial, I want to add racialism, as opposed to racism, as the word 'racialism' is moribund, yet hold a different connotation.

Racialism pertains to the concept of race inferiority

whole racism implies any discomfort between acknowledged 'racial' difference.

With racialism on the wane, we have a fearful reaction to the 'other' or perceived strange.

It is a different topic, but interesting



Well-known member
Temp Banned
Because it speaks to his character and demeanor at the time he was stopped by Officer Wilson.
So, people of low character are more reasonably shot and killed by the police, is that the idea?
It speaks about his MO when dealing with people in authority.
So, the defiance of authority more reasonably warrants a violent response?
It doesn't matter what the price of the cigars was. It matters how he conducted himself when reminded he needed to pay for said cigars. It matters how he conducted himself when told to repair to the sidewalk as opposed to the road. The two incidents proved a consistent way of behaving.
Yes, both are indicative of someone who is angry. Someone who did not appreciate being accused of stealing something that he didn't steal, and then threatened with the police, and then was angered further when the police showed up, and began ordering him around.

I understand that it's probably against the law to walk in the middle of the road. But ignoring a cop telling you to get off the road does not warrant being shot and killed. At most, it warrants a ticket, and even then the cop could easily have used his discretion, been understanding about why the man was so angry, and just took a few minutes to talk to him and calm him down.
Is there a reason why you feel his action in the market should be ignored?
Yes. One is that we don't know what was actually happening, there. And the other is that it has absolutely no bearing on his being shot and killed by the police.

Except in the minds of people who think it's OK for the police to kill a man when they think he probably stole something, or bullied someone, or openly defied police authority.


TOL Subscriber
"Are the police and other jurisdictions purposely escalating and taking advantage of the opportunity to assault innocents?"

No, they do not, and they should have escalated that incident, as it was not to be curbed without violent confrontation. Any good police officer should know this.
Not many officers want to harm citizens; you mislead stating such.

I won't be responding to you on topics.


You need to tell us what political statement looting rich white communities in response to perceived injustice in their own community makes, other than they are in it for the loot and destruction, and justice has nothing to do with it.

Why? You implied you knew..just wanted me to "spell it out". Were you lying?

The issue is about racial disparity...looting rich whitey neighborhoods might send a message, expose vulnerabilities they perceived themselves immune/insulated from...perhaps, opening eyes that once were conveniently closed. (Though there are probably better ways to reach this goal.)
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Well-known member
You don't actually know much about extraction from the system, evidently. Nobody needs your false and bllind Esotericist Self-Divinity tripe. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

And no, I will not give you such personal information. You can presume whatever you wish, just as you always do. You don't know how to "straddle" the system without compromise via use of the legal name. It's not that difficult to accomplish this, but hell-for-all if you do it wrong.

We're on the subject of civil unrest and racial tension with class warfare. Do try to stay on topic rather than engaging in a personal vendetta because I've owned you and you're still comatose instead of extracted.


I Thought as much! thanks for proving that your a phony. And a first class hypocrite buy the remarks in bold that you are doing in the you know what thread, what a shinny penny you turned out to be fraud.


TOL Subscriber
I Thought as much!

This would be a new thing for you. Thought. We can only hope.

thanks for proving that your a phony.

You're not "out" yet. You're still in REM mode. It's only a dream. Look at the shimmer. Stare at it. It will. The substance doesn't. You've been had by your ownself, god.

And a first class hypocrite buy the remarks in bold that you are doing in the you know what thread,

Yep, I know what. The lunatic thread. And I'm interjecting some humor to go along with all the tripe about you being god while freelight is huffin' paint and posting links, and Caino is revising all human history with U-raunch-y Book vomit.

what a shinny penny you turned out to be fraud.

Well.... I don't know your real name, so I can't pray to you.... god. Is it George? Nephertiti?

Let's go with George Nephertiti. (I'm here all week. Tips in the jar, boys. Tips in the jar.)


Christ's Word

New member
Why? You implied you knew..just wanted me to "spell it out". Were you lying?

.looting rich whitey neighborhoods might send a message, expose vulnerabilities they perceived themselves immune/insulated from..

You are an idiot. The rich white neighborhoods in St. Louis are armed to the teeth. They don't need protection they are better armed than the police. They are the reason this country now has an ammo shortage.

Christ's Word

New member
come on THall, let's do this

Tom and my husband went to Ferguson for an Oathkeepers meeting and to see what was going on on the ground first hand. I don't expect my hubby back until after 0600, and Tom has almost as far to drive to get home. Let me know if you see a Dodge one ton on the news with radar absorbing camo paint and two old geezers built like Arnold driving on West Florissant.

I will take a shot at your question though. A black friend told me that Plantation owners would have sex with their female slaves and that gave the mother of the slave families more power to negotiate for a better life for her family, and relegated the black man of the family to a strong pack mule, displacing him as the leader of the family unit. He also said that the welfare regs would give the poor black mothers less money if the dad was found living in the home. He said that the combination of these two factors disconnected many fathers from raising their children and played a major role in the current inner city crisis of kids without fathers.