Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


New member
Go on over to the Militarized Police thread where CW claims I accused her husband of drinking. It didn't happen. Go on over to the Militarized Police thread where I stated that she was the wife of a Police contractor and she didn't deny it. So, either her husband does what you supposedly do or you are her husband.

You have been told
multiple times that
I am not CW's husband,
and that her husband has
worked for me in the past,
so why do you keep pushing
the same lie? Are you sick?


New member
You have been told
multiple times that
I am not CW's husband,
and that her husband has
worked for me in the past,
so why do you keep pushing
the same lie? Are you sick?

When someone doesn't deny an outright statement, I figure it's not a lie. That's rational.


New member
You complain about how the Police are functioning. What do you supposedly do for a living?...train them.

You put down my advice to people to stay as far away from Ferguson as possible so law enforcement can do its job.

I'd say you are to blame in part for the things you're complaining about.

The whole reason myself
and some of my Navy brothers
got into training S.W.A.T. officers
was to increase their ability to
SAVE LIVES in a Hostage Situation.
To increase their skills and tools so they had
a better chance of coming home to
their family, and had a better chance
of saving innocent life.

If you were NOT a naive
idiot, you would realize that
S.W.A.T. training is a long way
from riot control training. I have
always been critical of riot control
tactics and have had many discussions
with officers this week about the failed
strategies being used in Fergustan.

The guys calling the shots now
are politicians and traffic cops,
the guys with the big Smokey the
Bear Hats, not the
leaders of the tactical teams. And
certainly not the men I trained.

Grow up.


New member
When someone doesn't deny an outright statement, I figure it's not a lie. That's rational.

It has been denied
multiple times and
you are just lying.
You really need help.

Since when is making up
something that is not true,
and then pretending it is true
until some one points out you
are crazy, rational? What a loser. :loser:


New member
Whatever the may have/may not have scenario in the store, Brown assaulted the officer and walked away. Then he turned to "bumrush" the assaulted officer.

Was the police pre-maturely militarized? Yes.
Are the police and other jurisdictions purposely escalating and taking advantage of the opportunity to assault innocents? Yes.
Is it provoking other idiots to stupid actions? Yes.
Are all individuals STILL responsible for their own illegal actions? Yes.
Is this being used to promote unrest and instability as another trial-run for martial law on a local level? Yes.
Is the media being controlled and manipulated? Yes.
Are constitutional civil rights being violated? Yes.
Is it ALL for the purpose of inciting class warfare via racial tension? Yes.

How were the Police prematurely militarized?
How are the Police and National Guard purposefully escalating the situation and assaulting innocent civilians?


TOL Subscriber
Oh, no racial profiling there!

Why must we be ensnared by the culture-sculpting of tolerance and political correctness to not even be able to refer to legitimate statistical observations that are racIAL rather than racIST? These can be truly neutral facts for information to effect a solution.

It's this very same kind of statistical truth that should also drive us to our knees in fervent prayer for those fractured families as a result of the influence of the antichrist spirit in society.

"Racial profiling" is just another culturally engineered term to prevent communication and action. And it exaggerates an already-inherent problem rather than solving anything except making a society of over-sensitive victims with an entitlement mentality; and that, regardless of race or anything else.

I prefer not to pander to that agenda; so I will speak of such things without it being racial profiling, even if that is the accusation. THAT should be the status quo instead of all the race-baiting and posturing.


New member
How were the Police prematurely militarized?
How are the Police and National Guard purposefully escalating the situation and assaulting innocent civilians?

I had a policeman come in
today talking about throwing
CS gas on peaceful groups of
people just standing around, as
they drove by, to try and force
people to abide by the curfew.
You need to stop yacking about
things you know nothing


New member
It has been denied
multiple times and
you are just lying.
You really need help.

Since when is making up
something that is not true,
and then pretending it is true
until some one points out you
are crazy, rational? What a loser. :loser:

It wasn't denied until after the Militarized Police and Bundy threads wherein you learned that I knew people in the SLPD.


TOL Subscriber
How were the Police prematurely militarized?

If you'll research the topic, you'll see it happened pre-emptively.

How are the Police and National Guard purposefully escalating the situation and assaulting innocent civilians?

You're not hearing these stories in the media. It's happening. Try local sources and non-mainstream news outlets.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well sweet, that sure explains your lies, try to be right about something once in a blue moon.:doh:
With you it's regular as clock work. For instance, here I caught you complaining to a mod about a couple of things I literally never did and you will literally never quote me doing.

...Not to mention you said nothing when IMJ and TH falsely accuse me of being CW's husband, now did you?:doh: You said nothing when they tried to bring her husband into the conversation, and accused him of drinking when he does not?

And just below this it gets funnier still, in a you sort of way.
Nothing I said has anything to do with race,
You mean except for the part where you wrote:
Yes, because inner city minorities raised with no father do so much better on the socio-economic scale than whites raised by responsible fathers.

Which underscores my larger point:
You know, you really come up with the best arguments against you.

And now:
Well chief, find me a large enough sample size of American inner city minorities that have actually been raised by their fathers

O crud, it does not exist,proving my point.
I hear all the hoods come with one. And a few caps as well.


New member
The whole reason myself
and some of my Navy brothers
got into training S.W.A.T. officers
was to increase their ability to
SAVE LIVES in a Hostage Situation.
To increase their skills and tools so they had
a better chance of coming home to
their family, and had a better chance
of saving innocent life.

If you were NOT a naive
idiot, you would realize that
S.W.A.T. training is a long way
from riot control training. I have
always been critical of riot control
tactics and have had many discussions
with officers this week about the failed
strategies being used in Fergustan.

The guys calling the shots now
are politicians and traffic cops,
the guys with the big Smokey the
Bear Hats, not the
leaders of the tactical teams. And
certainly not the men I trained.

Grow up.

Yup, that's why I'm seeing SWAT trucks all over the place in Ferguson.
Whatever military background and certificates you may have, it's clear you are anti law enforcement. I wouldn't trust a canine unit to your training.


New member
With you it's regular as clock work. For instance, here I caught you complaining to a mod about a couple of things I literally never did and you will literally never quote me doing. And just below this it gets funnier still, in a you sort of way.

You mean except for the part where you wrote:

Which underscores my larger point:

And now:


I hear all the hoods come with one. And a few caps as well.

We know it is hard for
libtards like you to realize
that inner city violence is
9 times more likely to be
BLACK on BLACK, not white on
white. And yet I tell you it is not
the color of their skin, but the fact
that 87 percent of them grow up in
a home without a father, and then
you cry racist? What are you,
a white version of Sharpton?


New member
Yup, that's why I'm seeing SWAT trucks all over the place in Ferguson.
Whatever military background and certificates you may have, it's clear you are anti law enforcement. I wouldn't trust a canine unit to your training.

You are a nut, there are
5 S.W.A.T. vehicles in Fergustan,
and 290 police cars.

You are a whackadoodle that
knows nothing about St. Louis,
and you don't know anyone
on SLPD. No such agency, liar.
Cold busted again.:dunce: :rotfl:

The term is SLMPD.



New member
Why must we be ensnared by the culture-sculpting of tolerance and political correctness to not even be able to refer to legitimate statistical observations that are racIAL rather than racIST? These can be truly neutral facts for information to effect a solution.

"...American inner city minorities that have actually been raised by their fathers,..."

You would be surprised at just how off and racist this statement is. You want some stats? Here, have some.


New member
"...American inner city minorities that have actually been raised by their fathers,..."

You would be surprised at just how off and racist this statement is. You want some stats? Here, have some.

What a bunch of bull.


Research shows that, in many inner-city African American neighborhoods, nearly 70 percent of the children will go to bed tonight without their father present. Further, African American men have a higher death rate, a lower life expectancy, and a greater incidence of serious diseases than males in other ethnic groups. There are more African American men in prison than there are on American college campuses. The average real income for African American males ages 20 to 24 has fallen by 50 percent since 1988. Other than through sports and entertainment, the American culture’s ways of gaining community and family influence have been less available for them."


TOL Subscriber
"...American inner city minorities that have actually been raised by their fathers,..."

You would be surprised at just how off and racist this statement is. You want some stats? Here, have some.

I don't really want stats. Statistics are a field given to much ambiguity for many reasons. They may or may not have any relation to fact or reality.

It's undeniable that there's an epidemic of single-mom families, and that includes blacks. Why can't we represent the truth of racIAL facts without resorting to it being considered racIST.

I have no malicious hatred of intent by saying such things, and they must be applied equitably to all people groups. Ethnicity is just a descriptive field like a spreadsheet header for a column. It needn't be automatic hate-mongering.

I'm a volunteer Prison Chaplain, and its a bare fact that there's a larger number of blacks incarcerated than other races. That points up a concern to focus attention for resolution of inequities, not an opportunity to insist I'm a racist for daring mention skin pigmentation.

Genetically, the amount of melanin in the cells for skin coloration is amongst the smallest distinction between humans. Identical twins are more different than blacks and whites in this context. So I think it's vital to recognize the objective truths of race as one of the components in evaluating causal factors to determine effective solutions.

Why can't we embrace THAT mentality instead of alleged tolerance, especially as professing Christians?

I minister to more blacks in county jails and state prisons than any other race. I serve them by washing them with the water of the Word, and we have a true and mutual agape love. And part of that includes addressing race openly with much love. It's the only way.