I have no idea what you are trying to say.
I note you have ignored
I have ignored nothing.
YOU say the Jews were in error because they tried to obey God.
The Jews were not in error because they tried to obey God.
The Jews were in error because they worked at making themselves righteous by doing the works themselves that were REQUIRED to make one righteous, i.e. the CEREMONIAL WORKS, such as circumcision.
The Jews made themselves righteous, AS GOD COMMANDED, by doing certain work, which are called the purification works.
The Jews worked at making themselves clean...they were circumcised, adhered to a dietary law, they observed the special days they were supposed to observe, and they made themselves clean according to the works that God said to do. They did various washings and sacrificed animals.
They did right when they did those things, but they FAILED to recognize the LAMB of God who was prophesied about who would take their sins from them. They wanted to keep making themselves righteous by the works God gave them to do instead of the Jesus making them righteous by JUST HAVING FAITH THAT HIS BLOOD CLEANS THEM AND MAKES THEM RIGHTEOUS.
Just believing that Jesus' blood makes us righteous does NOT mean we no longer have to obey anything else! It means we do not have to do the ceremonial works.