Real Science Friday: A Leading Telescope Designer in Studio


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Maybe Tom should read the book of Job.

Frayed, Why? You don't believe in God or the Bible. And you are unaware that when you make moral pronouncements of any kind, you are stepping out of your atheist worldview and into my theistic worldview and borrowing Christian morality.

When you do this, you are being inconsistent in that your worldview can't claim any morality or immorality. Absent a Moral Prescriber above man, atheists are left with subjective or relative morality--which is no morality at all.




New member
The god to which tom prays is the same god that tom shaves. He's a self aggrandizing hypocritical waste of human flesh and fresh air. Same with SOD and Stipe.

Dr. Watson,

Actually, it's to "whom" and not to "which." God is not an impersonal Being. He is living, personal, relational, good and loving.

How can you evaluate a God that you do not believe exists?

And, as an atheist, you have no Foundation to judge me or any other "accidental result of random chance chemicals" if you are the same, an "accidental result of random chance chemicals." Do you get upset when baking soda neutralizes vinegar?

For you, only matter and energy exist. In your worldview, there can be no laws of logic, morality, reliability of senses, rational thought, and uniformity of nature (the physical laws will be law-like).



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Hall of Fame
Dr. Watson,

Actually, it's to "whom" and not to "which." God is not an impersonal Being. He is living, personal, relational, good and loving.

How can you evaluate a God that you do not believe exists?

And, as an atheist, you have no Foundation to judge me or any other "accidental result of random chance chemicals" if you are the same, an "accidental result of random chance chemicals." Do you get upset when baking soda neutralizes vinegar?

For you, only matter and energy exist. In your worldview, there can be no laws of logic, morality, reliability of senses, rational thought, and uniformity of nature (the physical laws will be law-like).



You're a raging hypocrite and a contemptible human being.


New member
=The Barbarian;2773573]I suppose that if one's condition is miserable enough, one might be inclined to take some pleasure in contemplating the eternal torture of others. One might even convince one's self that God will let one do the judging by which that torture will be decided.

Pray for such people. They desperately need it.


If I took " pleasure in contemplating the eternal torture of others, then why would I be doing all in my power to warn you that you are not saved and are going to that eternal torture?



New member
=some other dude;2773594]Is anybody surprised that barbie agrees with the atheists and God-deniers?

SOD, I know why. It's because he's a Catholic (I was one). He thinks that Peter is his apostle, even though the Bilbe says that Paul is "the apostle to the Gentiles." And the Catholic Church has convinced him, from the time he was an altar boy, that he can't possily know if he is saved. And they have conviced him that if he tries real hard, he "might go to Purgatory. Then his family will have to give alms each week to have the priest pray to get him out of Purgatory. When I was a Catholic over a half century ago, the more money your family had, the longer it took for the priest to pray you out of Purgatory. And then when you ran out of money, the priest could not really tell you if your loved one was out of Purgatory. One could only hope.

Barbarian will go to hell. He just simply can't comprehend that he is saved by grace and not by works. So consequently, he can't understand that if he does not know he's saved, he is not saved. To comprehend spiritual matters, one has to be spiritual.. And since Barbarian is not saved, he is not spiritual, so he can't comprehend spiritual matters. It a Catch 22 for poor Barb.

But then he reasons that I am going to take pleasure in his eternal punishment. Go figure!



New member
=Arthur Brain;2773613]Yep. Funny how such folk have zero compassion or understanding for others....*sigh*


In an atheist world, where there is only subjective or relative morality, why should there be compassion?



New member
=some other dude;2773677]Not surprising how poorly the non-christians understand scripture.


For you to think rationally and understand anything, you have to borrow from the theistic worldview. In your worldview, only matter and energy exist.



New member
=Granite;2774032]Someone as twisted and depraved as Tom is just trying to make everyone around them as miserable as they are.

Fantasies of torture just feed into an insignificant, unaccomplished, and mediocre mind.

Although I have to admit, Tom's one of the worst I've seen here. Usually these people try to sugar-coat their snobbery.


What is your foundation for judging me to be twisted and depraved?

In an atheist worldview, why would fantasies of torture be wrong?

Thank you for that last paragraph.



New member
=Granite;2774234]You've hanged yourself with what you've said here. You look upon the least of us with contempt, revile the poor, and sneer at the needy. The last thing you are is any kind of Christian. What you seem to be instead is a miserable man who hides behind religion to justify your warped, pathetic, stone-hearted existence. You're a money-grubbing tight-fisted snob, and a pathetic excuse for any kind of human being. A white-washed tomb, at best.


Why would any of this your wrote be wrong in your worldview?



New member
How can you evaluate a God that you do not believe exists?

I'm not. I'm evaluating you against the character Jesus of Nazareth. The one whom you claim to follow but share no values with. You're so infatuated with yourself you couldn't possible worship anything or anyone else regardless if I believe they exist or not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

For you to think rationally and understand anything, you have to borrow from the theistic worldview. In your worldview, only matter and energy exist.


Uh, Tom, I'm not an atheist so you're presuming to know that which you don't, not that deflecting with this nonsense actually means anything anyway. And using a verse you think exonerates your attitude is just pathetic. You're not being persecuted or lied about but rather being called out on your completely uncharitable view towards those badly off. You've offered zero response to my posts which leads me to believe you don't have any answer.


The Barbarian

To Tom, God is a big buddy, who will beat up people Tom thinks are insufficiently respectful to Tom. He even thinks God is going to appoint him to replace Jesus in judgement.

Which is not surprising; he scornfully denies what Jesus says about salvation.


New member
=The Barbarian;2774559]To Tom, God is a big buddy, who will beat up people Tom thinks are insufficiently respectful to Tom. He even thinks God is going to appoint him to replace Jesus in judgement.

Which is not surprising; he scornfully denies what Jesus says about salvation.


You silly man. Jesus was speaking to Jews under the gospel of circumcision (Gal. 2:7-9). Israel (and Peter) was cut off. That message that Jesus gave to Israel is not for you. Jesus gave Paul the "dispensation of the grace of God for you."

If you are going to put yourself under the gospel of circumcision or the law, then tear all of Paul's letters out of your Bible, and then get circumcised. But then you will be required to keep the whole law. And "by the law no flesh will be justified," you poor silly man.



New member
=Granite;2774250]You certainly don't seem to believe the latter. At the very least, you don't take it seriously.


This is simply an arbitrary assertion on your part. These type of arguments can be easily refuted with an arbitrary assertion that is contrary to your aribtrary assertion.



New member
=Dr.Watson;2774401]I'm not. I'm evaluating you against the character Jesus of Nazareth. The one whom you claim to follow but share no values with. You're so infatuated with yourself you couldn't possible worship anything or anyone else regardless if I believe they exist or not.

Dr. Watson,

Who is this Jewish Carpenter you so admire? And why do you admire Him?
In an atheist worldview, moral values can't be justified. What Ultimate Standard are you standing on when you make these moral pronouncements?


The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Which is not surprising; he scornfully denies what Jesus says about salvation.

You silly man. Jesus was speaking to Jews under the gospel of circumcision

He said that? (Barbarian checks) No, turns out He didn't. You just made that up so you wouldn't have do do what He told you to do. But it won't work; God still makes the rules.

Best get right with God before it's too late, Tom.