=some other dude;2775345]Tom, barbie doesn't know the Bible. He relies on his priest to tell him what to think.
I know. But on judgment day, if he comes before my judgment seat, I don't want him to be able to say to me, "Tom, you should have warned me."
And when he wakes up in hell, he will arge with Satan that he is in Hell. He will argue that he's in Purgatory and as soon as his family gives enough money to the priest, he will prayed out of Purgatory out and go to Heaven.
He, as a Catholic, has put himself under Israel and Peter. He even denies that Israel was cut off. He denies that Paul is his apostle, even though God says that he is. So, when he makes Peter his apostle or pope, then he places himself under the law and is condemned by it. This is why he does not know if he is saved. He can only hope for Purgatory which does not exist.
Through Paul, Jesus has given him a free gift that he refuses to accept, so he keeps quoting Jewish teaching that Jesus gave to Israel. Perhpaps before he dies, some of this will sink in, but I doubt it. He is book smart but lacks Godly wisdom.
I've always accused Barb. of lacking some type of truth gene. Barb. would argue with an axiom. Try it. Truth to Barb. is like the Cross to Dracula.