Real Science Friday: A Leading Telescope Designer in Studio


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This is simply an arbitrary assertion on your part. These type of arguments can be easily refuted with an arbitrary assertion that is contrary to your aribtrary assertion.


No, it's not arbitrary at all. You were told to care for and look after the poor and needy. Instead, you hold them in contempt. You're a complete hypocrite and a pathetic excuse for a Christian and a human being.


New member
=The Barbarian;2774856]Show us that one.

The point is, that God Himself says that you will not spend eternity with Him if you don't do what He expects for the unfortunate. Jesus doesn't qualify it by saying it to one group or another; that is for you as well as for everyone else.


You don't seem to believe anything I say. Why don't you do a little research and see if Abraham is the "father of both groups. I'll get you started. God gave Abraham two covenants: Genesis 15 (covenant of uncircumcision (grace). Genesis 17 (covenant of circumcision (law). Now Paul uses these two to show that Abraham is the father of both groups. You find it.



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=Arthur Brain;2775063]What I believe is my business Tom and I'll share when I see fit, not to your beck and call. You either answer my posts or you don't. You didn't shy away beforehand so either address the points or not. I'm not surprised you're squirming out to be quite honest after your execrable 'smelly creatures' nonsense etc...



You hide behind "other" so that no one can attack your position. In the old westerns you are the coward who hides behind a building to bushwhack the marshall in the back. You don't want to come out and face the marshall face to face.

Again, you are making moral judgments and prounouncements. What moral foundation are you standing on to do so?


The Barbarian

You don't seem to believe anything I say.

Those things conflict with the things God says. Not really a choice, is it?

Why don't you do a little research and see if Abraham is the "father of both groups.

Don't have to. Jesus gave you a very simple and clear statement of how your eternal home will be determined. He makes no exceptions for you or anyone else. And you want to wander through the Bible, finding some kind of prooftext that says He's wrong.

Completely wasted effort. Stop trying to play Him like a lawyer looking for a loophole in the contract. You're not going to find it. Do you think He didn't anticipate people like you?


New member
=Arthur Brain;2775085]Ok SOD, I'll tell you what I believe if you answer directly as to whether I should be admonished for giving food to a homeless or needy person and then Tom can read it as well, deal?


I did answer this once. Yes! Not only should you be admonished, but you should be punished--severely. When this "smelly creature" bought a bottle of cheap wine with the money you gave him, and vomited all over himself, the police should handcuff you to him and make you take him home and feed him and keep him clean for at least two weeks. Then both of you should be brought back before the court. If you had not learned your lesson and repented, you would be sent hom for another two weeks.

Now after the first two weeks, the "smelly creature" would be begging the judge to release him from you.


some other dude

New member

You don't seem to believe anything I say. Why don't you do a little research and see if Abraham is the "father of both groups. I'll get you started. God gave Abraham two covenants: Genesis 15 (covenant of uncircumcision (grace). Genesis 17 (covenant of circumcision (law). Now Paul uses these two to show that Abraham is the father of both groups. You find it.


Tom, barbie doesn't know the Bible. He relies on his priest to tell him what to think.


New member
=Granite;2775282]No, it's not arbitrary at all. You were told to care for and look after the poor and needy. Instead, you hold them in contempt. You're a complete hypocrite and a pathetic excuse for a Christian and a human being.


In an atheist worldview, what would be wrong with "hold them in contempt"? What would be wrong with being a "hypocrite"? Why would it be wrong in letting a man starve? Wouldn't that add to my survival of the fittest?

What moral ground are you standing on to make these moral judgments?



New member
=some other dude;2775330]Quite frankly Tom, I don't know why you waste any time at all with chuckleheads like Granite and artie.


Occasionally I like to pop in, when they are having a love fest with each other, and show them that in their worldview, they can't justify the reality they live in. They believe that nothing but matter and energy exist, but then use the immatierial laws of logic to argue that there is nothing but the physical. And it always astonishes me that they are totally unaware that their worldview is irrational, inconsistent, and arbitrary. To use the immaterial laws of logic to argue that only the physical exists is like arguing against the existence of air while breathing in air to make their argument. What's more astonishing is that they think we're dumb and they are enlightened. "Professing themselves to wise, they became fools."


The Barbarian

(Tom comes up with yet another convoluted argument about why Jesus was wrong in Matthew)

Professing themselves to wise, they became fools.


New member
=The Barbarian;2775334]Those things conflict with the things God says. Not really a choice, is it?

Don't have to. Jesus gave you a very simple and clear statement of how your eternal home will be determined. He makes no exceptions for you or anyone else. And you want to wander through the Bible, finding some kind of prooftext that says He's wrong.

Completely wasted effort. Stop trying to play Him like a lawyer looking for a loophole in the contract. You're not going to find it. Do you think He didn't anticipate people like you?


There is hope for you. Scientists (not science) are making great discoveries in gene research. I pray that before you die, they can discover how to replace whatever gene you lack that enables one to accept simple truth. At present, you would reject an axiom.



New member
=some other dude;2775345]Tom, barbie doesn't know the Bible. He relies on his priest to tell him what to think.


I know. But on judgment day, if he comes before my judgment seat, I don't want him to be able to say to me, "Tom, you should have warned me."

And when he wakes up in hell, he will arge with Satan that he is in Hell. He will argue that he's in Purgatory and as soon as his family gives enough money to the priest, he will prayed out of Purgatory out and go to Heaven.

He, as a Catholic, has put himself under Israel and Peter. He even denies that Israel was cut off. He denies that Paul is his apostle, even though God says that he is. So, when he makes Peter his apostle or pope, then he places himself under the law and is condemned by it. This is why he does not know if he is saved. He can only hope for Purgatory which does not exist.

Through Paul, Jesus has given him a free gift that he refuses to accept, so he keeps quoting Jewish teaching that Jesus gave to Israel. Perhpaps before he dies, some of this will sink in, but I doubt it. He is book smart but lacks Godly wisdom.

I've always accused Barb. of lacking some type of truth gene. Barb. would argue with an axiom. Try it. Truth to Barb. is like the Cross to Dracula.



New member
=The Barbarian;2775380](Tom comes up with yet another convoluted argument about why Jesus was wrong in Matthew)

Professing themselves to wise, they became fools.


You "asserted" I'm wrong. Why?


The Barbarian


You "asserted" I'm wrong. Why?

Because you deny what Jesus says about salvation. All your convoluted reworking of scripture will not save you unless you set your pride aside and accept Him as God and you as a mere human. God is not going to replace Jesus with Tom as Judge of the living and the dead. A sweet daydream for you, perhaps. But one that is poison to your soul.


New member
=The Barbarian;2775426]Because you deny what Jesus says about salvation. All your convoluted reworking of scripture will not save you unless you set your pride aside and accept Him as God and you as a mere human. God is not going to replace Jesus with Tom as Judge of the living and the dead. A sweet daydream for you, perhaps. But one that is poison to your soul.


Actually, you would be wrong as a Mormon about judgment being delegated to me. I can give you Scripture if you will accept it.

What Jesus said about salvation was to the Jews under the gospel of circumcision. Israel was cut off. You are not a Jew, you silly man. And even if you were, you can only be saved by the dispensation of grace that was given to Paul for you. Why in the world do you wnat to put youself under Peter and Israel and a gospel that is not in effect at this time?

And you are correct about a prideful man not being accepted by God under the gospel of circumcision or the law. But I am not under that dispensation. I am saved under the gospel of uncircumcison or grace. My salvation is guaranteed and I can't lose it. Now if you put yourself under the Peter, you can lose it. Would you like Scripture?

Oh how the Catholic Church has done a number on you!



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In an atheist worldview, what would be wrong with "hold them in contempt"? What would be wrong with being a "hypocrite"? Why would it be wrong in letting a man starve? Wouldn't that add to my survival of the fittest?

What moral ground are you standing on to make these moral judgments?


You keep trying to change the subject, and it's not going to work. Your words put the lie to your claim that you're any kind of Christian. If anything, you're just a rotten example of one. You're a complete and utter hypocrite. You hold the needy and poor in contempt in direct contradiction to what you were told to do, and you're a total waste of skin.


New member
=The Barbarian;2775380](Tom comes up with yet another convoluted argument about why Jesus was wrong in Matthew)

Professing themselves to wise, they became fools.

Barb, you silly man. Jesus was right in what he said to the Jews undera different dispensation. You are not a Jew, you silly man.
