AB, yes. You should be admonished. And I'm admonishing you for taking away his motivation to work--hunger.
If you love these smelly creatures so much, why don't you take one home with you? I can arrange it.
This was actually addressed to Stripe Tom as you'd already admitted your own position in that regard. I'm still waiting on you to answer my own posts directed towards
you. Specifically the reasons why many find themselves in such a position, Lazarus and who Paul was addressing etc. I see you're yet to comment on any of that so here's a recap:
Many homeless people come from broken homes, abuse, suffer mental illness etc so if you think they "choose" a lifestyle where they're subjected to the outside elements 24/7 and the abuse heaped on them by members of the public you're totally ignorant. In my home town a homeless man was killed by two teenagers a year or so ago. Not everyone on the streets is even capable of work until they receive help so your mantra is redundant.
Lazarus was in no position to work as a re-reading of the story should make abundantly clear. I've little doubt he smelled rather pungently being covered in sores and all so I guess Dives did the right thing denying him even crumbs being the "smelly creature" that he was right?
As I told you before I once
did put a homeless guy up for a few days so there ya go.
Your attitude is contemptible AFAIC and being admonished by someone with the compassion and empathy of a dead raccoon means absolute squat to me dude.