Prostituting TOL

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I am open to hear any Bible passage that suggest receiving money from the sinful and using it for good is forbidden.

it really doesn't matter what we think about it, IMHO, it matters what God says.

It's interesting to note that while the Jews were forbidden to eat unclean meat they were allowed to sell it to the Gentiles in their markets and make profit from what would have been a sin for them to enjoy.


New member
You have had the answer and so there is nothing to try again. You don't understand what the Spirit is saying.
I have the answer to where God commanded believers not use non-believers money for good?

forgive me, I must have just missed the post entirely. ;)

keeping in mind that which there is no commandment against is not sin....


New member
It's interesting to note that while the Jews were forbidden to eat unclean meat they were allowed to sell it to the Gentiles in their markets and make profit from what would have been a sin for them to enjoy.

no worries, according to Truster, we were all given the answer...

so the debate should sort itself out shortly...:chuckle:


So this thread is about me.

I thought so.

I make donation because I appreciate Knight letting me post my conviction for my Lord, Jesus Christ.

This forum is one of my ministry for my Lord. What I pay is nothing for spreading Jesus to the world.

You are sad "Christian" who do not recognize who are serving Jesus or not. You are working against Jesus when you slander His servants the way you do.

do you go door to door?

Nathon Detroit

It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.

What can I do??? God predestined a millennia ago that I "prostitute" TOL to JWs.

If I were you.... I would ask God why He did that.
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You are one of very reason why I protest against main streamers. Calvin was one of biggest contributors of spreading hatred against non-trins who are serving Jesus faithfully.

John Calvin wasn't responsible for the death of non-trin Michael Servetus


Well-known member
Raises an interesting point, though...if allowing Meshak to "buy" access to TOL makes TOL a forum of whores (I merely cite the thrust of Nang's indictment), what does that make Meshak for repeatedly spending money to support a worldly mainstreamer trin site she's slammed many times in the past?


Well-known member
Raises an interesting point, though...if allowing Meshak to "buy" access to TOL makes TOL a forum of whores (I merely cite the thrust of Nang's indictment), what does that make Meshak for repeatedly spending money to support a worldly mainstreamer trin site she's slammed many times in the past?

And she used military money to do it....while cursing the military. :think:
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