Prostituting TOL

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Desert Reign

It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.


So why do you participate still if it bothers you that much? You still engage with JWs and read what they write.


Well-known member
If TOL is a figurative whore for accepting money from Meshak, then to extend the analogy, Nang is fornicating with the same whore but jumping out the window before paying.


TOL Subscriber
it seems you have switched gears here a bit, from not wanting the site to profit from people of various beliefs, to not wanting people of those various beliefs to have the freedom to speak here.

It seems you have missed the point of the OP and my subsequent explanations.

that is that only people whom share your view will have to pay for all the other members to be able to do so as well.

This is an inaccurate version of my concerns. I never posted anything close to saying such.

The site owners have their own views

Indeed. There is a Statement of Faith that reveals their basic Christian views. Not everyone is required to believe and hold the same beliefs. Such is not my argument. My argument and concern is Admin and Mods not standing on their own revealed principles of what constitutes Christianity.

but this is not a church, nor a hierarchy like Israel,

Of course not, but if the founders put up a SofF, they should uphold it with intellectual and spiritual integrity. IOW's should raising money ever cause them to fail to function according to their own moral standards?

How can an effective and saving witness help unbelievers, if they make raising money more important than their own testimony?

should their hearts hold the shame of being beguiled and prostituting then He will chastise/convict and lead his sheep, Amen?

Well, that is my ultimate hope, of course.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Indeed. There is a Statement of Faith that reveals their basic Christian views. Not everyone is required to believe and hold the same beliefs. Such is not my argument. My argument and concern is Admin and Mods not standing on their own revealed principles of what constitutes Christianity.
Tol is still a Public Forum. Does that mean that Christian churches can not or should not accept offerings from unbelievers or those of another faith?


TOL Subscriber
Raises an interesting point, though...if allowing Meshak to "buy" access to TOL makes TOL a forum of whores (I merely cite the thrust of Nang's indictment), what does that make Meshak for repeatedly spending money to support a worldly mainstreamer trin site she's slammed many times in the past?

A hypocrite . . . a self-serving, deceiving, harmful phony. She admitted her "gifts" were given in hopes that those she thinks might be falling for her false message, might post more, and express their agreements with her views.

That is called: furthering her own agenda in open defiance of the stated morals and beliefs of the site she has chosen to use and abuse.


TOL Subscriber
Tol is still a Public Forum. Does that mean that Christian churches can not or should not accept offerings from unbelievers or those of another faith?

In our Reformed churches, we never solicited tithes or "passed a plate."

We trusted in private donations given freely, out of sight of the congregation at large.

For the very reasons I have tried to warn against here . . .

So that the church elders could quietly refuse money from any false brethren; until those in error were counseled in theology proper and warned that any wicked agendas would not ever be permitted audience, for any monetary influence (bribes.)


Well-known member
A hypocrite . . . a self-serving, deceiving, harmful phony. She admitted her "gifts" were given in hopes that those she thinks might be falling for her false message, might post more, and express their agreements with her views.

That is called: furthering her own agenda in open defiance of the stated morals and beliefs of the site she has chosen to use and abuse.

Then you should be preaching the Gospel to her and her friends instead of that nonsense you preach. You act like it's a surprise that she is not one of the "elect". Why aren't you dancing the happy dance and preaching God's good pleasure about her demise?


Well-known member
Tol is still a Public Forum. Does that mean that Christian churches can not or should not accept offerings from unbelievers or those of another faith?

Playing devil's advocate for a second (I hope not literally!), a church accepting donations from an unbeliever probably isn't doing so in exchange for letting the unbeliever preach from their pulpit. So while I understand Nang's point, I don't agree with it. If Knight eradicated every person who did not toe his doctrinal line, TOL not only wouldn't exist but couldn't. But Meshak will cross The Line someday. Inevitable. I expect her to really start cutting loose any time now.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Playing devil's advocate for a second (I hope not literally!), a church accepting donations from an unbeliever probably isn't doing so in exchange for letting the unbeliever preach from their pulpit. I understand Nang's point but don't agree with it. If Knight eradicated every person who did not toe his doctrinal line, TOL not only wouldn't exist but couldn't.

Yep, there are as many unbelievers here as believers.


Well-known member
In our Reformed churches, we never solicited tithes or "passed a plate."

We trusted in private donations given freely, out of sight of the congregation at large.

For the very reasons I have tried to warn against here . . .

So that the church elders could quietly refuse money from any false brethren; until those in error were counseled in theology proper and warned that any wicked agendas would not ever be permitted audience, for any monetary influence (bribes.)

Well, we aren't in your reformed church, thank God.

TOL is not a church, and we don't need to do anything "quietly", which should make you happy or your hissssssssing wouldn't be allowed. :chuckle:


TOL Subscriber
Playing devil's advocate for a second (I hope not literally!), a church accepting donations from an unbeliever probably isn't doing so in exchange for letting the unbeliever preach from their pulpit. So while I understand Nang's point, I don't agree with it. If Knight eradicated every person who did not toe his doctrinal line, TOL not only wouldn't exist but couldn't. But Meshak will cross The Line someday. Inevitable. I expect her to really start cutting loose any time now.

Theological disagreements are a given on public forums . . . But denial of the Person of Christ, the denial of the Trinity of the Godhead, and denial of the authority of Holy Scripture as revealed through the Apostle Paul . . . Far exceed mere theological disagreement.

It is wicked, ungodly DENIAL of DIVINE TRUTH altogether, which must at least be resisted, if not completely eliminated.


Well-known member
If TOL is a figurative whore for accepting money from Meshak, then to extend the analogy, Nang is fornicating with the same whore but jumping out the window before paying.

Ya know.....that should be the last chapter in this story Nang started. Nang jumping out the window without paying will be hard to top. :thumb:


Well-known member
Theological disagreements are a given on public forums . . . But denial of the Person of Christ, the denial of the Trinity of the Godhead, and denial of the authority of Holy Scripture as revealed through the Apostle Paul . . . Far exceed mere theological disagreement.

It is wicked, ungodly DENIAL of DIVINE TRUTH altogether, which must at least be resisted, if not completely eliminated.

Heck, that's not as bad as besmirching God's character by claiming He reaches down and saves some people for no good reason and damns the rest to hell.


A hypocrite . . . a self-serving, deceiving, harmful phony. She admitted her "gifts" were given in hopes that those she thinks might be falling for her false message, might post more, and express their agreements with her views.

That is called: furthering her own agenda in open defiance of the stated morals and beliefs of the site she has chosen to use and abuse.

You wicked witch of the west.

Yes, my agenda is spreading Jesus to the world which you have no concept of.

I am an evangelist; I will do anything to further spreading Jesus' word. I am using this site to spread Jesus.

Jesus says to be wise as serpent. Use the world to do the will of God. I buy tons of NT books from trin organization to spread Jesus to the world. Working for God is not cheap. I invest all what I have to spread Jesus to the world.

I also tell them I am a non-trin too because they know I can get the NT free to spread if I am Trinitarian. I have nothing to be ashamed of to spread Jesus.

You are filled with pride and hatred and claim to be true and saved Christian. You have no concept of whatsoever about Jesus' salvation.

You are phony Christian.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Theological disagreements are a given on public forums . . . But denial of the Person of Christ, the denial of the Trinity of the Godhead, and denial of the authority of Holy Scripture as revealed through the Apostle Paul . . . Far exceed mere theological disagreement.

It is wicked, ungodly DENIAL of DIVINE TRUTH altogether, which must at least be resisted, if not completely eliminated.

Nang, there's an assortment of; liberals, kooks, heretics, spiritualists,
new-agers, atheists, agnostics, gnostic's, weirdos, jerks, imbeciles
(Meshak) and then, there is YOU!! All on TOL!


Well-known member
You wicked witch of the west.

Yes, my agenda is spreading Jesus to the world which you have no concept of.

I am an evangelist; I will do anything to further spreading Jesus' word. I am using this site to spread Jesus.

Jesus says to be wise as serpent. Use the world to do the will of God. I buy tons of NT books from trin organization to spread Jesus to the world. Working for God is not cheap. I invest all what I have to spread Jesus to the world.

I also tell them I am a non-trin too because they know I can get the NT free to spread if I am Trinitarian. I have nothing to be ashamed of to spread Jesus.

You are filled with pride and hatred and claim to be true and saved Christian. You have no concept of whatsoever about Jesus' salvation.

You are phony Christian.

Cutting loose, right on cue. The Line just got an inch closer.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wow, what a train wreck...

If you don't like the place or have moral qualms about it then why not just go find somewhere else?

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