Prostituting TOL

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
:rotfl: you and nang and meshak all 3 have a lot of room to be talking about judging people.

I don't think its always wrong to judge people. But Meshak has said so, so she's being a hypocrite.
I wonder who it was who initiated this *judging thread*. :think:

Again, I was calling meshak on her hypocrisy. Nang would never be silly enough to say the Bible condemns all judging, nor would I. Meshak has.


Nang, there's an assortment of; liberals, kooks, heretics, spiritualists,
new-agers, atheists, agnostics, gnostic's, weirdos, jerks, imbeciles
(Meshak) and then, there is YOU!! All on TOL!

You forgot Dispensationalists.

There's no shortage of them here at TOL.


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I don't think its always wrong to judge people. But Meshak has said so, so she's being a hypocrite.

Again, I was calling meshak on her hypocrisy. Nang would never be silly enough to say the Bible condemns all judging, nor would I. Meshak has.

Nang is a hypocrite too, she has a membership while whining about them, no one makes her use it and she could have refused it or given it to someone else. No one makes her post here either if she doesnt like the place.


Hall of Fame
Again, I was calling meshak on her hypocrisy. Nang would never be silly enough to say the Bible condemns all judging, nor would I. Meshak has.

Though Nang IS hypocritical enough to make a thread for the sole purpose of insulting the moderators of TOL as she consistently posts here?

You don't see a problem with someone who does little else than whine about the forum whining about those who are allowed to post here and donate?


I don't think its always wrong to judge people. But Meshak has said so, so she's being a hypocrite.

You and many other have been making it clear that non trins are not Christians. why do you disregard this?

And you have no scripture to back it up your corrupt doctrine..

You are playing Christian. You guys don't even know the basic of Christianity.

So it is ok for you to call me hypocrite for pointing your phoney faith? Nope.


CL, lets do one on one that why you have right to slander non-trins as non-believers.

You have been avoiding my confrontation time and time again.

It is about time you man-up and show yourself that your are true and saved chistian as you claim.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Nang is a hypocrite too, she has a membership while whining about them, no one makes her use it and she could have refused it or given it to someone else. No one makes her post here either if she doesnt like the place.

Though Nang IS hypocritical enough to make a thread for the sole purpose of insulting the moderators of TOL as she consistently posts here?

You don't see a problem with someone who does little else than whine about the forum whining about those who are allowed to post here and donate?

I don't actually agree with Nang's thesis in this thread. I don't think its wrong to take money from unbelievers, including Jehovah's Witnesses or other non-trinitarians. I also don't think any viewpoints should be banned from this website. We should call unbelievers out on their blasphemy, not censor them as if we were afraid.

Also, I do think its somewhat ironic that Nang is calling on open theists to ban non-trinitarians for their theological views, seeing as the former isn't really much better than the latter. I haven't discussed this with Nang though, so I don't know her reasoning. I could be off track here. But I'm not sure why Nang would expect heretics to censor other heretics, or if there would be a point to that even if there was.

Mind you, there's a place for exclusively Christian dialogue, I don't think that place is on a forum like this one or especially on a forum that is run by heretics.

And... there's probably no way I can say this without getting in trouble myself, so I'll just say, look, I know my assertion that the admins are heretics is a harsh one. I believe that a god who is not all-knowing with regards to the future is a false god. I would not be surprised if open theists felt the same way about the God I worship (especially since I believe God predestines all that occurs, even sin.) I could defend these views in another thread. I won't defend them in this one. Suffice for me to say that I THINK Nang would agree with everything in those last couple paragraphs.

Again, I don't agree with Nang on everything. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw her under the bus. She's a good Christian woman who understands the gospel. That's FAR more than I can say about most here.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
CL, lets do one on one that why you have right to slander non-trins as non-believers.

You have been avoiding my confrontation time and time again.

It is about time you man-up and show yourself that your are true and saved chistian as you claim.

I presented my scriptural proof. You are just annoying and lack reading comprehension. I am too busy with schoolwork and such to have a one on one debate with someone who's IQ is likely below 20.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You and many other have been making it clear that non trins are not Christians. why do you disregard this?

And you have no scripture to back it up your corrupt doctrine..

You are playing Christian. You guys don't even know the basic of Christianity.

So it is ok for you to call me hypocrite for pointing your phoney faith? Nope.

You don't actually accept the authority of all scripture, per 2 Timothy 3:16, thus there's no common ground with which we can debate.


I presented my scriptural proof. You are just annoying and lack reading comprehension. I am too busy with schoolwork and such to have a one on one debate with someone who's IQ is likely below 20.

That's what I thought. It should not take much of your time if your faith is real.

You are just a mouth.

You are pretending to be wise young man, but you are just plain bully phony teen age Christian just like your Calvist friend Nang.


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I don't actually agree with Nang's thesis in this thread. I don't think its wrong to take money from unbelievers, including Jehovah's Witnesses or other non-trinitarians. I also don't think any viewpoints should be banned from this website. We should call unbelievers out on their blasphemy, not censor them as if we were afraid.

Also, I do think its somewhat ironic that Nang is calling on open theists to ban non-trinitarians for their theological views, seeing as the former isn't really much better than the latter. I haven't discussed this with Nang though, so I don't know her reasoning. I could be off track here. But I'm not sure why Nang would expect heretics to censor other heretics, or if there would be a point to that even if there was.

Mind you, there's a place for exclusively Christian dialogue, I don't think that place is on a forum like this one or especially on a forum that is run by heretics.

And... there's probably no way I can say this without getting in trouble myself, so I'll just say, look, I know my assertion that the admins are heretics is a harsh one. I believe that a god who is not all-knowing with regards to the future is a false god. I would not be surprised if open theists felt the same way about the God I worship (especially since I believe God predestines all that occurs, even sin.) I could defend these views in another thread. I won't defend them in this one. Suffice for me to say that I THINK Nang would agree with everything in those last couple paragraphs.

Again, I don't agree with Nang on everything. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw her under the bus. She's a good Christian woman who understands the gospel. That's FAR more than I can say about most here.

Why do you come here then if thats how you feel? God will either save us or He wont according to whether He picked us for the cosmic lottery according to you and nang anyway, so why do you come? Both of you complain about it all the time, are you both masochists or something?


Well-known member
You don't actually accept the authority of all scripture, per 2 Timothy 3:16, thus there's no common ground with which we can debate.

Word!!!! She doesn't even believe Peter when he wrote about Paul...rejects it out of hand She believes everything in that book EXCEPT that verse...Imagine that!


Well-known member
Why do you come here then if thats how you feel? God will either save us or He wont according to whether He picked us for the cosmic lottery according to you and nang anyway, so why do you come? Both of you complain about it all the time, are you both masochists or something?

He's a messenger from satan....a thorn in our flesh.


You don't actually accept the authority of all scripture, per 2 Timothy 3:16, thus there's no common ground with which we can debate.

I already established that Paul is not my Lord, he is your lord.

My Lord is Jesus.

So I don't take Pual's instruction.

You see you are no different from any mainstreamers whom you so despise.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
That's what I thought. It should not take much of your time if your faith is real.

You are just a mouth.

You are pretending to be wise young man, but you are just plain bully phony teen age Christian just like your Calvist friend Nang.

Nang isn't a teenager;)

Of course, there are a number of wrong opinions in that post (like all of them) but that was the objectively refutable fact. I have no interest in arguing with the stupid about anything else.
Why do you come here then if thats how you feel? God will either save us or He wont according to whether He picked us for the cosmic lottery according to you and nang anyway, so why do you come? Both of you complain about it all the time, are you both masochists or something?

I actually don't mind that the admins are heretics. Of course, I'd like them to repent of their heresies, but I'm not complaining about that fact. I'm just saying that I don't get why Nang would want heretics to ban other heretics or what good she thinks that would do... Nang and I agree most of the time but I'm guessing maybe 5% of the time we disagree and this is one of those times... I don't believe in any censorship (admittedly, I did call for the bombing ISIS people to be censored on RPF but that's because its RPF... the one place I go to escape from non-interventionists... and even then that was just a consistency issue.)
Word!!!! She doesn't even believe Peter when he wrote about Paul...rejects it out of hand She believes everything in that book EXCEPT that verse...Imagine that!

Watch out, you're making Peter your lord;)

JK obviously. Seriously though, what common ground do I have to debate her?
I already established that Paul is not my Lord, he is your lord.

My Lord is Jesus.

So I don't take Pual's instruction.

You see you are no different from any mainstreamers whom you so despise.

My Lord is Jesus. Jesus called the apostles, including Paul, to write certain infallible works. Who are you to argue with God? Paul isn't God. Anything that Paul said outside of scripture was fallible.


New member
Why do you come here then if thats how you feel? God will either save us or He wont according to whether He picked us for the cosmic lottery according to you and nang anyway, so why do you come? Both of you complain about it all the time, are you both masochists or something?

I like this post Angel, and I admit I am still a novice at trying to figure out what all doctrines really believe but I know in my heart that you do not have to have a correct definition of the un definable God to know the Gospel and be saved by grace.another words you don't have to have a technical knowledge of how time works and all the mysteries of God.


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Why do you come here then if thats how you feel? God will either save us or He wont according to whether He picked us for the cosmic lottery according to you and nang anyway, so why do you come? Both of you complain about it all the time, are you both masochists or something?

I actually don't mind that the admins are heretics. Of course, I'd like them to repent of their heresies, but I'm not complaining about that fact. I'm just saying that I don't get why Nang would want heretics to ban other heretics or what good she thinks that would do... Nang and I agree most of the time but I'm guessing maybe 5% of the time we disagree and this is one of those times... I don't believe in any censorship (admittedly, I did call for the bombing ISIS people to be censored on RPF but that's because its RPF... the one place I go to escape from non-interventionists... and even then that was just a consistency issue.)

Thats not really an answer to what i asked you. Why do you come here? What do you hope to gain and or accomplish here?


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I like this post Angel, and I admit I am still a novice at trying to figure out what all doctrines really believe but I know in my heart that you do not have to have a correct definition of the un definable God to know the Gospel and be saved by grace.another words you don't have to have a technical knowledge of how time works and all the mysteries of God.

Thanks and good to see you come because you are open to discussion and learning and sharing.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Thats not really an answer to what i asked you. Why do you come here? What do you hope to gain and or accomplish here?

Sorry. I enjoy debate and I believe God works through means of rational logic. So while ultimately I do think God chooses who he will save and who he won't ("cosmic lottery" is a trivializing if not outright blasphemous way of putting it) I also believe God can and may use my presence here to lead people to the truth.


New member
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Sorry. I enjoy debate and I believe God works through means of rational logic. So while ultimately I do think God chooses who he will save and who he won't ("cosmic lottery" is a trivializing if not outright blasphemous way of putting it) I also believe God can and may use my presence here to lead people to the truth.

Then you believe that God needs your help to pick people at random.
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