Prostituting TOL

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Sorry. I enjoy debate and I believe God works through means of rational logic. So while ultimately I do think God chooses who he will save and who he won't ("cosmic lottery" is a trivializing if not outright blasphemous way of putting it) I also believe God can and may use my presence here to lead people to the truth.

Proving you don't really believe the garbage you preach. :chuckle:


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Wrong. Its not "random" and I am certain God has a reason, its just not a reason that has anything to do with the sinner. Also, God predestines the means as well as the ends.

If everyone is equally the same as far as in sin, how is it not random?

Its either random or you did something to deserve it, no?


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No. Its impossible for a Christian to hold to a dichotomy like that. Galatians 1:8-9.

I agree, but yet Calvinism holds it - if everyone is equally the same and equally sinful, and no one deserves salvation - then its random.

I disagree with that position, i believe God to actually be merciful and longsuffering and that since He was lifted up, draws all men to Him.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I agree, but yet Calvinism holds it - if everyone is equally the same and equally sinful, and no one deserves salvation - then its random.

Wrong. God has a reason. I just don't know what it is, and I know it doesn't have to do with the sinner.

I disagree with that position, i believe God to actually be merciful and longsuffering and that since He was lifted up, draws all men to Him.

IIRC that passage was talking about judgment.


TOL Subscriber
Why do you come here then if thats how you feel? God will either save us or He wont according to whether He picked us for the cosmic lottery according to you and nang anyway, so why do you come? Both of you complain about it all the time, are you both masochists or something?

If that's how you feel about myself and CL posting on TOL, why do you come here? Why do you complain about our beliefs and presence all the time? Are you a masochist or something?

(See how that works? :chuckle:)


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Wrong. God has a reason. I just don't know what it is, and I know it doesn't have to do with the sinner.
In other words thats what you think, there is no scriptural support for that, and much in support that He wills that all men be saved since thats what it actually says.

IIRC that passage was talking about judgment.
no, it isnt. See the context.

Anyway back to the topic.

What do you hope to accomplish by hanging out in a place you dislike and think is heretical?


TOL Subscriber
I agree, but yet Calvinism holds it - if everyone is equally the same and equally sinful, and no one deserves salvation - then its random.


God simply knows more than we know, and He has revealed to man all they need to know about His sovereign choices.

However, He has told us He chose a particular people for redemption in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world for these reasons:

1. Because they were named as adopted sons of God.

2. Because it was His good pleasure to redeem them from corruption and sin.

3. Because it would bring glory to His name.

4. Because He accepted these in His Beloved Son.

5. Because all such was according to the riches of His grace.

6. Because He purposed these things "in Himself."

7. Because He works all things according to His will.

These answers from Ephesians 1:4-11 are more than sufficient to satisfy why God has saved all He predestined to save.

There is no reason to question God further . . .

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame

God simply knows more than we know, and He has revealed to man all they need to know about His sovereign choices.

However, He has told us He chose a particular people for redemption in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world for these reasons:

1. Because they were named as adopted sons of God.

2. Because it was His good pleasure to redeem them from corruption and sin.

3. Because it would bring glory to His name.

4. Because He accepted these in His Beloved Son.

5. Because all such was according to the riches of His grace.

6. Because He purposed these things "in Himself."

7. Because He works all things according to His will.

These answers from Ephesians 1:4-11 are more than sufficient to satisfy why God has saved all He predestined to save.

There is no reason to question God further . . .

Do you have a problem with the following;

Romans 10:9-10New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.


TOL Subscriber
Do you have a problem with the following;

Romans 10:9-10New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.


What makes you think I would?


New member
Prostituting TOL

Do you have a problem with the following;

Romans 10:9-10New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

I have no problem with the life giving water that Jesus offers us :)

I know you weren't talking to me but thanks for share ing the Gospel :)


TOL Subscriber
Did God prompt (predestine) those who accept Jesus as Lord?


And He sent His Son to bear their sins on the cross and justifiy their souls through the shedding of His sacrificial blood.

Then Christ commissioned and sent His Holy Spirit to call them and regenerated them by changing their hard hearts into living hearts with the Law and love of God implanted in them

Through the miracle of regeneration (resurrecting them spiritually in their lifetime, from death to life; from darkness to God's own light), these were enabled to hear and believe the gospel proclaimed. They were gifted with faith to believe and granted with repentance to turn away from sin.

Regeneration precedes Romans 10:8-17.

(Those not regenerated may hear the gospel in the flesh, but they will not believe in their hearts, because they have not yet been brought to life from above. John 3:3)

Without the Holy Spirit of God, a non-regenerated spiritually dead sinner has no capacity to hear and believe the gospel preached.

I Corinthians 2:11-14

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame

And He sent His Son to bear their sins on the cross and justifiy their souls through His blood.

Then Christ commissioned and sent His Holy Spirit to call them and regenerated them by changing their hard hearts into living hearts with the Law and love of God implanted in them

Through the miracle of regeneration (resurrecting them spiritually from death to life; from darkness to God's own light), these were enabled to hear and believe the gospel proclaimed. They were gifted with faith to believe and granted with repentance to turn away from sin.

Regeneration precedes Romans 10:8-17.

(Those not regenerated may hear the gospel in the flesh, but they will not believe in their hearts, because they have not yet been brought to life from above. John 3:3)

Without the Holy Spirit of God, a non-regenerated spiritually dead sinner has no capacity to hear and believe the gospel preached.

I Corinthians 2:11-14

Thank you. I don't see too much difference between that and "free will" choice.


TOL Subscriber
Thank you. I don't see too much difference between that and "free will" choice.

The difference is only a matter of who CAUSES sinners to choose faith in the righteousness of Christ.

Reformers (myself) believe God causes and enables the sinner to comprehend ("see") the gospel of the kingdom, through the indwelling Holy Spirit received in regeneration and conversion. Faith and repentance comes as a gift from the presence of God.

Others believe the sinner first chooses to believe, and then is rewarded with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Faith to believe and repentance comes from within the sinner.

I consider the latter to be impossible, because of the teaching of Romans 3:10-19.

The whole reason the Holy Spirit calls, converts and gifts sinners with faith and repentance, is because they are totally incapable of such spiritual abilities due to their corrupted hearts, minds, will, and human nature.

Sinners must first be changed and raised to new spiritual life, before they can believe . . . and that belief is an undeserving gift from God, according to His grace alone.

Sola Gratia!


TOL Subscriber
Without the Holy Spirit of God, a non-regenerated spiritually dead sinner has no capacity to hear and believe the gospel preached.

What a load of dung.

Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

All men have been dealt the measure of faith to believe the gospel of Christ.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The difference is only a matter of who CAUSES sinners to choose faith in the righteousness of Christ.

Reformers (myself) believe God causes and enables the sinner to comprehend ("see") the gospel of the kingdom, through the indwelling Holy Spirit received in regeneration and conversion. Faith and repentance comes as a gift from the presence of God.

Others believe the sinner first chooses to believe, and then is rewarded with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Faith to believe and repentance comes from within the sinner.

I consider the latter to be impossible, because of the teaching of Romans 3:10-19.

The whole reason the Holy Spirit calls, converts and gifts sinners with faith and repentance, is because they are totally incapable of such spiritual abilities due to their corrupted hearts, minds, will, and human nature.

Sinners must first be changed and raised to new spiritual life, before they can believe . . . and that belief is an undeserving gift from God, according to His grace alone.

Sola Gratia!

Wy then do we preach, teach and evangelize if God has already made the choice?
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