PARADISE ON EARTH---don't we all really want it?


New member
Greetings again KingdomRose, I appreciate your response. This gives me a different perspective. If Christ was to start the 1000 years today, then there would be only a few million upon the earth, if we count these JWs from 1931.

I had guessed that JWs taught that only some in each generation from the time of the Apostles would go to heaven, while most would be rewarded upon the earth. Your suggestion of 1931 alters my assessment. I was surprised to see that you resurrected this thread, or even found it, as my lost Post on this thread was in August 30th 2017.

If you feel like resurrecting another thread, I wrote and discussed my differences with JW teaching in the thread titled: “Jehovah Witness Teaching compared with The Bible”. My last Post on this was June 12th 2017, but possibly a few others may have added a few Posts. From memory, both you and at least another JW participated. I have not altered my position on the various Topics that I mentioned in that thread. I especially believe that Acts 1:11 and Acts 3:19-21 (even in the NWT) clearly teach that Jesus will personally return to this earth and sit upon the throne of David in literal Jerusalem, subjugating and converting and teaching the nations, based also for example on Isaiah 2:1-4, Zechariah 14.

Kind regards

My feeble brain isn't quite understanding what you mean by if Christ started the 1,000 years today there would be only a few million on the earth. I'm thinking that there will be billions on the earth. There are many people that have not been told of the truth about God and Christ or even know that they exist, and they will have to be instructed during the Thousand-Year Reign.

I'll see if I can locate your thread about JWs and the Bible.

We're expecting another Nor-easter tomorrow, here in New England. I hope you are enjoying nice weather.


Well-known member
Greetings again KingdomRose,
My feeble brain isn't quite understanding what you mean by if Christ started the 1,000 years today there would be only a few million on the earth. I'm thinking that there will be billions on the earth. There are many people that have not been told of the truth about God and Christ or even know that they exist, and they will have to be instructed during the Thousand-Year Reign.
Again I misunderstood JW teaching or your version of it. I thought that JWs taught that after Armageddon the dead JWs would be raised and joined with the living JWs, but most of mankind would be wiped out in Armageddon. But you suggest billions will be on the earth at the beginning of the 1000 years. Will this include a resurrection of all non-JWs to have a second chance, especially the ones who did not hear the gospel? Is that how you arrive at billions?
We're expecting another Nor-easter tomorrow, here in New England. I hope you are enjoying nice weather.
Autumn is attempting to set in here in Australia, with some pleasant days and a few warmer days.

Kind regards


When someone mentions "heaven" and they describe what it would be like for them, have you noticed that most often they speak of ideal conditions that would be physical, like here on the earth? They say, oh there will be no more sickness and even the lame will be able to romp with their dogs and there will be food enough for everybody, etc., etc.

Why do people think that God wants us to go to heaven to have those things? Why is it so difficult to believe that those things and more will be given to us here on Earth? Doesn't most of the O.T. speak of wonderful conditions here on the earth that humans can eventually have?


Today is Revi'i (Fourth) 12-27, evening and morning, night and day. It is evening, night. I am writing from Tacoma, Washington. The sun has set.

I do not know you to be correct.




New member
Greetings again KingdomRose, Again I misunderstood JW teaching or your version of it. I thought that JWs taught that after Armageddon the dead JWs would be raised and joined with the living JWs, but most of mankind would be wiped out in Armageddon. But you suggest billions will be on the earth at the beginning of the 1000 years. Will this include a resurrection of all non-JWs to have a second chance, especially the ones who did not hear the gospel? Is that how you arrive at billions?

Kind regards

Yes. Actually I would say that those who didn't even have a FIRST chance will be given that chance.


New member

Today is Revi'i (Fourth) 12-27, evening and morning, night and day. It is evening, night. I am writing from Tacoma, Washington. The sun has set.

I do not know you to be correct.



Jacob, what did you mean "I do not know you to be correct"? I didn't understand that.


What in particular? What is it you don't agree with, and why?


Today is Chamishi (Fifth) 12-28 until sundown. It is Yom, Day. I am writing from Tacoma, Washington.

Here is what I wrote while waiting to log in. The why is because I don't read the Scriptures the same way as Jehovah's Witnesses or don't see this in the Scriptures the TaNaK.

To be specific, you mentioned the way people would like things to be in heaven and that it should not be difficult to think of those things and more here on Earth. You mentioned the O.T. and said that it speaks of wonderful conditions here on the earth that humans can eventually have.




New member

Great article, very thorough and easily understandable... that is for those who wish to actually understand how the translation was produced and reproduced to verify their original belief. I just wish that people would actually want to know the motives behind some of these translations because as we can see it is poisoning the mind and soul of those it has done a good job of leading way way way astray. :(


New member
So, "Angel4Truth," you can't really find anything to support opposition to the fact of the coming paradise Earth, so you jump in with nit-picking objections to WORDS that are different in the New World Translation.....though nobody is saying that it matters a whole lot whether Jesus died on a pole or a pole with a cross-bar. That is not going to affect our own salvation.

JWs do NOT "intentionally change" Biblical text to conform to any theology. We follow Westcott & Hort's efforts at translation, and are concerned merely that the texts are as close to the earliest manuscripts as possible. JWs used the King James Version and the American Standard Bible for almost 100 years before the NWT was produced. We can show the truth from ANY Bible.

But words are important because a single word can change the entire understanding of a text. English is one of the most difficult languages to learn and translate to because the words and position of those words in a sentence can alter the entire meaning of a sentence. so one added word or one untranslated word changes the fundamental understand of God and who He is. And what could be more important than the WORDS that God has given us. words are so important because they carry meaning and the WORDS FROM GOD are the most important


New member

Today is Chamishi (Fifth) 12-28 until sundown. It is Yom, Day. I am writing from Tacoma, Washington.

Here is what I wrote while waiting to log in. The why is because I don't read the Scriptures the same way as Jehovah's Witnesses or don't see this in the Scriptures the TaNaK.

To be specific, you mentioned the way people would like things to be in heaven and that it should not be difficult to think of those things and more here on Earth. You mentioned the O.T. and said that it speaks of wonderful conditions here on the earth that humans can eventually have.



Yes. Do you disagree with that? You of all people here would know that the Tanakh speaks of a paradise on Earth. Will you look up these Scriptures and then tell me why you disagree with me about the earth being a paradise? I am taking them from the JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh published by the Jewish Publication Society. It is YOUR Bible.

1) "The righteous may flourish in his time, and well-being abound, till the moon is no more. Let him [the Messiah] rule from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth." (Psalm 72:7,8)

2) "Come and see what the LORD has done, how He has wrought desolation on the earth [to the wicked]. He puts a stop to wars throughout the earth, breaking the bow, snapping the spear, consigning wagons to the flames." (Psalm 46:9,10)

3) "For evil men will be cut off, but those who look to the LORD---they shall inherit the land; The righteous shall inherit the land and abide forever in it." (Psalm 37:9,29)

4) "They shall build houses and dwell in them, they shall plant vineyards and enjoy their fruit....The wolf and the lamb shall graze together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the serpent's food shall be earth. In all My sacred mount nothing evil or vile shall be done." (Isaiah 65:21,25)

5) "Let abundant grain be in the land, to the tops of the mountains; let his crops thrive like the forest of Lebanon; and let men sprout up in the towns like country grass." (Psalm 72:16)

6) "Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb shall shout aloud; for waters shall burst forth in the desert, streams in the wilderness. Torrid earth shall become a pool; parched land, fountains of water." (Isaiah 35:5-7)

I await your response. Shalom.


Surely Jacob would have a reply to my post above. :sheep:


Today is Aviv 2. It is Rishon, the first day of the week. It is Yom, Day.

Please post again if you would like a reply. We, I, have begun a new month and a new year.




New member
Yes. Do you disagree with that? You of all people here would know that the Tanakh speaks of a paradise on Earth. Will you look up these Scriptures and then tell me why you disagree with me about the earth being a paradise? I am taking them from the JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh published by the Jewish Publication Society. It is YOUR Bible.

1) "The righteous may flourish in his time, and well-being abound, till the moon is no more. Let him [the Messiah] rule from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth." (Psalm 72:7,8)

2) "Come and see what the LORD has done, how He has wrought desolation on the earth [to the wicked]. He puts a stop to wars throughout the earth, breaking the bow, snapping the spear, consigning wagons to the flames." (Psalm 46:9,10)

3) "For evil men will be cut off, but those who look to the LORD---they shall inherit the land; The righteous shall inherit the land and abide forever in it." (Psalm 37:9,29)

4) "They shall build houses and dwell in them, they shall plant vineyards and enjoy their fruit....The wolf and the lamb shall graze together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the serpent's food shall be earth. In all My sacred mount nothing evil or vile shall be done." (Isaiah 65:21,25)

5) "Let abundant grain be in the land, to the tops of the mountains; let his crops thrive like the forest of Lebanon; and let men sprout up in the towns like country grass." (Psalm 72:16)

6) "Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb shall shout aloud; for waters shall burst forth in the desert, streams in the wilderness. Torrid earth shall become a pool; parched land, fountains of water." (Isaiah 35:5-7)

I await your response. Shalom.




Today is Sheni, Aviv 3. It is Yom, Day.

I do not have access to a JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh published by the Jewish Publication Society. From what you posted I am unable to arrive at any conclusion that agrees with what you were putting forth.




New member

Today is Sheni, Aviv 3. It is Yom, Day.

I do not have access to a JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh published by the Jewish Publication Society. From what you posted I am unable to arrive at any conclusion that agrees with what you were putting forth.



Then tell me why, please. Read your own Tanakh and tell me how it disagrees with the JPS rendering. How do you understand those verses that I quoted?


JWs opened my eyes about what Christianity is all about with their teaching of paradise earth:)

I am grateful for that. That's why I respect them so much. [MENTION=17493]KingdomRose[/MENTION]

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
JWs opened my eyes about what Christianity is all about with their teaching of paradise earth:)

I am grateful for that. That's why I respect them so much. [MENTION=17493]KingdomRose[/MENTION]

Yeah, perhaps aligning yourself with a CULT like the JWs is the answer for you. That's a simple choice for a simpleton such as yourself.


New member
JWs opened my eyes about what Christianity is all about with their teaching of paradise earth:)

I am grateful for that. That's why I respect them so much. [MENTION=17493]KingdomRose[/MENTION]

Excellent, meshak. You are teachable, which is what "meek" inherently means. People like you will "inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). It's so sad that many people say they follow the Bible but ignore most of what it says.