PARADISE ON EARTH---don't we all really want it?


Well-known member
Moses and Elijah were DEAD, and they "appeared" only in VISION.

Jesus was dead, too, when He appeared to Saul/Paul on the Damascus Rd.

OH! Did you get that everybody??? Glorydaz doesn't think that Jesus was resurrected! She denies the resurrection! Hello! GLORYDAZ DENIES THE RESURRECTION!!! She says that Jesus was DEAD when he appeared to Paul. That means he wasn't resurrected. True Christians believe that Jesus was RESURRECTED ON THE THIRD DAY. You have a lot to learn.

I'm sure they see. And what we all see is the true definition of a LIAR....for Kingdom Rose is attempting to deceive. Just as the serpent did in the garden.


Well-known member
Hey, missy, I Timothy 1:11 refers to JEHOVAH, not Jesus. Poor deluded little girl.

I Corinthians 9:17-18 is referring to the gospel of Christ, which is: "The Good News of the Kingdom of God," which is being preached throughout the whole world. (Matthew 24:14)

Titus 1:3 refers to JEHOVAH as well. Paul accepted the fact that Jehovah, the Father and God of Jesus (John 20:17), was "God our Saviour," and wrote repeatedly of it.

But you will never see that until you stop being so self-righteous.

Hey, Hissy, Paul knew quite well that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, was the very embodiment of God. All your efforts to slander Paul, and all your efforts to twist the Scripture only seal your fate in the lake of fire. Poor deluded cult walker. :nono:

Lazy afternoon

Hey, Hissy, Paul knew quite well that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, was the very embodiment of God. All your efforts to slander Paul, and all your efforts to twist the Scripture only seal your fate in the lake of fire. Poor deluded cult walker. :nono:

You serve the interests of a god which says "either you believe as Glorydaz does or you go to hell."

Sorry glorydaz, you do not know the real Jesus Christ.

If you did then you would speak as He does, and you don't.

Oneness people like yourself and EE, who pretend to be Trinitarians, are dishonest and deluded , full of pride.



Well-known member
You serve the interests of a god which says "either you believe as Glorydaz does or you go to hell."

Sorry glorydaz, you do not know the real Jesus Christ.

Don't be sorry, I know whom I have believed and His Spirit dwells in me.

If you did then you would speak as He does, and you don't.

Before He went to the Cross, like you try to do?

Rather, I'm focused on what He revealed to Paul after He rose from the dead.

Oneness people like yourself and EE, who pretend to be Trinitarians, are dishonest and deluded , full of pride.


As if you would know the difference between "Oneness and Trinity", much less what either of us believes. You can't even grasp the simplest of truths. :chuckle:


New member
Don't be sorry, I know whom I have believed and His Spirit dwells in me.

Before He went to the Cross, like you try to do?

Rather, I'm focused on what He revealed to Paul after He rose from the dead.

As if you would know the difference between "Oneness and Trinity", much less what either of us believes. You can't even grasp the simplest of truths. :chuckle:

You can't even give an intelligent answer to the points I bring out. No answers, just denunciation of the group I'm affiliated with. You can't explain the things that the scriptures I cite say, and you just viciously attack me or my organization. That is not Christian to do. I always answer your points. Couldn't you do the same without condemning anybody?

(P.S....Didn't you say that Jesus had NOT risen from the dead when he confronted Paul? Didn't you say Jesus was still DEAD?)


Well-known member
You can't even give an intelligent answer to the points I bring out. No answers, just denunciation of the group I'm affiliated with. You can't explain the things that the scriptures I cite say, and you just viciously attack me or my organization. That is not Christian to do. I always answer your points. Couldn't you do the same without condemning anybody?

(P.S....Didn't you say that Jesus had NOT risen from the dead when he confronted Paul? Didn't you say Jesus was still DEAD?)

I'm as nice as you are....if you call that "vicious" then you'd best change your attitude, hadn't you?

No, I said neither of those things about Jesus, but that's what happens when you read INTO what someone has posted.


New member
I'm as nice as you are....if you call that "vicious" then you'd best change your attitude, hadn't you?

No, I said neither of those things about Jesus, but that's what happens when you read INTO what someone has posted.

Are you in the habit of lying, glorydaz? Go look at your Post # 268 where you said, "Jesus was dead, too, when he appeared to Saul/Paul on the Damascus Road."


That means that you think he was never resurrected after three days. I believe that he came back to life after three days. But you say he was still dead. That means you don't believe in his resurrection. How did I "read into" that?


Well-known member
Moses and Elijah were DEAD, and they "appeared" only in VISION.

Jesus was dead, too, when He appeared to Saul/Paul on the Damascus Rd.

Are you in the habit of lying, glorydaz? Go look at your Post # 268 where you said, "Jesus was dead, too, when he appeared to Saul/Paul on the Damascus Road."

That means that you think he was never resurrected after three days. I believe that he came back to life after three days. But you say he was still dead. That means you don't believe in his resurrection. How did I "read into" that?

:mock: KingdomRose

Jesus was just as dead as Moses and less.

Moses and Elijah appeared on the Mount just as Jesus appeared on the Road to Damascus.

Don't accuse me of lying when, in fact, you are clearly too ignorant to know what I meant.


New member
:mock: KingdomRose

Jesus was just as dead as Moses and less.

Moses and Elijah appeared on the Mount just as Jesus appeared on the Road to Damascus.

Don't accuse me of lying when, in fact, you are clearly too ignorant to know what I meant.

Acts2:29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 30Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; 31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

34For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

35Until I make thy foes thy footstool. 36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.



Well-known member
Acts2:29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 30Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; 31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

34For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

35Until I make thy foes thy footstool. 36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.


Is there a point there?

If you think I don't know our Lord resurrected from the dead, you're wrong.


New member
:mock: KingdomRose

Jesus was just as dead as Moses and less.

Moses and Elijah appeared on the Mount just as Jesus appeared on the Road to Damascus.

Don't accuse me of lying when, in fact, you are clearly too ignorant to know what I meant.

You SAID that Jesus was dead! How can you say that when he was brought back to life three days after he died??? It's not me who is ignorant.


Well-known member
You SAID that Jesus was dead!

You SAID Moses and Elijah were dead!

How can you say that when he was brought back to life three days after he died???

Our Lord was never without "life". It was His body that raised from the dead. :nono:

He wasn't "brought back to life" as you claim. He laid His life down AND took it up again...Himself. Speaking once again of His body of flesh. Not His spirit or His soul...only the tent in which He dwelt.

John 10:17-18
Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.​

How can you say Moses and Elijah were dead when they clearly appeared on the Mount?

They appeared just as Jesus appeared to Paul on the Road to Damascus. Proving man is composed of more than just a body of flesh.

It's not me who is ignorant.

Yes, you are ignorant if you think people are dead when they have merely put off the tent (body) in which they dwell.


Well-known member
Then why would you say he was dead when he appeared to Saul?

I was making the point that it was His flesh and blood body that had died....just as it was Moses and Elijah's flesh and blood body that had died. The soul and spirit live on after the body is put into the grave. There are physical bodies and spiritual bodies. Natural and spiritual.


New member
Hall of Fame
I was making the point that it was His flesh and blood body that had died....just as it was Moses and Elijah's flesh and blood body that had died. The soul and spirit live on after the body is put into the grave. There are physical bodies and spiritual bodies. Natural and spiritual.

Shes pretending she doesn't get it. She has to pretend, because it contradicts her JW beliefs. Jesus has to appear in the flesh, or Hes Spirit (God), which they reject.

Lazy afternoon

I was making the point that it was His flesh and blood body that had died....just as it was Moses and Elijah's flesh and blood body that had died. The soul and spirit live on after the body is put into the grave. There are physical bodies and spiritual bodies. Natural and spiritual.

The word soul means life, even animals have that until dead.



New member
I was making the point that it was His flesh and blood body that had died....just as it was Moses and Elijah's flesh and blood body that had died. The soul and spirit live on after the body is put into the grave. There are physical bodies and spiritual bodies. Natural and spiritual.

Yes there are physical and spiritual bodies, but not bodies that depart from the physical body when it dies and consciously go off somewhere else. There is NOTHING that lives on. "The dead know NOTHING." (Eccles.9:5) If the un-dead are in heaven, what is the point of the Resurrection?

You are teaching Genesis 3:4. Whose teaching is that?


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Hall of Fame
Is the New World Translation a valid version of the Bible?

Answer: The New World Translation (NWT) is defined by the Jehovah's Witnesses’ parent organization (the Watchtower Society) as "a translation of the Holy Scriptures made directly from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into modern-day English by a committee of anointed witnesses of Jehovah." The NWT is the anonymous work of the “New World Bible Translation Committee.” Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that the anonymity is in place so that the credit for the work will go to God. Of course, this has the added benefit of keeping the translators from any accountability for their errors and prevents real scholars from checking their academic credentials.

The New World Translation is unique in one thing – it is the first intentional, systematic effort at producing a complete version of the Bible that is edited and revised for the specific purpose of agreeing with a group's doctrine. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower Society realized that their beliefs contradicted Scripture. So, rather than conforming their beliefs to Scripture, they altered Scripture to agree with their beliefs. The “New World Bible Translation Committee” went through the Bible and changed any Scripture that did not agree with Jehovah’s Witness theology. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that, as new editions of the New World Translation were published, additional changes were made to the biblical text. As biblical Christians continued to point out Scriptures that clearly argue for the deity of Christ (for example), the Watchtower Society would publish new editions of the New World Translation with those Scriptures changed. Here are some of the more prominent examples of intentional revisions:

The New World Translation renders the Greek term word staurós ("cross") as "torture stake" because Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross. The New World Translation does not translate the words sheol, hades, gehenna, and tartarus as "hell” because Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in hell. The NWT gives the translation "presence" instead of “coming” for the Greek word parousia because Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Christ has already returned in the early 1900s. In Colossians 1:16, the NWT inserts the word “other” despite its being completely absent from the original Greek text. It does this to give the view that “all other things” were created by Christ, instead of what the text says, “all things were created by Christ.” This is to go along with their belief that Christ is a created being, which they believe because they deny the Trinity.

The most well-known of all the New World Translation perversions is John 1:1. The original Greek text reads, “the Word was God.” The NWT renders it as “the word was a god.” This is not a matter of correct translation, but of reading one's preconceived theology into the text, rather than allowing the text to speak for itself. There is no indefinite article in Greek (in English, "a" or "an"), so any use of an indefinite article in English must be added by the translator. This is grammatically acceptable, so long as it does not change the meaning of the text.

There is a good reason why theos has no definite article in John 1:1 and why the New World Translation rendering is in error. There are three general rules we need to understand to see why.

1. In Greek, word order does not determine word usage like it does in English. In English, a sentence is structured according to word order: Subject - Verb - Object. Thus, "Harry called the dog" is not equivalent to "the dog called Harry." But in Greek, a word's function is determined by the case ending found attached to the word's root. There are two case endings for the root theo: one is -s (theos), the other is -n (theon). The -s ending normally identifies a noun as being the subject of a sentence, while the -n ending normally identifies a noun as the direct object.

2. When a noun functions as a predicate nominative (in English, a noun that follows a being verb such as "is"), its case ending must match the noun's case that it renames, so that the reader will know which noun it is defining. Therefore, theo must take the -s ending because it is renaming logos. Therefore, John 1:1 transliterates to "kai theos en ho logos." Is theos the subject, or is logos? Both have the -s ending. The answer is found in the next rule.

3. In cases where two nouns appear, and both take the same case ending, the author will often add the definite article to the word that is the subject in order to avoid confusion. John put the definite article on logos (“the Word”) instead of on theos. So, logos is the subject, and theos is the predicate nominative. In English, this results in John 1:1 being read as "and the Word was God" (instead of "and God was the word").

The most revealing evidence of the Watchtower's bias is their inconsistent translation technique. Throughout the Gospel of John, the Greek word theon occurs without a definite article. The New World Translation renders none of these as “a god.” Just three verses after John 1:1, the New World Translation translates another case of theos without the indefinite article as "God." Even more inconsistent, in John 1:18, the NWT translates the same term as both "God" and "god" in the very same sentence.

The Watchtower, therefore, has no hard textual grounds for their translation—only their own theological bias. While New World Translation defenders might succeed in showing that John 1:1 can be translated as they have done, they cannot show that it is the proper translation. Nor can they explain the fact that that the NWT does not translate the same Greek phrases elsewhere in the Gospel of John the same way. It is only the pre-conceived heretical rejection of the deity of Christ that forces the Watchtower Society to inconsistently translate the Greek text, thus allowing their error to gain some semblance of legitimacy in the minds of those ignorant of the facts.

It is only the Watchtower's pre-conceived heretical beliefs that are behind the dishonest and inconsistent translation that is the New World Translation. The New World Translation is most definitely not a valid version of God’s Word. There are minor differences among all the major English translations of the Bible. No English translation is perfect. However, while other Bible translators make minor mistakes in the rendering of the Hebrew and Greek text into English, the NWT intentionally changes the rendering of the text to conform to Jehovah’s Witness theology. The New World Translation is a perversion, not a version, of the Bible.


New member
So, "Angel4Truth," you can't really find anything to support opposition to the fact of the coming paradise Earth, so you jump in with nit-picking objections to WORDS that are different in the New World Translation.....though nobody is saying that it matters a whole lot whether Jesus died on a pole or a pole with a cross-bar. That is not going to affect our own salvation.

JWs do NOT "intentionally change" Biblical text to conform to any theology. We follow Westcott & Hort's efforts at translation, and are concerned merely that the texts are as close to the earliest manuscripts as possible. JWs used the King James Version and the American Standard Bible for almost 100 years before the NWT was produced. We can show the truth from ANY Bible.