PARADISE ON EARTH---don't we all really want it?


It gets monotonous after awhile spoon-feeding babes who have no clue about what they are saying.

I couldn't have said it better. Your doctrine is "brain washing" and you literally go into a daze when you are confronted with your error.

When you say... "the bible could say this"... what you are saying is that "the Jehovah's Witnesses taught me this".

You are a "spoon fed" baby birdy that's talking "dirty", by trying to cram your "devil speak" brain washing down other people's throats.

I try to be nice.... but honestly... if you value the opinions of "Charles Taze" ... more than the actual continuity of scripture... what else is there to say?




The inserted verses have no truth in them whatever.


Honestly... I try to give you respect... but you just lost ALL of my respect...

You literally toss verses out of scripture if they contradict your beliefs. You are a JW... you simply lie to others that you aren't... but it's obvious.

You reject the label, but wear the "doctrine".

Peace, peace... "JW grease"...

- EE


Do you have a sock named Rosenritter? :chew:

Rosenritter would eat KR for breakfast... at least he defends the John 10:30 of the matter, along side you and the rest of us that accept the mystery of the John 10:30 and Dt. 6:4... KR is simply a brainwashed nut job... wearing "the emperors new clothes".

I did catch that RR believes in "soul sleep", and thus I get your joke... but truly... KR is a JW puppet, while RR is a bible based hell raiser that can bump with the most stubborn of all of us and force us to delve deeper in scripture.


Well-known member
Rosenritter would eat KR for breakfast... at least he defends the John 10:30 of the matter, along side you and the rest of us that accept the mystery of the John 10:30 and Dt. 6:4... KR is simply a brainwashed nut job... wearing "the emperors new clothes".

I did catch that RR believes in "soul sleep", and thus I get your joke... but truly... KR is a JW puppet, while RR is a bible based hell raiser that can bump with the most stubborn of all of us and force us to delve deeper in scripture.

Nonsense, being a big mouth doesn't make one bible based. The two are cut from the same cloth.

No, it's nothing but pride, scripture twisting, and making claims the scripture doesn't mean what it says.


Nonsense, being a big mouth doesn't make one bible based. The two are cut from the same cloth.

No, it's nothing but pride, scripture twisting, and making claims the scripture doesn't mean what it says.

I have a different perspective on RR, because they claim Jesus as YHWH and share the true understanding of Romans 4:4 and Eph. 2:8f with you, myself and many others...

I also respect your opinion in this matter.

Personally... I have a pretty huge mouth... so I can't point any fingers or add to the value of that stock.


- EE


Well-known member
I have a different perspective on RR, because they claim Jesus as YHWH and share the true understanding of Romans 4:4 and Eph. 2:8f with you, myself and many others...

I also respect your opinion in this matter.

Personally... I have a pretty huge mouth... so I can't point any fingers or add to the value of that stock.


- EE

Nothing wrong with a big mouth unless it's backed up with pride and condescension. Nothing wrong with a big mouth unless it is used to say the Bible doesn't mean what it says. No, I wouldn't be comparing yourself to that one.....there is none.

Even his/her understanding of God is wrong. I know you're trying to see it's a right understanding, but it isn't....not really. You always look for the best, and that's fine, but it doesn't mean the best is always there. :)


Well-known member
Rosenritter would eat KR for breakfast... at least he defends the John 10:30 of the matter, along side you and the rest of us that accept the mystery of the John 10:30 and Dt. 6:4... KR is simply a brainwashed nut job... wearing "the emperors new clothes".

I did catch that RR believes in "soul sleep", and thus I get your joke... but truly... KR is a JW puppet, while RR is a bible based hell raiser that can bump with the most stubborn of all of us and force us to delve deeper in scripture.

And I was just getting to like you.

Your the snake in the grass I heard about.

This nut job is nobodys puppet EE.

I will pray for you.

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Lazy afternoon

Honestly... I try to give you respect... but you just lost ALL of my respect...

No one is trying to get your respect, and certainly you have not gained the respect of any by the way you speak.

You literally toss verses out of scripture if they contradict your beliefs. You are a JW... you simply lie to others that you aren't... but it's obvious.

You mean it is obvious to you that the verses in question are authentic, without any supporting proof whatever from any source, only that they must be because they are there.

You reject the label, but wear the "doctrine".

Peace, peace... "JW grease"...

- EE

obey the verses, you are more shallow a believer than you think.

Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Rom 12:16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.



No one is trying to get your respect, and certainly you have not gained the respect of any by the way you speak.

You mean it is obvious to you that the verses in question are authentic, without any supporting proof whatever from any source, only that they must be because they are there.

obey the verses, you are more shallow a believer than you think.

Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Rom 12:16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.


You... LA... "That verse is a lie"

Me... EE... "That sums up LA...."


And I was just getting to like you.

Your the snake in the grass I heard about.

This nut job is nobodys puppet EE.

I will pray for you.

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You doof! I stab you to your face! [MENTION=17493]KingdomRose[/MENTION] is KR!

Sorry for the mixup...

Have I ever been a closet jerk? You know I'm a bull in a china shop! You are Keypurr... If I have ever abbreviated you KR... I'm sorry for the mixup.

I would call you Key... for short... most likely...

Anyhow... I'm no snake... I'm a mean Gorilla!



Link to inspirational quote... note the KR being responded to...

We cool?


New member
So you say Jesus was not talking to Moses and Elijah.

Mat 17:3 And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

That's correct. Moses and Elijah were long dead, and we know that "dead" means DEAD to everybody but Satan.

"The dead are conscious of NOTHING at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5)

Did you read verse 9??? It was a VISION. They "appeared" but they weren't actually there. Just like all the stuff the Apostle John saw when he recorded the Revelation. Did a terrible beast with 7 heads actually exist? NO! He saw things that stood for, or, represented a reality, just like what Peter and James and John saw during the Transfiguration.


New member
Clearly, you don't understand that the vision WAS INDEED the REAL Moses and Elijah. Just as the Lord appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, Moses and Elijah appeared to Peter, James and John.

YOU don't understand what a VISION is! Did the Apostle John actually SEE real locusts with heads like men and teeth like lions'? Did locusts actually exist that had tails like scorpions? That was a VISION. Something APPEARS to be there but is, in reality, not. John saw many things that were not real but were shown to him in a vision so that he might get an idea of what would happen as REPRESENTED BY the things in the vision.

The Transfiguration was like that. Moses and Elijah represented the Law and the Prophets, both of which pointed toward Christ and were fulfilled in him. The whole thing showed that Jesus had God's approval and it was a foreview of his future glory and Kingdom power.

What Paul saw on the road to Damascus was not a "vision." Jesus actually appeared to him. I don't see any place in the account where it called Jesus' appearance a "vision."

Why do you insist that Moses and Elijah were actually alive, when Jesus said that no one would go to heaven before he did (after his resurrection)? (John 3:13)


New member
I couldn't have said it better. Your doctrine is "brain washing" and you literally go into a daze when you are confronted with your error.

When you say... "the bible could say this"... what you are saying is that "the Jehovah's Witnesses taught me this".

You are a "spoon fed" baby birdy that's talking "dirty", by trying to cram your "devil speak" brain washing down other people's throats.

I try to be nice.... but honestly... if you value the opinions of "Charles Taze" ... more than the actual continuity of scripture... what else is there to say?

My error?? LOL. You are a sad and pathetic little evil eye, spreading lies and twisted doctrine.

How can you say what I am actually "saying"? How can you know what I am thinking? I have come to my conclusions by checking everything out...studying, comparing, doing things that you obviously have not done. YOU are one who says things by rote, and have not really checked things out. I have dismantled every one of your ridiculous statements, and you have been unable to refute what I have said.

What are you.....a 6-year-old?


New member
Honestly... I try to give you respect... but you just lost ALL of my respect...

You literally toss verses out of scripture if they contradict your beliefs. You are a JW... you simply lie to others that you aren't... but it's obvious.

You reject the label, but wear the "doctrine".

Peace, peace... "JW grease"...

- EE

Lazy Afternoon is not a Jehovah's Witness. He has more things right in his mind than you do, Evil Child, but he believes that Moses and Elijah are not really dead, which differs greatly from what JWs teach.


Well-known member
You doof! I stab you to your face! [MENTION=17493]KingdomRose[/MENTION] is KR!

Sorry for the mixup...

Have I ever been a closet jerk? You know I'm a bull in a china shop! You are Keypurr... If I have ever abbreviated you KR... I'm sorry for the mixup.

I would call you Key... for short... most likely...

Anyhow... I'm no snake... I'm a mean Gorilla!



Link to inspirational quote... note the KR being responded to...

We cool?

We cool, apology accepted.

Key is ok with me, that makes me a key person in your forum discussions. Now I feel important. Wow, great feeling.

Be careful when you growl, I growl back.

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Well-known member
That's correct. Moses and Elijah were long dead, and we know that "dead" means DEAD to everybody but Satan.

"The dead are conscious of NOTHING at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5)

Did you read verse 9??? It was a VISION. They "appeared" but they weren't actually there. Just like all the stuff the Apostle John saw when he recorded the Revelation. Did a terrible beast with 7 heads actually exist? NO! He saw things that stood for, or, represented a reality, just like what Peter and James and John saw during the Transfiguration.

Good post

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New member
Nonsense, being a big mouth doesn't make one bible based. The two are cut from the same cloth.

No, it's nothing but pride, scripture twisting, and making claims the scripture doesn't mean what it says.

Yeah, like the scripture doesn't mean what it says when it calls the Transfiguration a "vision." And it doesn't mean what it says when it says that the Father alone is the "only true God" (John 17:3), and "God is the head of Christ" (I Corinthians 11:3). The scripture, to you, doesn't mean what it says when it has Jesus saying that "the Father is greater than I am" (John 14:28) and that he was returning to "my God and your God" (John 20:17). None of that means what it says!! Right?


New member
And I was just getting to like you.

Your the snake in the grass I heard about.

This nut job is nobodys puppet EE.

I will pray for you.

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So I am a "nut job"? I have agreed with you on just about everything for many months, and yet you call me a nut job? I guess I was for finding you credible.


Well-known member
So I am a "nut job"? I have agreed with you on just about everything for many months, and yet you call me a nut job? I guess I was for finding you credible.

I like you just the way you are. Sometimes I think that we are all nut jobs grouping in the darkness instead of observing the light.

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