PARADISE ON EARTH---don't we all really want it?


Active member
Somewhat ironic to think that the very early pagan religions of antiquity virtually all believed in Paradaiscal conditions on Earth. The Romans called it Elysium. The Greeks called it the Elysian Fields. Both lending these legends from the earlier civilisations of Sumer and Babylon both of whom believed in the 'Garden of the gods'. And yet 'heathen' Christendom since circa 2AD believes their destiny is Heaven even though Jesus prayed in Matthew 6:10 "Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth". Organised Christendom doesnt seem to know what Gods will is for the Earth -that was the pinnacle of his creation- and yet the early pagans did long before Jesus uttered those words....
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New member
Somewhat ironic to think that the very early pagan religions of antiquity virtually all believed in Paradaiscal conditions on Earth. The Romans called it Elysium. The Greeks called it the Elysian Fields. Both lending these legends from the earlier civilisations of Sumer and Babylon both of whom believed in the 'Garden of the gods'. And yet 'heathen' Christendom since circa 2AD believes their destiny is Heaven even though Jesus prayed in Matthew 6:10 "Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth". Organised Christendom doesnt seem to know what Gods will is for the Earth -that was the pinnacle of his creation- and yet the early pagans did long before Jesus uttered those words....

Excellent point, SoC.

I had made that point on another forum, and folks there were totally clueless about the history of the heavenly hope. It truly was not something people hoped for until Jesus came and taught about God's Kingdom and the role that a certain number of people would accept in "the Lord's Day."


Active member
Excellent point, SoC.

I had made that point on another forum, and folks there were totally clueless about the history of the heavenly hope. It truly was not something people hoped for until Jesus came and taught about God's Kingdom and the role that a certain number of people would accept in "the Lord's Day."

I've just finished reading a book entitled "The History of the Church of England" written by Reverand Edward L Cutts in 1895.
Cutts mentions the following in his book about King Peada of England in 625AD who was said to be converted to Christianity "when he had heard of the truth, the promises of the heavenly kingdom and the hope of the resurrection, he declared that he would willing become a christian.."
This is a verbatim qoute from the book. Its interesting that A) Cutts acknolwedges the 'truth' and B) the resurrection which was clearly a point of theological contention as the Sadducees didnt believe in it, although the Pharisees did. Which is further proof that long before Christ the Jews believed in a resurrection that would occur on the 'last day'. In fact Martha tells us this in John 11:24 "Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day". Martha obviously being well versed in the Mosaic Law.
Unfortunately because Christianity has been subverted and peverted by Christendom for so long many who consider themselves adherents of Christianity aren't familiar with that the Bible says about the resurrection hope, nor the future for this planet in accordance with Gods will.


New member
I've just finished reading a book entitled "The History of the Church of England" written by Reverand Edward L Cutts in 1895.
Cutts mentions the following in his book about King Peada of England in 625AD who was said to be converted to Christianity "when he had heard of the truth, the promises of the heavenly kingdom and the hope of the resurrection, he declared that he would willing become a christian.."
This is a verbatim qoute from the book. Its interesting that A) Cutts acknolwedges the 'truth' and B) the resurrection which was clearly a point of theological contention as the Sadducees didnt believe in it, although the Pharisees did. Which is further proof that long before Christ the Jews believed in a resurrection that would occur on the 'last day'. In fact Martha tells us this in John 11:24 "Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day". Martha obviously being well versed in the Mosaic Law.
Unfortunately because Christianity has been subverted and peverted by Christendom for so long many who consider themselves adherents of Christianity aren't familiar with that the Bible says about the resurrection hope, nor the future for this planet in accordance with Gods will.

That is true. The apostate church has pushed the "everyone is going to heaven" thing for so long that no one has a clue about what God really has in store for mankind. Somewhere back in the early days of the apostate church the clergy decided that to get in bed with the politicians and always be their buddies would advance their own agenda of power and wealth. So the clergy dropped any mention of God's Kingdom. They didn't want to get man's governments upset by being told that God's government was coming! So the hazy doctrine of everyone-goes-to-heaven was preached and it came to be accepted by the whole world. If you show people the scriptures describing the newly refreshed earth, people don't even know how to process that! It just doesn't compute because mankind has been brainwashed for so long. Well, you and I know what's in store, and I can hardly wait.

"Evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. The meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." (Psalm 37:9,11, KJV)

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." (Isaiah 11:6, KJV)


New member
More wonderful promises from God:

"At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness." (Isaiah 35:5,6)

"They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage....For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full." (Isaiah 65:21,22)

"And they will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble; for the very mouth of Jehovah has spoken it." (Micah 4:4)


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Hall of Fame
I studied with them for a while and concluded they the best organization. Their fruit is godly conduct in over all.

They don't follow "faith only" or "grace only" or "OSAS" or pro-military.

Their pacifist position got my respect, above all.

Weird, an organization that claims to be christian, only gets my respect, if they teach the truth about God -

That salvation only comes through Him, and not ourselves.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

The JW are a cult that lies about God whose "prophet" was an admitted liar and adulterer and he was forced to admit he knew neither greek nor hebrew (oops, weird how the new world translation came to be since he could do neither)

Anyway, heres a nice read about its founder:


New member
Weird, an organization that claims to be christian, only gets my respect, if they teach the truth about God -

That salvation only comes through Him, and not ourselves.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

The JW are a cult that lies about God whose "prophet" was an admitted liar and adulterer and he was forced to admit he knew neither greek nor hebrew (oops, weird how the new world translation came to be since he could do neither)

Anyway, heres a nice read about its founder:

You're really sticking your neck out, sweetie, by claiming to be an angel of truth! You post lies about Charles Taze Russell and present nothing that anyone could want that you have to offer. You mistakenly think that JWs believe we can work our way to eternal life. How dense. We do not teach that, and for you to impugn our reputation with dark, fanciful speech, is so far from Christ-like that I wonder why you are in any religion at all.

Russell was no "admitted liar and adulterer," and it's grossly unfair to spread that garbage. He never claimed to have translated the Greek Scriptures into English! You have not got your facts straight at all. If anyone wants to learn about Charles T. Russell, there is an excellent book out written by a non-Witness but very fair, called Charles Taze Russell/ His Life and Times, by Fredrick Zydek. I found it on Amazon myself.


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Hall of Fame
You're really sticking your neck out, sweetie, by claiming to be an angel of truth! You post lies about Charles Taze Russell and present nothing that anyone could want that you have to offer. You mistakenly think that JWs believe we can work our way to eternal life. How dense. We do not teach that, and for you to impugn our reputation with dark, fanciful speech, is so far from Christ-like that I wonder why you are in any religion at all.

Russell was no "admitted liar and adulterer," and it's grossly unfair to spread that garbage. He never claimed to have translated the Greek Scriptures into English! You have not got your facts straight at all. If anyone wants to learn about Charles T. Russell, there is an excellent book out written by a non-Witness but very fair, called Charles Taze Russell/ His Life and Times, by Fredrick Zydek. I found it on Amazon myself.

Better check the actual court transcript from his divorce, those are public records. He admitted on the witness stand that he knows no greek or hebrew. It was under the threat of a perjury charge that he admitted he didn't know those languages.

His divorce proceeding also showed clearly he was an adulterer.

Then you have the fact that he was divorcing, which disqualified him to be a leader in the church, according to your own beliefs.

You are in a cult, wake up.


New member
Better check the actual court transcript from his divorce, those are public records. He admitted on the witness stand that he knows no greek or hebrew. It was under the threat of a perjury charge that he admitted he didn't know those languages.

His divorce proceeding also showed clearly he was an adulterer.

Then you have the fact that he was divorcing, which disqualified him to be a leader in the church, according to your own beliefs.

You are in a cult, wake up.

Hey angel, you are not understanding what is being said. Just calm down. You might learn something. Charles Russell said he did not know Greek or Hebrew, that is true. Further than that, he never claimed to have translated the Scriptures from those languages to English! Therefore HE DIDN'T LIE. But you believe whatever you wish to believe.

He was NOT an adulterer, and there has been nothing to show that he was. Where do you get this stuff?

He did not want a divorce; his wife had turned against him because she wanted to have a big say in what was published, and her desire to be prominent in the organization ate at her just like Eve's desire to run her own life finally got the best of her. He died a single man, having no interest in any other woman.

His divorce would not disqualify him from being a leader. That would be the case only if he had relations with another woman, and he did not. You may have us confused with the Catholic Church.

You are spreading lies. Wake up.


New member
It is a delight to contemplate the coming new system of things---paradise on Earth, under the guidance and benefaction of Jesus Christ. He has paved the way for mankind to be able to have a good, close relationship with our Father and God, Jehovah, and this will be fulfilled very soon, as we take up where Adam left off. We will be able to complete Jehovah's original purpose for the earth and humankind. (Genesis 1:28; 2:15)


It is a delight to contemplate the coming new system of things---paradise on Earth, under the guidance and benefaction of Jesus Christ. He has paved the way for mankind to be able to have a good, close relationship with our Father and God, Jehovah, and this will be fulfilled very soon, as we take up where Adam left off. We will be able to complete Jehovah's original purpose for the earth and humankind. (Genesis 1:28; 2:15)



New member
Just look at this gorgeous planet with its thousands of varieties of each plant and animal. There is so much beauty....the sky with its awesome clouds, trees and flowers, beaches with crystal clear water, amazing sunsets, and on and on. We can enjoy these things forever, as Jehovah wanted Adam to be able to do. He gave it up, but we can have it all back.

"The heavens are the heavens of the LORD, but the earth He has given to the sons of men." (Psalm 115:16, NASB)


Just look at this gorgeous planet with its thousands of varieties of each plant and animal. There is so much beauty....the sky with its awesome clouds, trees and flowers, beaches with crystal clear water, amazing sunsets, and on and on. We can enjoy these things forever, as Jehovah wanted Adam to be able to do. He gave it up, but we can have it all back.

"The heavens are the heavens of the LORD, but the earth He has given to the sons of men." (Psalm 115:16, NASB)

I love garden with tons of beautiful flowers:)


New member
I love garden with tons of beautiful flowers:)

Me too! And in the new system of things we will be able to work in our gardens as much as we want, without having to leave to go punch a clock for someone else, and we can enjoy doing this forever. I never tire of seeing beautiful flowers grow.


New member
How is it that people try to describe heaven and they come up with beautiful parks and animals and seeing our dead loved ones again and being blissfully happy, etc., etc., and yet when they are told that the physical Earth itself will be like that one day, they aren't interested? Why has it always got to be IN HEAVEN?

Everything that people really wish for will be available in Paradise on Earth. Tell me....why do people think they have to go to heaven to get those things that are dear to their hearts?


New member
Hello! Do people not realize that there are not just two destinations for eternity? The third one is Paradise on Earth! We weren't meant to live in heaven. God made us to have physical bodies and live on the earth forever. Can someone answer post #217?

Isaiah 45:18


New member
It would be great to get comments on these last few posts here....posts #217,218.

"The heavens are the heavens of the LORD, but the earth He has given to the sons of men." (Psalm 115:16, NASB)