PARADISE ON EARTH---don't we all really want it?


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The King of Terrors will not come for me. I have faith and trust in the Most High Jehovah that no harm will befall me. He is truly a kind, comforting God, unlike your sadistic tyrant who roasts people in a fire like pigs on a spit.
So you don't even believe scripture that says folks will be cast into the lake of fire.
The amount of scripture that JWs oppose is astounding.


New member
So you don't even believe scripture that says folks will be cast into the lake of fire.
The amount of scripture that JWs oppose is astounding.

The amount of Scripture that you don't understand is astounding. The Lake of Fire is SYMBOLIC for eternal annihilation, not the unending torture of somebody who can never get out of it, no matter what he does. You and your ilk are sadistic. You try to show God Himself to be sadistic. Such blasphemy is appalling.

Did you notice that "hell" is cast INTO the Lake of Fire? How do you suppose hell can be cast into itself?


The amount of Scripture that you don't understand is astounding. The Lake of Fire is SYMBOLIC for eternal annihilation, not the unending torture of somebody who can never get out of it, no matter what he does. You and your ilk are sadistic. You try to show God Himself to be sadistic. Such blasphemy is appalling.

Did you notice that "hell" is cast INTO the Lake of Fire? How do you suppose hell can be cast into itself?

Yes, they don't seem to understand even basics of Christianity.

All I am spreading is the very basics of Christianity and get stoned all the time.


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The amount of Scripture that you don't understand is astounding. The Lake of Fire is SYMBOLIC for eternal annihilation, not the unending torture of somebody who can never get out of it, no matter what he does. You and your ilk are sadistic. You try to show God Himself to be sadistic. Such blasphemy is appalling.
I believe scripture.

Revelation 20:10 KJV
(10) And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Kinda hard to be tormented day and night when you are annihilated.


Get your armor ready!
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Yes, they don't seem to understand even basics of Christianity.
The basics of Christianity are revealed in scripture.
We trust in all of scripture.
Unfortunately, you do not and remain stagnant in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and go no further.
Often we see you oppose what the Lord Jesus Christ specifically commissioned His chosen apostle Paul to teach, and have even said on numerous occasions that Paul was anti-Christ, while you 'claimed' to be a follower of Jesus Christ.


New member
I believe scripture.

Revelation 20:10 KJV
(10) And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Kinda hard to be tormented day and night when you are annihilated.

You have a lot to say for someone who doesn't understand the Greek word "basani'zo," which has the meaning of a condition of restraint. The word is used in association with jailers who, of course, restrain criminals so that they can't do anything to harm anyone. As The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia says: "Probably the imprisonment itself was regarded as 'torment' (as doubtless it was), and the 'tormentors' need mean nothing more than jailers." (Edited by J. Orr, 1960, Vol.V, p.2999)

So those that will be "tormented" day and night indicates that they will be in a condition of restraint. That a condition of restraint can be spoken of as "torment" is indicated by the parallel accounts at Matthew 8:29 and Luke 8:31. As mentioned, the word for "torment" merely means being restrained. Now, wouldn't eternal DEATH be considered RESTRAINT? Satan and his demons would certainly be restrained from doing further harm. This is the sense of "tormented" as is used in Rev.20:10.

(You haven't explained how hell can be thrown into itself [Rev.20:14].)


New member
She is just a fount of misinformation, isn't she? ;)

Why don't you explain, then, what the difference between "hell" and "the lake of fire" is. I do not believe they are the same. Most hell-fire proponents do. If you think they are different, which is correct, then please honor us with your kindly explanation.

Lazy afternoon

I don't have to search the internet for some obscure "scholar" and his rendition.
I can read, write, and speak Hebrew and Greek myself.
And I can tell you that it does not mean that GOD just picked out someone to be His own blood, but that it was His own.

The only blood God owned was in the body of His son, the righteous man born through Mary.

Grosnick Marowbe

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She has never indicated that she denies that Jesus is the Lord and our Savior. In fact, that is what she always says that she believes. You unkindly twist what she says and ignore important Bible statements. Jesus did not ever say that he was God, and it is extremely unkind of you to say that he did. He is not going to let that blasphemy go unanswered forever. Soon he will show everyone on Earth that his Father alone is God, and all power and authority comes FROM the Father, Jehovah.

"Jesus said to her:...'I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to MY GOD and your God.'" (John 20:17)

The NEEDLE hasn't moved, you're still at ZERO and in a perpetual nosedive. :rotfl:

Grosnick Marowbe

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The amount of Scripture that you don't understand is astounding. The Lake of Fire is SYMBOLIC for eternal annihilation, not the unending torture of somebody who can never get out of it, no matter what he does. You and your ilk are sadistic. You try to show God Himself to be sadistic. Such blasphemy is appalling.

Did you notice that "hell" is cast INTO the Lake of Fire? How do you suppose hell can be cast into itself?

Hell (Hades) is a place where the physically dead unsaved are kept until the Final Judgement. The Lake of Fire is the destination for those who have been judged by their works and subsequently are cast into that eternal punishment. By the way, it's the same destination where Satan and his ilk will wind up. Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."

Grosnick Marowbe

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Anyone who has bought into the idea of Soul Annihilation will have a rude awakening if they should die without Christ and find themselves at the Final Judgement.