ECT Our triune God


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Hall of Fame
Jesus has a God, his father does not.

No equality with the Father.

Trinity destroyed.

You fail to understand the humanity of Christ which does not negate His Deity. The incarnation (which you reject) resolves the issues.


New member
Why would I want to listen to you? Can cursing and praise come from the same tongue?

You are banal/fleshly. I'll have a very hard time listening to anything you say from now on.

Indeed, Can cursing and praise come from the same tongue?

Er, I'm not following Moroni or a promiscuous uneducated guy who died with a gun in his hand...not my fantasy.

You Hypocrite!
I did not write the scripture that exposed your traditons of men! You are a weak minded child! I expose your traditions of men teaching with scripture, and you are forced to sit silent! No one available to tell you what to say! ... And to think this comment above is all your little mind could muster... :think:

Thank you for making it so easy...


New member
You fail to understand the humanity of Christ which does not negate His Deity. The incarnation (which you reject) resolves the issues.

JESUS tells you....... John 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The traditions of men doctrine of incarnation that is NEVER seen in Scripture confused these categories! Why do you try to join flesh that is flesh to Spirit which is Spirit?



New member
Jesus has a God, his father does not.

No equality with the Father.

Trinity destroyed.


Keep these little spiritual kids in check! God has chosen to give you great wisdom at your age! It is a great gift! You are so blessed!



Well-known member

Keep these little spiritual kids in check! God has chosen to give you great wisdom at your age! It is a great gift! You are so blessed!


I know friend, you are too.
I give thanks everyday for what he has given me.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
JESUS tells you....... John 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The traditions of men doctrine of incarnation that is NEVER seen in Scripture confused these categories! Why do you try to join flesh that is flesh to Spirit which is Spirit?


The context is contrasting natural man, natural birth, sinful man with spiritual regeneration of believers (Jn. 3).

Jn. 1 and Phil. 2 deal with the incarnation and are not negated by your bizarre proof texting out of context.

Arianism, Unitarianism, anti-trinitarianism cannot make an exegetical case because they are false views and suppression of the biblical view (that is established by all relevant evidence and verses in context).


Well-known member
Indeed, Can cursing and praise come from the same tongue?

You Hypocrite!
I did not write the scripture that exposed your traditons of men! You are a weak minded child! I expose your traditions of men teaching with scripture, and you are forced to sit silent! No one available to tell you what to say! ... And to think this comment above is all your little mind could muster... :think:

Thank you for making it so easy...

Nope, fail. Nothing at all like your gross mouth. "Moron" isn't anything near that. Shoot, that's two now isn't it? Mormon - 2ndM =
Moroni - I =
Looks very suspicious to me. It really does.
Are you sure Smith and co weren't just messing with you guys?
Wouldn't it be sad if the one you were defending and loving was laughing his head off at you and was only in it for the money and women?
Not even one piece of archealogy? You ought to know what the rest of us are thinking anyway.

With a filthy mouth like yours, you should be ashamed to show your face here ever again.
I wan't nothing to do with whatever/whoever you serve.


Yes, but neither of those were about this thread...

I comment trinitarians' fruit. Jesus says we know them by their fruit. That's why I always talk about fruit.

I value Jesus' word and use His wisdom in my comments.


Well-known member
I know friend, you are too.
I give thanks everyday for what he has given me.
After his filthy mouth? :doh: You haven't a clue what godliness is.
I suspected you'd throw your hat in with perverted lips but was really hoping you would side with God, given enough time and effort.
Don't make me have wasted hours with you, Keypurr.
Come out from among them.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I comment trinitarians' fruit. Jesus says we know them by their fruit. That's why I always talk about fruit.

I value Jesus' word and use His wisdom in my comments.

Atheists can have good fruit and Christians can have bad fruit. Atheists can believe some things that are true, while Christians can believe various errors.

Cults can have some fruit, but be in gross error. Christians can have sound doctrine or false doctrine and have fruit or no fruit.

Orthodoxy and orthopraxy are needed. You are putting too much weight on the wrong thing (showing you don't understand grace, faith, works).


New member
Nope, fail. Nothing at all like your gross mouth. "Moron" isn't anything near that. Shoot, that's two now isn't it? Mormon - 2ndM =
Moroni - I =
Looks very suspicious to me. It really does.
Are you sure Smith and co weren't just messing with you guys?
Wouldn't it be sad if the one you were defending and loving was laughing his head off at you and was only in it for the money and women?
Not even one piece of archealogy? You ought to know what the rest of us are thinking anyway.

With a filthy mouth like yours, you should be ashamed to show your face here ever again.
I wan't nothing to do with whatever/whoever you serve.

Quit whining and tell us how Jesus HAS A GOD ! :rolleyes:

Your lame attemps to draw away from what you can not explain is so easy for everyone to see! I have the God given gift to spank the traditions of men. I spanked you with the truth and all you can do is address me personally! I'm not the truth in question! :dunce:

The more flawed I am the more likely God is to use me! Don't you read scripture? Your lame attemp at labeling me only shows you can not face the actual issues being addressed in the post! WHY does Jesus have a GOD!

Again and again... you make it easy to expose you! :doh:


Yes, I do.

Then you should respect what I say because all my comments are following the Holy Spirit whether you approve of or not. You should complain to Him about me.

I am following what the Holy Spirit tells me to do.


Atheists can have good fruit and Christians can have bad fruit.

I have told you before, If you are not Jesus' servants you cannot produce godly fruit. Secular good deeds is not the same as Jesus' servants' fruit. Jesus has super high standards, and secular world dont.

You should know better than that, pastor.


Well-known member
Why are you talking to me? Why aren't you hiding off of this website for a couple of months or a year?
Why would you think your vulgar behavior wouldn't be an issue?

1Ti 3:2 ... must be above reproach
temperate, self-controlled, respectable...
Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome words come from your mouth.
Colossians 3:8 time to get rid of...dirty language.

I'm disgusted with whoever you are following with that kind of language, no shame, and your prideful gloating, at the moment.