ECT Our triune God


Well-known member
The Jews did not listen to him either, he never said he was God.
He said he was the Son of God, they assume just like you do.

John 8:40 But as it is, you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Acts 17:31: "Because He has established a day on which He will judge the world with justice through a man he has appointed, and He has provided confirmation for all by raising him from the dead."
See that Lon, a man who he appointed?

Now read this slowly:
1Co 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by (dia 'on account of') whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

Did you see that. ONE GOD AND ONE LORD?

I do not know Greek, but the folks who translated my 20 different Bibles did. So I do not need to know Greek or Hebrew. And my English is treated me OK for 76 years.
How many times... how many times... how many times...
How many times do we have to keep going over the same exact things with you, brother?

You are like a 76 year old broken record...

Please explain in detail exactly how any of your Trinitarian rendered passages supposedly thwarts the Trinity.

Did you know that the Trinity already represents these scriptures?

Wake up, pops...

My brother Student X knows more scripture than you and he is a third your age!


New member
....... One can formulate his own opinion on what it being said in scripture.
From Scripture, you ought to know better.

"Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."

Argue against it. There is only one worthy of praise, worship and glory, God. That you have even remotely rebelled against Emmanuel should be cause enough.. for you to pause.

And, that is OK to disagree in a friendly manner without down grading people.
Of course, in a friendly manner. This is something you forgot when others came about in this thread. :mmph:


Well-known member
Ever listened to called teachers, without computers, who've rightfully exposited Daniel with Antiochus Epiphnes, the last of your "end time".

Who called them? The guy upstairs or down below?

How about Pastors with Phds, do they qualify?

One of them told me that it waws not for us to know. I asked him, Then why was it written? All I got was a blank stare.

How do you know that I'm not called?

They thought Jesus was crazy. Was he called?

The spirit will be given to all thoes who seek it.

I started seeking many years ago friend, many years.
And I am still learning.



New member
What is it with uni's...? They keep tossing-out Trinitarian rendered scriptures and then sit back and say....'see'...

See what?

Uni's just don't get it because don't know that the Trinity is an epithet for the whole of scripture!

Sorry uni's...but the Trinity already encompasses any of your so-called 'proof texts' short, the Trinity is completely bullet-proof.


New member
Who called them? The guy upstairs or down below?
Do you know the Scriptures? Ephesians 4
How about Pastors with Phds, do they qualify?
Ephesians 4

One of them told me that it waws not for us to know. I asked him, Then why was it written? All I got was a blank stare.
You mean to tell me that man knows all the mysteries of God? You should have pondered and glorified HIM.

How do you know that I'm not called?
Scripturally, how do you know that you are?

They thought Jesus was crazy. Was he called?
The spirit will be given to all thoes who seek it.
Scripture please.
I started seeking many years ago friend, many years.
And I am still learning.

I continue to learn, as you should, no matter the age......... or years of struggling.


Well-known member
From Scripture, you ought to know better.

"Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."
AMEN, Paul tell is that the church was being attacked even then. The church went real sour in the forth century when they tried to change God's laws to apease the pagans.

Argue against it. There is only one worthy of praise, worship and glory, God. That you have even remotely rebelled against Emmanuel should be cause enough.. for you to pause.

I am not rebelling against emmanuel, I am rebelling against the phoney church that follows the rules of men and not God. I praise my God and the son he sent.

Of course, in a friendly manner. This is something you forgot when others came about in this thread. :mmph:

If you had your eyes open you would see that it was Lon who not only tries to belittle me, but any one who disagrees with him because he spent $40,000 on college, which seems to be a waste of his money. He looks down of folks, I don't remember Jesus deoing that, do you? I hope that he is not your role model.

I love the God of my Lord Jesus.

Think about it my friend. This is what I preach.


Well-known member
But then I grew up.

I question if you did.
We both have this blockage between us in believing it about the other.
Use your wisdom to bring me into your light if you can.
I'd love to but I don't know where to start. Nothing is getting through. I'll have to do a bit more praying but please reread a bit where I've genuinely tried in past posts, until...


New member
AMEN, Paul tell is that the church was being attacked even then. The church went real sour in the forth century when they tried to change God's laws to apease the pagans.
The assembly of God's people was attacked in the 1st century, don't get carried away with the conspiracy theories of 4th century Rome.

I am not rebelling against emmanuel, I am rebelling against the phoney church that follows the rules of men and not God. I praise my God and the son he sent.
If God is with us, then you are rebelling against Him, and He who sent Him. I know, it's difficult, no one has ever claimed otherwise in understanding the Trinity. Either we can affirm what the Scripture reveal about Jesus being both fully man and fully Divine, or we can flail around in darkness.

If you had your eyes open you would see that it was Lon who not only tries to belittle me, but any one who disagrees with him because he spent $40,000 on college, which seems to be a waste of his money. He looks down of folks, I don't remember Jesus deoing that, do you? I hope that he is not your role model.
Ephesians 4
I love the God of my Lord Jesus.

Think about it my friend. This is what I preach.
Think about the possibility that you have been deceived........... or more potently, have deceived yourself........ with pride.


My brother Student X knows more scripture than you and he is a third your age!
You sure know how to mock people.

You may think you are knowledgeable but your fruit prove it otherwise.

Jesus tell us that we know them by their fruit. Trins have been showing ungodly and corrupt fruit.

Your fruit will not lie. This is Jesus' wisdom. I trust Jesus' word. You people are not of God.


You have been defending this form people but they are not seeking the truth. You have been defending corrupt Christians. it is not wise thing to do.


Well-known member
The assembly of God's people was attacked in the 1st century, don't get carried away with the conspiracy theories of 4th century Rome.
True, it started in Pauls time, and went real bad about 325

If God is with us, then you are rebelling against Him, and He who sent Him. I know, it's difficult, no one has ever claimed otherwise in understanding the Trinity. Either we can affirm what the Scripture reveal about Jesus being both fully man and fully Divine, or we can flail around in darkness.

What makes you think God is with you? You cannot explane the trinity because there is none. Man tried to make Jesus God, in doing so, they break his commandments. That is called SIN. So you are promjoting sin. so I will ask you again, What makes you think God is with you? And not me.

Ephesians 4Think about the possibility that you have been deceived........... or more potently, have deceived yourself........ with pride.

Deceived, I have been deceived all my life from the church. They just keep grinding out their traditions that are man made. It is you folks who can't grasp what is written that are deceived friend. I bet you never thought of that. I have seen the church at work, I was a Deacon at one time. When I could not take their fables any more I left.

And yes, I do get carried away with pride, that I have to work on. But I would mention that to Lon too, he is in more need of your help than I. Remind him of the verse below.

1Ti 5:1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;


Well-known member
You sure know how to mock people.

You may think you are knowledgeable but your fruit prove it otherwise.

Jesus tell us that we know them by their fruit. Trins have been showing ungodly and corrupt fruit.

Your fruit will not lie. This is Jesus' wisdom. I trust Jesus' word. You people are not of God.


You have been defending this form people but they are not seeking the truth. You have been defending corrupt Christians. it is not wise thing to do.

mesash, If I have been defending corrupt Christians, why are they attacking me? I tell truth and it hurts them so they come after me.

But that is OK, they went after Jesus and Paul and Peter and James and a lot of others too. God is with me friend.


New member
You sure know how to mock people.

You may think you are knowledgeable but your fruit prove it otherwise.
Who exactly appointed you fruit inspector? Do you worship with God's assembly of people, or more pointedly.......... do you want to?

Jesus tell us that we know them by their fruit. Trins have been showing ungodly and corrupt fruit.
You don't know fruit from vegetable, how could you?

"Do you understand what you are reading?" ..........."Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?" Acts 8:30-31 see Romans 10:14 +

Your fruit will not lie. This is Jesus' wisdom. I trust Jesus' word. You people are not of God.
God's word does not lie, and does not return void. If you have been called out of darkness, you should desire guidance from mature Christians, not be consumed by some form of narcissism. :plain:


Well-known member
We both have this blockage between us in believing it about the other.

I'd love to but I don't know where to start. Nothing is getting through. I'll have to do a bit more praying but please reread a bit where I've genuinely tried in past posts, until...

Thank you, I need all the prayers you can give me. I would save some for yourself though. I will pray for you too. Maybe we can get back to being nice to each other again.


mesash, If I have been defending corrupt Christians, why are they attacking me? I tell truth and it hurts them so they come after me.

But that is OK, they went after Jesus and Paul and Peter and James and a lot of others too. God is with me friend.

You came after me for my pointing out their hypocrisy. I got banned for that. You rebuked me for what I am doing more than a few times. I am not just in trinity threads unlike you. They are showing their deceptiveness in many things, not just in trinity doctrine, friend.


New member
1Ti 5:1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;
Is Paul exhorting Timothy about Christians, and elders who are Christians? Don't confuse my position in the body of Christ with what you think you are entitled to because you are older than I. :mmph:


Who exactly appointed you fruit inspector? Do you worship with God's assembly of people, or more pointedly.......... do you want to?

I dont have to inspect fruit, it is showing clearly in the world. Yes, I have church. I just dont attend corrupt organization. I dont need to join corrupt church to serve Jesus. I am an evangelist and I cannot do it if I join organized church. It is costly to evangelize overseas.

You don't know fruit from vegetable, how could you?

Read the above.

"Do you understand what you are reading?" ..........."Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?" Acts 8:30-31 see Romans 10:14 +

Of course I do. I dont rely on corrupt church to learn Jesus' teachings. Jesus is perfect Teacher and He explains it simply and clearly.

God's word does not lie, and does not return void. If you have been called out of darkness, you should desire guidance from mature Christians, not be consumed by some form of narcissism. :plain:

It is you who should come out of Babylon. You are worshiping corrupt organization, not God.

The Bible says to come out of Babylon (corrupt religion). You should take a heed of Bible's warnings.


Is Paul exhorting Timothy about Christians, and elders who are Christians? Don't confuse my position in the body of Christ with what you think you are entitled to because you are older than I. :mmph:

You have been mocking keypurr. It is not of Jesus.


New member
I dont have to inspect fruit, it is showing clearly in the world. Yes, I have church. I just dont attend corrupt organization. I dont need to join corrupt church to serve Jesus. I am an evangelist and I cannot do it if I join organized church. It is costly to evangelize overseas.
If you have not been discipled by teachers in Christs body, you are not qualified to even speak in the streets. :mmph:

Read the above.
Equivication must be part of the fleshly "man" :plain:

Of course I do. I dont rely on corrupt church to learn Jesus' teachings. Jesus is perfect Teacher and He explains it simply and clearly.
Read Ephesians 4 without postulating.

It is you who should come out of Babylon. You are worshiping corrupt organization, not God.
I'm sorry, you don't know me, or my GOD.

The Bible says to come out of Babylon (corrupt religion). You should take a heed of Bible's warnings.
Understanding eschatology follows a correct understanding of Christology. :plain:


Well-known member
Is Paul exhorting Timothy about Christians, and elders who are Christians? Don't confuse my position in the body of Christ with what you think you are entitled to because you are older than I. :mmph:

Well, I would never be an elder in your church so I guess you don't have to worry about it.

Do you have a Polo Pony too.