ECT Our triune God


New member
Why are you talking to me? Why aren't you hiding off of this website for a couple of months or a year?
Why would you think your vulgar behavior wouldn't be an issue?

I'm disgusted with whoever you are following with that kind of language, no shame, and your prideful gloating, at the moment.

Don't worry about brother P.

He has nothing.


New member
Why are you talking to me? Why aren't you hiding off of this website for a couple of months or a year? Why would you think your vulgar behavior wouldn't be an issue?

I'm disgusted with whoever you are following with that kind of language, no shame, and your prideful gloating, at the moment.

So were the Money exchangers at the Temple! You are in good company with your disgust! So Stop crying about being whipped... And focus on how easily you were whipped?

I some times stop posting for several weeks because I need a break from the simple minds like yours! How many adults do you know can stand the constant childish playing noise of children with out a break! :doh:

Dear God! How many repeat threads on the same topic over and over can a educated man take? :rolleyes:

I only jump back in when I can no longer take well meaning people like you who make fools of the Gospel! Your intellect is not being used! You follow emotion brought on by the traditions of men! You are a child Lon!

You have failed to seek out History in regards to your own Scripture, and the significance of Hebraic understanding along with a host of other issues that formulated what your were taught and believe today! Stop following, and start seeking! Learn to wrestle with GOD... and let the Flesh teach flesh to their own accord! Stop following flesh!

Do not be afraid to wrestle with GOD!

1Jo 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.

Some times I feel like a MIT professor talking to a first grader! Stop following and Start seeking! :rolleyes:



Well-known member
So were the Money exchangers at the Temple! You are in good company with your disgust! So Stop crying about being whipped... And focus on how easily you were whipped?
Trying to change the focus isn't working for you.
You disgust me. Not once, but twice with banal crud.
I some times stop posting for several weeks because I need a break from the simple minds like yours! How many adults do you know can stand the constant childish playing noise of children with out a break! :doh:
Yes, I've been trying to tell you that but you won't take a hint. The adults are tired of you interrupting.

Dear God! How many repeat threads on the same topic over and over can a educated man take? :rolleyes:
That doesn't sound at all like a prayer. Are we adding Exo 20:7 to your offenses? You are just about on my ignore list for your pagan tongue.

I only jump back in when I can no longer take well meaning people like you who make fools of the Gospel! Your intellect is not being used! You follow emotion brought on by the traditions of men! You are a child Lon!
Is that a burning in the bosum, truth? Following, oh I dunno, say, Joseph Smith? Isn't he just a man? Isn't that a sad tradition? Honestly, why, other than the fact you grew up where you grew up and your family is stuck, are you buying it? Honestly?

You have failed to seek out History in regards to your own Scripture, and the significance of Hebraic understanding along with a host of other issues that formulated what your were taught and believe today! Stop following, and start seeking! Learn to wrestle with GOD... and let the Flesh teach flesh to their own accord! Stop following flesh!
Really? I say Smith wasn't a godly man (an observation). You say something banal and fleshly and are banned for it, and I'm the one who is following flesh? RRrreally?

Do not be afraid to wrestle with GOD!
1Jo 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.
Are you wrestling with your flesh? You know you were banned because of your flesh and nothing else, right?

Some times I feel like a MIT professor talking to a first grader! Stop following and Start seeking! :rolleyes:
Oh, don't, really. You have absolutely no reason whatsoever to feel that way.


New member
Trying to change the focus isn't working for you.
You disgust me. Not once, but twice with banal crud.

Yes, I've been trying to tell you that but you won't take a hint. The adults are tired of you interrupting.

That doesn't sound at all like a prayer. Are we adding Exo 20:7 to your offenses? You are just about on my ignore list for your pagan tongue.

Is that a burning in the bosum, truth? Following, oh I dunno, say, Joseph Smith? Isn't he just a man? Isn't that a sad tradition? Honestly, why, other than the fact you grew up where you grew up and your family is stuck, are you buying it? Honestly?

Really? I say Smith wasn't a godly man (an observation). You say something banal and fleshly and are banned for it, and I'm the one who is following flesh? RRrreally?

Are you wrestling with your flesh? You know you were banned because of your flesh and nothing else, right?

Oh, don't, really. You have absolutely no reason whatsoever to feel that way.

Haha. You see what Lon did? He turned it around and called Pierac a child after Pierac called him one. Haha. Lon FTW.


New member
Trying to change the focus isn't working for you.
You disgust me. Not once, but twice with banal crud.

Yes, I've been trying to tell you that but you won't take a hint. The adults are tired of you interrupting.

That doesn't sound at all like a prayer. Are we adding Exo 20:7 to your offenses? You are just about on my ignore list for your pagan tongue.

Is that a burning in the bosum [(bosom) you misspelled] , truth? Following, oh I dunno, say, Joseph Smith? Isn't he just a man? Isn't that a sad tradition? Honestly, why, other than the fact you grew up where you grew up and your family is stuck, are you buying it? Honestly?

Really? I say Smith wasn't a godly man (an observation). You say something banal and fleshly and are banned for it, and I'm the one who is following flesh? RRrreally?

Are you wrestling with your flesh? You know you were banned because of your flesh and nothing else, right?

Oh, don't, really. You have absolutely no reason whatsoever to feel that way.

Wow, your still posting about me! FYI... When have I ever been banned? NEVER ! Just ask Knight! :rolleyes: Yet you are ignoring How and Why Jesus has a GOD! So... If "The adults are tired of you (Me) interrupting" try answering my question!

I challenge you or any other adult here on TOL tired of my interrupting... To explain How Jesus the Christ has a GOD! Not a Just a Father... But a God! :rolleyes:

Be honest, I disgust you because... I expose you... I will testify before the Christ against you! (Don't worry you won't burn in Hell) Yet, You will have no excuse when Jesus turns to you and says... Pierac showed you over and over that I have a GOD... Why did you not believe the Scriptures shown you and written of me and my sayings? :readthis:

As for Exo 20:7 Look up the Hebraic understanding. The key is "in the Name" Do not use the "Name" in vain. God has no name! So start actually thinking about the verses you use and stop cherry picking the verses you think make you look cool! :cool: You have no clue how one goes about using the Lords name in vain! FYI, it has nothing about using the word damn either!

BTY, Joseph Smith is no different than you! You are both blind to the truth! :rolleyes:

Be honest... I'm not already own your ignore list because I spank peoples theology and HARD! ... You already know I wish no harm nor do I hate! And I have never been banned here! You only wished I was! :rolleyes:



Be honest, I disgust you because... I expose you... I will testify before the Christ against you!

Most trins believe non-trins are ignorant of Scripture. So they never take non-trins seriously what they have to say. That's how they are trained (brain washed) by their churches.

It is not reasonable to expect any reasonable discussion with trins.


New member
The context is contrasting natural man, natural birth, sinful man with spiritual regeneration of believers (Jn. 3).

Jn. 1 and Phil. 2 deal with the incarnation and are not negated by your bizarre proof texting out of context.

Arianism, Unitarianism, anti-trinitarianism cannot make an exegetical case because they are false views and suppression of the biblical view (that is established by all relevant evidence and verses in context).

Godrulz you have already been shown... Phil. 2 has nothing to do with the incarnation! In fact, Believing as you do in Phil. 2... You actually reject the Trinity!

Philippians 2 is another area that I have encountered that well meaning people attempt to use to show that Jesus pre-existed. What saith the scriptures?

Emptied Himself

It is the second phrase in Philippians 2 that causes them confusion. It is the one that says Jesus Christ "did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself (v. 6-7). It is unfortunate that the Old King James version of the Bible translated this verse completely wrong. It reads that Jesus "thought it not robbery to be equal with God" and gives the impression that as the preexistent God, Jesus did not think there was anything wrong in being considered equal with God.

It ought to be clear by now that this is the exact opposite of what is meant. The whole context of the passage is about being humble, putting God's will and glory first, and serving others' interest above one's own interest. Although he was in "the form of God" Jesus did not reckon his God-given status as something to be exploited.

This meaning contrast well with the conduct of Adam who unfortunately did consider equality with God anything to be grasped at. Adam wanted to be like God as Genesis 3:5 teaches. Adam tried to grasp at equality with God. But Jesus would not usurp God's authority for selfish advantage. He said, "I came to serve" (Matt. 20:28), not to snatch! At his arrest in the garden, he said, "Do you not think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:53). As the Messiah, God's appointed King, he had every right to call for divine protection. He "emptied himself" of all such Messianic privileges.

Therefore, it can be categorically stated that Philippians 2: 5-11 has nothing to do with Jesus Christ being God in a preexistence state. The importance is really very simple and very practical: how are Christians to conduct themselves in this world? Not by imitating the man Adam who forfeited everything by a grab for power and glory, but by imitating Jesus the Messiah (v.5) who through humility and obedience to God gained it all and more. After all, if Jesus was already God, then verses 9 to 11 are nonsensical.

There is no "Therefore also God highly exalted him, and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth." If he was already God, he had this before his birth! No. It is clear that God has given him a new position, a new name (authority), and a new rank that he did not previously possess.

The Greek is very clear here: dio kai means (as in Luke 1:35) "for this reason precisely." Why has God exalted Jesus to His right hand? "Therefore, God has highly exalted him and given him the name above every other name because he is back where he was before as God"? Not at all! He is given the status as a reward for the precise reason that he humbled himself and died. His exalted status is a reward. If we follow the last Adam's pattern, we too will be exalted by God when Christ returns. It is evident, then, that "this hymn does not contained what numerous interpreters seek and find in it: an independent statement about preexistence or even a Christology preexistence No preexistence of Christ before the world with an independent significance can be recognized even in Philippians 2.


This is the creed of ALL Orthodox Christian Beliefs! YES... All of them!


Therefore, following the holy fathers, we all with one accord teach men to acknowledge one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at once complete in Godhead and complete in manhood, truly God and truly man, consisting also of a reasonable soul and body; of one substance with the Father as regards his Godhead, and at the same time of one substance with us as regards his manhood; like us in all respects, apart from sin; as regards his Godhead, begotten of the Father before the ages, but yet as regards his manhood begotten, bearer; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, recognized in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being preserved and coming together to form one person and subsistence, not as parted or separated into two persons, but one and the same Son and Only-begotten God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ; even as the prophets from earliest times spoke of him, and our Lord Jesus Christ himself taught us, and the creed of the fathers has handed down to us.

So pay close attention.... The Kenotic Doctrine claims that Jesus emptied himself of his deity. Well, you can simply read in the Chalcedon Creed that it defines Jesus’ nature as fully God and fully man at all times, without division, without separation. You cannot say that you believe in the Trinity and use this excuse. If you subscribe to the Kenotic Doctrine, then you have already rejected the Trinity. You cannot be both.

Now, do we really need to review John 1 too? These Trinity threads are getting old! :rolleyes:



Well-known member
Jesus has a God, his father does not.

No equality with the Father.

Trinity destroyed.
What scripture are you using?
Give me any verse whatsoever where Jesus says "my God." Father, yes. That's different. After 40 years, you should have a ton more than below: At the very least a verse.
Why would that shock you? Your a traditional person, I am not.
We seem to disagree on a lot of things. The only thing we have in common is our love for God and his Son.

I stand up for what I see written, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, for I am still a work in progress. Still learning. But I know for sure that my Lord Jesus has a God. I know for sure that there is only ONE God. No one is equal to his God. If you wish to disprove that fact, then do it. I welcome your thoughts friend.

Where do you see it written? Isn't it rather true that Keypurr is more happy with what Keypurr wants to believe? Wasn't that true the day you walked away from tradition when you couldn't get an answer?

Let me ask, is that what we are supposed to do? If we don't get an immediate answer, then it is cool to figure it out on our own?

Let me give you assignment please, if you are open as it says above:

As you are reading scripture this year, look at the verses in the epistles that tell you to listen to elders and have your theology checked by those in church. There are a lot of them. I just want you to rethink them this year as you read scripture and pay close attention.


New member
You fail to understand the humanity of Christ which does not negate His Deity. The incarnation (which you reject) resolves the issues.

But his deity trumps his humanity. God is greater than man. Even 100% God is greater than 100% man.

So that THIS God cannot have a God. By definition.

Unless of course, Jesus is a man. Wholly. And only.


New member
Atheists can have good fruit and Christians can have bad fruit. Atheists can believe some things that are true, while Christians can believe various errors.

Cults can have some fruit, but be in gross error. Christians can have sound doctrine or false doctrine and have fruit or no fruit.

Orthodoxy and orthopraxy are needed. You are putting too much weight on the wrong thing (showing you don't understand grace, faith, works).

Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Ye shan't contradict this dictum. Sir.

Easy. Don't rock the truth boat. You are not superior. Than scripture.


New member
God cannot have a God. ERRRP.

Not even a 100% man 100% God.

A latent contradiction in terms.

The man-part of the God-man can, and does.

After all, how would a Jew even you have given yourself up to following a plethora of gods...

Judges 10.6

Again the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of Yahweh and worshiped the Baals and the Ashtaroth and the gods of Aram and the gods of Sidon and the gods of Moab and the gods of the sons of Ammon and the gods of the Philistines and forsook Yahweh and did not worship Him.

Jews are idol worshipers.


New member
The man-part of the God-man can, and does.

Heh, you sound a little tangled here, Apple 7. Like confused?

The MAN part of the God-man can have a God? And does?

What about his other face? They are both fully full faces, you know.
By your own definition. God-face.

You have to divide God up into segments in order to make any sense out of Him. Isn't this kind of, you know, infantile?

Like breaking off a bug's legs? As a child this behavior would be seen as sociopathic, Apple. Just so you know.

After all, how would a Jew even you have given yourself up to following a plethora of gods...

A pleth-ora? Of gods? Whaddya mean, jellybean. That's what trins do.

SIZE="2"]Judges 10.6[/SIZE]

Again the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of Yahweh and worshiped the Baals and the Ashtaroth and the gods of Aram and the gods of Sidon and the gods of Moab and the gods of the sons of Ammon and the gods of the Philistines and forsook Yahweh and did not worship Him.

Jews are idol worshipers.

Trinitarians are idol worshipers. Jews worship the One God.
Except when they are worshiping the Golden Calf. Then they get
whooped on.

Just so you know.


New member
Heh, you sound a little tangled here, Apple 7. Like confused?


Not at all.

The MAN part of the God-man can have a God? And does?


What about his other face? They are both fully full faces, you know.

By your own definition. God-face.

We have already shown you scripture showing Jesus' divinity.

You ran from it.

You have to divide God up into segments in order to make any sense out of Him. Isn't this kind of, you know, infantile?

Like breaking off a bug's legs? As a child this behavior would be seen as sociopathic, Apple. Just so you know.

As taught in the OT, Jews created an untold number of gods to worship.

Now...thousands of years later you finally know what you are talking about?

History refutes you.

pleth-ora? Of gods? Whaddya mean, jellybean. That's what trins do.

No...that is what Jews have done for thousands of years.

Trinitarians are idol worshipers. Jews worship the One God.
Except when they are worshiping the Golden Calf. Then they get
whooped on.

Just so you know.

Just look at how the Jews disobeyed Yahweh and were given-up to the worship of idols, demons and false gods. How can it be that Jews proclaim the worship of one true God when all the way through their book of faith they repeatedly worshiped a whole multitude of false gods?!

You have nothing.


Hi Lon.

You said:

"Our triune God".

Can you show written that God is triune?

If not then if you claim to be a Christian, a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ you should consider asking your mom to teach you the first think about God, namely that man is forbidden to add his own views, concepts or silly imaginations to God's word.

some other dude

New member
Hi Lon.

You said:

"Our triune God".

Can you show written that God is triune?

If not then if you claim to be a Christian, a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ you should consider asking your mom to teach you the first think about God, namely that man is forbidden to add his own views, concepts or silly imaginations to God's word.

Hi Jerzy.

You said:

"man is forbidden to add his own views, concepts or silly imaginations to God's word"

Can you show written that "man is forbidden to add his own views, concepts or silly imaginations to God's word"?


Hi Jerzy.

You said:

"man is forbidden to add his own views, concepts or silly imaginations to God's word"

Can you show written that "man is forbidden to add his own views, concepts or silly imaginations to God's word"?

Not even an iota.

Alas, you are preoccupied in ungodly activities instead of looking it up for yourself.


Well-known member
What scripture are you using?
Give me any verse whatsoever where Jesus says "my God." Father, yes. That's different. After 40 years, you should have a ton more than below: At the very least a verse.

Are we in agreement that there is only ONE God? The God who is eternal?

Isaiah 44:6 – "Thus says the LORD... there is no God but me."


Psalm 89:26-28 – "He (the Messiah) shall say of me. "You are my father, my God, my rock, my savior". And I will make him the firstborn."

Micah 5:3-4 – "He (the Messiah) shall stand firm and shepherd his flock by the strength of the LORD, in the Majestic name of the LORD, his God."

Jesus Speaking:
John 20:17 – "I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."

Matthew 27:46 – "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

Revelation 3:12 – "Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God."

Revelation 3:2 – "for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God."

Ephesians 1:3 – "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Ephesians 1:17 – "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father..."

2 Corinthians 1:3 – "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

2 Corinthians 11:31 – "The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ knows, He who is blessed forever, that I do not lie."

Romans 15:6 – "that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Peter 1:3 – "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Revelation 1:6 – "To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father."

Now Lon, what does all this tell you?

It tells me that there is One God the father who is the creator of ALL.
It tells me that he sent his son to die for us on the cross. The son came as a man. He is the mediator between God and Mankind.

Where do you see it written? Isn't it rather true that Keypurr is more happy with what Keypurr wants to believe? Wasn't that true the day you walked away from tradition when you couldn't get an answer?

The church did not provide me with answers for they did not have them. They had Tradition, which was more important to them than truth. Pastors get paid by the church. They are salepersons. Sell the church, we will teach you what t osay. Week after week, same o, same o. No progresson of scripture truths. No deep learning. Just sit and soak.

Let me ask, is that what we are supposed to do? If we don't get an immediate answer, then it is cool to figure it out on our own?

I asked for many years Lon, many, many years.

Let me give you assignment please, if you are open as it says above:

As you are reading scripture this year, look at the verses in the epistles that tell you to listen to elders and have your theology checked by those in church. There are a lot of them. I just want you to rethink them this year as you read scripture and pay close attention.

The verse in question was a lesson for all to learn. I was an elder in the church, been there, done that, had enough.

Jesus has a God Lon, he tells you that. His Father is his God. But his father does not have a father. Jesus's Father IS the Beginning of all.

Almighty God has blessed us with his son, now we can hope for life everlasting. For the son paid the price for us.

It is my hope Lon that you understand that to understand God you have to lower your head and ask him. I do not have a way with words, you know that, but my love for my God is greater than my love for this world. So I will stand by my statement that:
Jesus has a God, but his father does not. Because his father IS God.
