On Rape

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?


Well-known member
His original premise:

There were no qualifiers to that. Take it at face value. Do you agree? Once he started moving it to bad choices, societal mores, etc., he moved away from his original clickbait comment.

Do you agree with his original statement, as-is?

Why do you insist I take it at face value? Even Sherman was interested in seeing where he was going with that statement.

I would call it a provocative question. It was worded that way to get people to think. The fact that he didn't say "all women" or "some women" should cause anyone to request more information. Angel picked up on it right away, and while I agreed with SOME rape victims having a share in the fault, I don't agree that all of us must share in the fault.

The statement caused people to think, and yet, many remain in denial. That's what I find so interesting.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The statement caused people to think, and yet, many remain in denial. That's what I find so interesting.

what interests me is the emotionality that they invest in it

like race, it's a very difficult topic to have a rational discussion about


New member
Why do you insist I take it at face value? Even Sherman was interested in seeing where he was going with that statement.

I would call it a provocative question. It was worded that way to get people to think. The fact that he didn't say "all women" or "some women" should cause anyone to request more information. Angel picked up on it right away, and while I agreed with SOME rape victims having a share in the fault, I don't agree that all of us must share in the fault.

The statement caused people to think, and yet, many remain in denial. That's what I find so interesting.
I don't believe we should have to guess when it comes to such an emotionally charged topic. Instead of click baiting people and playing games, his post should have read "I believe, in certain situations, rape can be prevented by conservative and thoughtful action carried out by the victims and other parties involved." See how different that sounds in comparison the trash he gave us? And yet, the message is the same. Instead, he took the low road and was shocked when people lashed back.


New member
I don't believe we should have to guess when it comes to such an emotionally charged topic. Instead of click baiting people and playing games, his post should have read "I believe, in certain situations, rape can be prevented by conservative and thoughtful action carried out by the victims and other parties involved." See how different that sounds in comparison the trash he gave us? And yet, the message is the same. Instead, he took the low road and was shocked when people lashed back.



Well-known member
what interests me is the emotionality that they invest in it

like race, it's a very difficult topic to have a rational discussion about

I agree. I have so many lib friends here in Oregon, and I am constantly amazed at how irrational they are on any given number of issues. They make absolutely no sense at all. It's why I always say that the liberal mind has no room for common sense.


New member
understanding its causes

if you can't understand its causes, how are you going to change it?

You would have to see significant change in the minds of men.
You would have to see women grow up about equal rights and realize in any physical confrontation a woman is at a disadvantage.
You know, as in spousal abuse?


Well-known member
I don't believe we should have to guess when it comes to such an emotionally charged topic. Instead of click baiting people and playing games, his post should have read "I believe, in certain situations, rape can be prevented by conservative and thoughtful action carried out by the victims and other parties involved." See how different that sounds in comparison the trash he gave us? And yet, the message is the same. Instead, he took the low road and was shocked when people lashed back.

Making people guess is a great way to wake up the brain. It's like snapping your fingers to get a dog's attention. The brain whirls around in a certain direction and it's difficult to get it to stop and reengage....considering a different track is key to getting someone to THINK.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You would have to see women grow up about equal rights

what does scripture say is the role of the husband?

and realize in any physical confrontation a woman is at a disadvantage.

try selling that crap to Ronda Rousey


if women want equality, they can't turn around and whine about how unfair it is that they're not equal physically

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Making people guess is a great way to wake up the brain. It's like snapping your fingers to get a dog's attention. The brain whirls around in a certain direction and it's difficult to get it to stop and reengage....considering a different track is key to getting someone to THINK.

but that's no faaaaiiiirrrr!

thinking is hard!


New member
Making people guess is a great way to wake up the brain. It's like snapping your fingers to get a dog's attention. The brain whirls around in a certain direction and it's difficult to get it to stop and reengage....considering a different track is key to getting someone to THINK.
Sorry, but that is absolute crap. You cannot make a broad, provocative statement and the call foul when there is a misunderstanding.


Well-known member
Sorry, but that is absolute crap. You cannot make a broad, provocative statement and the call foul when there is a misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding? Is that what that was? I call it a dog pile.

Yes, people should be able to make a broad provocative statement and not have to deal with a bunch of whining liberals getting all offended. I've found it a very interesting thread in many ways. One of which is watching people over react. :think:


New member
A misunderstanding? Is that what that was? I call it a dog pile.

Yes, people should be able to make a broad provocative statement and not have to deal with a bunch of whining liberals getting all offended. I've found it a very interesting thread in many ways. One of which is watching people over react. :think:
The point of my posts were to make you think. To get you to expand your mind. :chuckle: Face it, he got called out on it. Cried like a baby and you are nursing his little ego back to health. :carryon:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The point of my posts were to make you think.

it did

it made me think you were trolling

now, if you'd like to return to the subject matter at hand, which is responsibility for one's actions....

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?
