On Rape

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The fact that you have to pull such an extreme, specific example to make your point highlights just has pathetic it is. I have already fed this troll too much, no more. :wave2:

as i said earlier, if you feel uncomfortable with the questions i ask, you're always welcome to disengage :idunno:


Well-known member
The fact that you have to pull such an extreme, specific example to make your point highlights just has pathetic it is. I have already fed this troll too much, no more. :wave2:

Come on, Quetzal.....Sometimes an exteme specific example is needed to get people to see what they don't want to see.

You should look at Tam's thread Blast from the Past. There are some videos there where Bob Enyart is talking to a woman on the phone who sounds a lot like many people on this thread. She is an extreme example of what we're seeing here. The fact that you refuse to address Res's point says more than you think.


New member
It's because liberals think when they present the worse case scenarios and elaborate on the details, people will forget about the original premise....which is that there ARE cases where the rape victim must share in the fault of their rape. Not most victims....but some victims. It's akin to the old mantra that rich people are evil and cops are bad....say it enough and people start repeating it like puppets.
When someone comes on here and makes statements like this...
but i'm of the opinion that rape is a choice that women make
and this...
a woman lying in a hospital bed, in a coma, is raped (think Kill Bill)

is she responsible?

would it shock you if i told you that i could argue yes?
And yet, here he is. Bragging about his superior intellect and original thought while getting pats on the back, giving handshakes. It is sickening.


New member
Come on, Quetzal.....Sometimes an exteme specific example is needed to get people to see what they don't want to see.

You should look at Tam's thread Blast from the Past. There are some videos there where Bob Enyart is talking to a woman on the phone who sounds a lot like many people on this thread. She is an extreme example of what we're seeing here. The fact that you refuse to address Res's point says more than you think.
Nope, I refuse to validate anything this emotionally void brick has to say on the topic.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the other specific example that was on my mind the other day was a case that happened on campus a couple weeks ago - a female student in the dorms invited a male friend over to her dorm room. They were in the room alone with the door closed. He had just come from playing basketball and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, she was wearing flannel jammies. They started making out on her bed, his hands went places she was ok with at first, but then thought better of and tried to stop. He didn't stop and continued, she didn't cry out for help and afterwards claimed rape.

A classic case of he said/she said, but the campus (which is primarily women) is overwhelmingly on the woman's side.

I have refrained from discussing this in class because my opinion would be unpopular, but i'm of the opinion that, whatever happened, she bears a great deal of responsibility for putting herself in that position.


Well-known member
the other specific example that was on my mind the other day was a case that happened on campus a couple weeks ago - a female student in the dorms invited a male friend over to her dorm room. They were in the room alone with the door closed. He had just come from playing basketball and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, she was wearing flannel jammies. They started making out on her bed, his hands went places she was ok with at first, but then thought better of and tried to stop. He didn't stop and continued, she didn't cry out for help and afterwards claimed rape.

A classic case of he said/she said, but the campus (which is primarily women) is overwhelmingly on the woman's side.

I have refrained from discussing this in class because my opinion would be unpopular, but i'm of the opinion that, whatever happened, she bears a great deal of responsibility for putting herself in that position.

Of course she does. Back in the old days, her folks would have said, "It was your own darn fault (if she was honest enough to tell them the details).....next time you'll know better".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the other specific example that was on my mind the other day was a case that happened on campus a couple weeks ago - a female student in the dorms invited a male friend over to her dorm room. They were in the room alone with the door closed. He had just come from playing basketball and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, she was wearing flannel jammies. They started making out on her bed, his hands went places she was ok with at first, but then thought better of and tried to stop. He didn't stop and continued, she didn't cry out for help and afterwards claimed rape.

A classic case of he said/she said, but the campus (which is primarily women) is overwhelmingly on the woman's side.

I have refrained from discussing this in class because my opinion would be unpopular, but i'm of the opinion that, whatever happened, she bears a great deal of responsibility for putting herself in that position.

oh Q :doh:

if you want to disengage, just disengage

don't stalk me with reps


like marbles on glass
I have refrained from discussing this in class because my opinion would be unpopular

Very telling. You're afraid to say in real life what you say here. You sure wouldn't get patted on the back for blaming victims out in the real world like you do here.

(BTW, I noticed ok loser logged out and resodko logged in. What a stupid game.)

Edit: Oh look, ok loser is back. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Very telling. You're afraid to say in real life what you say here.

Oh, i bite my tongue often in class - it's a second year sociology class in a liberal college - you can imagine

You wouldn't get patted on the back for blaming victims out in the real world like you do here.

anna - i'd love to see your response to this:

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?

(BTW, I noticed ok loser logged out and resodko logged in. What a stupid game.)

not a game - i can't view the woodshed as ok doser until i buy a subscription

but why does it bother you enough to comment on?


like marbles on glass
Nope, I refuse to validate anything this emotionally void brick has to say on the topic.

Too bad anyone gave his "argument" any serious thought. Waste of space. He tried to make himself sound scholarly and serious, but he's just playing a game with you all.


New member
do angiosperms lust?

do shellfish?
Well yes and no, I'd say that humans need to be rather more sophisticated than simpler organisms else they would probably just ignore the more basic instinct that does the job well enough for some creatures. Lust is more for the imaginations of thinking individuals perhaps?
You of course might be even more sophisticated with the addition of a seductive pair of leather chaps to set the scene, or so I gathered before anyway?:)

What will your next username be I wonder Kod rose maybe?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You allowed him to steer you away from his original repulsive premise.

a female student in the dorms invited a male friend over to her dorm room. They were in the room alone with the door closed. He had just come from playing basketball and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, she was wearing flannel jammies. They started making out on her bed, his hands went places she was ok with at first, but then thought better of and tried to stop. He didn't stop and continued, she didn't cry out for help and afterwards claimed rape.

i would say that she chose to be raped, in that she knowingly put herself at risk

eta: this does not absolve the male student of his actions

eta v2: consider that all her fellow dormmates who did not invite boys into their bed and start making out with them thinking they could stop something once started, chose to not be raped


like marbles on glass
Oh, i bite my tongue often in class - it's a second year sociology class in a liberal college - you can imagine

Again... you're afraid to say in real life what you say here about victims of violence. So much for authenticity.

I won't give your "scenario" the time of day. Get back to the Amish real life scenario, and go tell that Amish father what you said here.

Oh wait... guess you picked a "safe" example in vilifying an Amish father of a young victim.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
:)Well yes and no, I'd say that humans need to be rather more sophisticated than simpler organisms else they would probably just ignore the more basic instinct that does the job well enough for some creatures. Lust is more for the imaginations of thinking individuals perhaps?

you'll notice that i deliberately stayed away from the higher vertebrates

You of course might be even more sophisticated with the addition of a seductive pair of leather chaps to set the scene, or so I gathered before anyway?

that was just to entice acw :peach: