On Rape


like marbles on glass
No, Anna. I don't get steered by anything Res says. It just so happens I have seen, for quite some time, how women have pushed their rights to the point where they bear no responsibility for their own actions. I simply refuse to go along with the liberal spin on that issue.

His original premise:

i'm of the opinion that rape is a choice that women make
There were no qualifiers to that. Take it at face value. Do you agree? Once he started moving it to bad choices, societal mores, etc., he moved away from his original clickbait comment.

Do you agree with his original statement, as-is?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I won't give your "scenario" the time of day.

of course you won't

you know that it will force you to answer in a way that is emotionally uncomfortable for you, so you avoid it

that's fine

Get back to the Amish real life scenario

yes - the one where the amish father put his daughters out of sight at a roadside stand with the deliberate intention of interacting with a corrupt world they have separated from

, and go tell that Amish father what you said here.

why would i do that? I'm sure he's aware of his culpability and his failing as a protector of his children

Oh wait... guess you picked a "safe" example in vilifying an Amish father of a young victim.

"vilifying" ??

not at all

i merely stated that he bears some responsibility for the kidnapping and rape

just like my hypothetical that you find uncomfortable


New member
Again... you're afraid to say in real life what you say here about victims of violence. So much for authenticity.

I won't give your "scenario" the time of day. Get back to the Amish real life scenario, and go tell that Amish father what you said here.

Oh wait... guess you picked a "safe" example in vilifying an Amish father of a young victim.
He is a coward. In other news, the grass is green and the sky is blue.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He is a coward.

that's an emotional response

Nope. It's because you don't deserve a serious response.

of course it is anna - you've done nothing but fling emotion since you started posting today

Interesting and telling that he only says it here, where he's protected.

no, i haven't said whether i say it elsewhere - i've only said that i don't talk about it in class

your assumption that "class" = "everywhere other than TOL" is a result of your emotions clouding your reason


like marbles on glass
of course it is anna - you've done nothing but fling emotion since you started posting today

no, i haven't said whether i say it elsewhere - i've only said that i don't talk about it in class

your assumption that "class" = "everywhere other than TOL" is a result of your emotions clouding your reason

Nice try. You let the cat out of the bag, you armchair culture warrior, you. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nice try. You let the cat out of the bag, you armchair culture warrior, you. :chuckle:

if i let you claim victory, will you go away feeling better about yourself?

or do you want to answer this simple hypothetical?

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?



like marbles on glass
So, to recap:

ok loser didn't really mean what he said in his original clickbait comment.

Although he's admitted to attempting to manipulate people.

Also, he runs around blaming rape victims and murder victims only here at TOL, the only place where he's able to do so without repercussion.

And he doesn't speak up in class, because his opinion would be unpopular. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
she's trolling q - so are you at this point

if you want to address the topic, how about starting with this?

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?



like marbles on glass
she's trolling q - so are you at this point

if you want to address the topic, how about starting with this?

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?

Nope... not trolling. Calling you on your repulsive OP statement, your admission of manipulation, and your backtracking.

To recap:

ok loser didn't really mean what he said in his original clickbait comment.

Although he's admitted to attempting to manipulate people.

Also, he runs around blaming rape victims and murder victims only here at TOL, the only place where he's able to do so without repercussion.

And he doesn't speak up in class, because his opinion would be unpopular. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
well, it looks like anna's not interested in the topic, just in satisfying her emotional need to attack me for raising a topic she finds uncomfortable :idunno:

if anybody else would like to take a crack at this, feel free

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?



like marbles on glass
well, it looks like anna's not interested in the topic, just in satisfying her emotional need to attack me for raising a topic she finds uncomfortable :idunno:

if anybody else would like to take a crack at this, feel free

I hope no one will be interested in your replacement premise, which you put up to replace your Amish premise, which you put up to replace your original repulsive premise, which was:

i'm of the opinion that rape is a choice that women make
Fortunately for you and your frazzled nerves (which must be connected to your reporting reflexes), I have to get to class now. :e4e:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I hope no one will be interested

why anna?

why is important to you that i be silenced?

in your replacement premise, which you put up to replace your Amish premise, which you put up to replace your original repulsive premise, which was:

oh anna - they're all related to the same point - that we bear responsibility for our actions

isn't that what the feminists wanted?

responsibility for their own actions?

Fortunately for you and your frazzled nerves (which must be connected to your reporting reflexes), I have to get to class now. :e4e:

run away little coward, run away :wave2: