On Rape


New member
i've never said otherwise :idunno:
You have said many other things to get people to respond to your idiotic theories but you still miss the primary point that the rapist the individual responsible. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. I cannot comprehend why you think differently.


nope - they don't get get nearly as much attention as male on female rape

neither does male on male rape

even when the law didn't call for it, fathers and brothers used to take it on themselves to implement

rape my sister - expect at the very least a severe beating, perhaps a castration, or maybe you'll just disappear


all crime - if i go down to the ghetto, get drunk, wave a fistful of hundreds around while shouting racial slurs and pass out, why shouldn't i bear some responsibility for the inevitable beating and robbery that occurs?

and the seductress is guilty of the lesser sin?

now be fair - this is zoo you're talking about :chuckle:


rape is wrong because it is a perversion of the natural purpose of sex, which God gave us, which is procreation, in a marriage

actually, i was thinking about a couple of specific cases when i made my "provocative" statement in the other thread - one of them was the amish girls case (which happened just down the road from me)

as I have said, i don't blame children for situations that they may find themselves in (unless they're being disobedient).

In this case, the Amish father allowed them to be out of sight, with the expectation that they would be interacting with the wicked world that the Amish deliberately separate themselves from.

In my opinion, the father bears some responsibility for the kidnapping and rape

Is the pediphile's cruelty more severe when he rapes a 10 year old child, 5 year old, 9 month old?

Of course the seductress is the lessor sin.

Just like murder is a greater sin than stealing.

This is not even debatable my son.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You have said many other things to get people to respond to your idiotic theories but you still miss the primary point that the rapist the individual responsible. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. I cannot comprehend why you think differently.

the rapist is responsible for his actions, yes

i've never suggested otherwise

and the victim (whether woman, man or guardian of a child) is responsible for their actions that may have allowed the situation to develop

consider the following: a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile. The children are molested. Of course the pedophile is responsible for his actions.

but do you not see that the father is also culpable for putting the children in a risky situation?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is the pedophile's cruelty more severe when he rapes a 10 year old child, 5 year old, 9 month old?

not sure a 9 month old would have lasting repercussions, absent physical damage

the emotional trauma for a 10 year old or a five year old would be severe

Of course the seductress is the lessor sin.

but a sin all the same


New member
not sure a 9 month old would have lasting repercussions, absent physical damage

the emotional trauma for a 10 year old or a five year old would be severe

but a sin all the same

Have you ever seen the lacerated vagina of a child who has been raped by an adult male?
Have you ever seen the bridge of flesh between vagina and anus torn apart by a rapist so that the intestines are falling out? Little boys have been disemboweled by adult rapists also.
Have you ever seen the dead corpse of a baby who strangled to death on the seminal fluid from a rapist having sex in the babies mouth?
These are things seen in Emergency Rooms all across the nation.
Is there any doubt that the rape victims suffer?


not sure a 9 month old would have lasting repercussions, absent physical damage

the emotional trauma for a 10 year old or a five year old would be severe

but a sin all the same

The bible teaches different degrees of sin to be punished accordingly. Your argument is based on the faulty non biblical premise that all sin and any sin is the same. That cannot be proved with scripture unless one violates the rules of interpretation


New member
I'm not thinking you fully understand what "lust" is, it is selfish desire.

A married man and woman belong to one another.
Yes I agree lust is a selfish animalistic desire, which takes no time at all to confirm on the internet if you are so inclined, not that I have ever tried you understand. :nono:
Nevertheless we may think we have evolved a culture and a degree of self control but underneath we still lust.
Of course lust doesn't justify rape but without lust humanity just wouldn't be here.
Rape is the "sin", of lost control and/or violence, not lust.
Rape is not about a doctrinal disobedience to God, it is an act of violence and a violation against a fellow human being.


Well-known member
My comment was for self glory gazer

Which, as usual, into self, had nothing to do with what I said. :chuckle:

the rapist is responsible for his actions, yes

i've never suggested otherwise

and the victim (whether woman, man or guardian of a child) is responsible for their actions that may have allowed the situation to develop

consider the following: a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile. The children are molested. Of course the pedophile is responsible for his actions.

but do you not see that the father is also culpable for putting the children in a risky situation?

Many flat out refuse to consider any facts.

not sure why we're going in this direction

rape is bad

I know why it's going in this direction..... they don't want to address all the facts.

That should be the end of your discussion but you just can't help yourself, can you?

It's because liberals think when they present the worse case scenarios and elaborate on the details, people will forget about the original premise....which is that there ARE cases where the rape victim must share in the fault of their rape. Not most victims....but some victims. It's akin to the old mantra that rich people are evil and cops are bad....say it enough and people start repeating it like puppets.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That should be the end of your discussion but you just can't help yourself, can you?

a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?


New member
a father allows his children to be babysat by a known pedophile.

The children are molested.

is the pedophile responsible for his actions?

of course

does the father bear any responsibility for putting the children at risk?
The fact that you have to pull such an extreme, specific example to make your point highlights just has pathetic it is. I have already fed this troll too much, no more. :wave2: