On Rape

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Do you agree that if they are both drunk as dogs, that both bear equal responsibilty for things that happen as a result of it?

There are all kinds of scenarios that may be proposed.
I am talking about rape wherein a male forces himself on an unwilling female. The female needs to be cautious in her choice of companions.
The male needs to have enough self control that regardless of provocation he does not engage in using force to engage in sex.
Because, what is provocation? A smile? A friendly comment? It is in the eye of the beholder.


New member
Hall of Fame
There are all kinds of scenarios that may be proposed.
I am talking about rape wherein a male forces himself on an unwilling female. The female needs to be cautious in her choice of companions.
The male needs to have enough self control that regardless of provocation he does not engage in using force to engage in sex.
Because, what is provocation? A smile? A friendly comment? It is in the eye of the beholder.

How can either be doing those things if they are drunk?


I identify as a Christian
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Bingo – we have allowed the development of a culture that tells the young man that he is unnecessary to the woman – a culture where women can support themselves, where women can get pregnant without a man’s assistance (besides being a sperm donor) and where a woman can, with the blessings of our society, raise a child without a father in the child’s life. Further, a “culture” that is saturated with sex (often violent) on television, in the movies, in video games…And that doesn’t even begin to address the warping effect of pornography on the developing mind – porn of a nature that would have been unimaginable in my youth, available at the click of a button or the swipe of a finger to any child, of any age.

And who is responsible?

All of us – men and women alike – we have all allowed this perverse culture to develop, by refusing to stand against it and insist that those we elect to represent us actually pass moral legislation.

Remember the Moral Majority?

Remember Dan Quayle speaking out against Murphy Brown?

He was ridiculed by the liberal press. And instead of rising up against them and letting them know how wrong they were, we all chuckled nervously and let them do it.



New member
Hall of Fame
Bingo – we have allowed the development of a culture that tells the young man that he is unnecessary to the woman – a culture where women can support themselves, where women can get pregnant without a man’s assistance (besides being a sperm donor) and where a woman can, with the blessings of our society, raise a child without a father in the child’s life. Further, a “culture” that is saturated with sex (often violent) on television, in the movies, in video games…And that doesn’t even begin to address the warping effect of pornography on the developing mind – porn of a nature that would have been unimaginable in my youth, available at the click of a button or the swipe of a finger to any child, of any age.

And who is responsible?

All of us – men and women alike – we have all allowed this perverse culture to develop, by refusing to stand against it and insist that those we elect to represent us actually pass moral legislation.

Remember the Moral Majority?

Remember Dan Quayle speaking out against Murphy Brown?

He was ridiculed by the liberal press. And instead of rising up against them and letting them know how wrong they were, we all chuckled nervously and let them do it.

I agree to a point, there is also a matter of personal responsibility, just because the world chooses to do the wrong thing, it doesn't take away personal responsibility. We are each still accountable for what we personally decide to do, no mater what circumstances we are handed.


Well-known member
Bingo – we have allowed the development of a culture that tells the young man that he is unnecessary to the woman – a culture where women can support themselves, where women can get pregnant without a man’s assistance (besides being a sperm donor) and where a woman can, with the blessings of our society, raise a child without a father in the child’s life. Further, a “culture” that is saturated with sex (often violent) on television, in the movies, in video games…And that doesn’t even begin to address the warping effect of pornography on the developing mind – porn of a nature that would have been unimaginable in my youth, available at the click of a button or the swipe of a finger to any child, of any age.

And who is responsible?

All of us – men and women alike – we have all allowed this perverse culture to develop, by refusing to stand against it and insist that those we elect to represent us actually pass moral legislation.

Remember the Moral Majority?

Remember Dan Quayle speaking out against Murphy Brown?

He was ridiculed by the liberal press. And instead of rising up against them and letting them know how wrong they were, we all chuckled nervously and let them do it.

It's a good post, but I'm not buying it. This world can no more be reformed (fixed) than man himself can be. I'm sure God has better things for us to do than to stick our fingers in the dyke to try and keep away the coming flood. Better to be pointing the way to the ark...