On Rape


New member
dictionary is a good place to start

which is exactly the problem we're talking about - a depraved culture that celebrates and rewards the likes of Miley Cyrus for adopting the persona of a prostitute

trust me, it's not a compliment in Christian circles

you lost me :idunno:
My asking you for a definition was not rhetorical. You said, that whores and sluts would have no right to claim rape. Am I understanding you correctly?

So, it would be important to know how YOU define these terms.


New member
man is responsible for allowing evil to exist unopposed

and that's what we've done in the last fifty years, while our culture and society have slid into depravity

I absolutely agree!
I think people have not taken the depravity seriously thinking it would go away. But it is like a cancer and it spreads!
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
Fighting evil is scary and can be dangerous.
I remember when Billy Graham had achieved a huge following and was respected by world leaders and other church leaders. Some in the media launched a relentless attack on him and his ministry. It didn't work.


New member
man is responsible for allowing evil to exist unopposed

and that's what we've done in the last fifty years, while our culture and society have slid into depravity
What would you say to your friend, sister, daughter, mother if they were raped?

You have a theory you are expounding, but can you truly bring it home to someone you love?

"Sorry, due to our sinful world and my failure to corral evil, this rape is your fault."


New member
What would you say to your friend, sister, daughter, mother if they were raped?

You have a theory you are expounding, but can you truly bring it home to someone you love?

"Sorry, due to our sinful world and my failure to corral evil, this rape is your fault."

Grand theories on paper are just not the same when when injury occurs to one we love.


New member
What would you say to your friend, sister, daughter, mother if they were raped?

You have a theory you are expounding, but can you truly bring it home to someone you love?

"Sorry, due to our sinful world and my failure to corral evil, this rape is your fault."
And here we are, this is an important point to drive home. Anyone can be a telephone tough guy until it happens to you or someone you know. Then, all bets are off and the theory goes out the window. One thing I have found is that many of the aggressive posters here have no idea what empathy is.


New member
Satan is the god of this world. Evil exists whether we allow it to or not, and it will until the Lord returns. What you're saying sounds awfully close to humanism to me.
Next time you run into Satan, he owes me five bucks on the New England game! :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Anyone can be a telephone tough guy until it happens to you or someone you know.

it's happened to me and people i know

and yet, i can divorce my emotional response to it and approach it analytically

if you can't, feel free to end your participation :idunno:


New member
it's happened to me and people i know

and yet, i can divorce my emotional response to it and approach it analytically

if you can't, feel free to end your participation :idunno:
Maybe you are a psychopath?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Evil exists whether we allow it to or not,

contrast today's society and culture with that of fifty or sixty years ago

take a look at:

divorce rates
single parent households
violent crime rates

this is what our willingness to go along with the culture of permissiveness and "progressivism" has brought us - boys who are brought up to see women as sexual playthings, who are conditioned to take what they want whether it's offered or not

for every so-called Christian who recently argued that granting homosexuals the "right" to get "married" was inevitable, i call shame and lay blame

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I am interested in reading your reasoning. I am not going to make any emotional responses.

I do have my own theories as to how a rape culture was created. The woman individually may not be responsible, but the cancer of feminism and political correctness feeds into it. It has created an atmosphere of resentment and misogyny.

Bingo – we have allowed the development of a culture that tells the young man that he is unnecessary to the woman – a culture where women can support themselves, where women can get pregnant without a man’s assistance (besides being a sperm donor) and where a woman can, with the blessings of our society, raise a child without a father in the child’s life. Further, a “culture” that is saturated with sex (often violent) on television, in the movies, in video games…And that doesn’t even begin to address the warping effect of pornography on the developing mind – porn of a nature that would have been unimaginable in my youth, available at the click of a button or the swipe of a finger to any child, of any age.

And who is responsible?

All of us – men and women alike – we have all allowed this perverse culture to develop, by refusing to stand against it and insist that those we elect to represent us actually pass moral legislation.

Remember the Moral Majority?

Remember Dan Quayle speaking out against Murphy Brown?

He was ridiculed by the liberal press. And instead of rising up against them and letting them know how wrong they were, we all chuckled nervously and let them do it.


Well-known member
contrast today's society and culture with that of fifty or sixty years ago

take a look at:

divorce rates
single parent households
violent crime rates

this is what our willingness to go along with the culture of permissiveness and "progressivism" has brought us - boys who are brought up to see women as sexual playthings, who are conditioned to take what they want whether it's offered or not

for every so-called Christian who recently argued that granting homosexuals the "right" to get "married" was inevitable, i call shame and lay blame

Well, now you're getting specific. Which is where you should have gone to begin with instead of blaming mankind in general.

It's almost as bad as saying no woman is ever at fault when she gets raped. From one extreme to another.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, now you're getting specific. Which is where you should have gone to begin with instead of blaming mankind in general.

It's almost as bad as saying no woman is ever at fault when she gets raped. From one extreme to another.

yeah, i know - it's been hard to find a focus for the paper i'm writing without slipping into the individual case - I prefer to approach the issue as a systemic

btw - i picked up a "10 things you need to know about sexual assault" flyer that's circulating on campus - one side is "For Men", the other is "For Women"

the "for women" side is all about how not to be a victim

the "for men" side is all about how not to be a perp

can't wait to bring it up in class tomorrow :chuckle:


Well-known member
btw - i picked up a "10 things you need to know about sexual assault" flyer that's circulating on campus - one side is "For Men", the other is "For Women"

the "for women" side is all about how not to be a victim

the "for men" side is all about how not to be a perp

can't wait to bring it up in class tomorrow :chuckle:

Did they make one for all the female adults who rape boys?


New member
And here we are, this is an important point to drive home. Anyone can be a telephone tough guy until it happens to you or someone you know. Then, all bets are off and the theory goes out the window. One thing I have found is that many of the aggressive posters here have no idea what empathy is.

It seems so!


Well-known member
ok doser said:
a woman lying in a hospital bed, in a coma, is raped (think Kill Bill)

is she responsible?

would it shock you if i told you that i could argue yes?
Are you hoping anyone will dignify such a stupid question with a legitimate response?

Maybe we should just stick to the biblical principles...

A} Don't have sex with anyone you aren't bound to by a covenant of marriage.
B} Treat your spouse with love and respect.
C} If you ignore A and B you should probably plan on some jail time and a permanent place on the sex offender registry.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Maybe we should just stick to the biblical principles...

A} Don't have sex with anyone you aren't bound to by a covenant of marriage.
B} Treat your spouse with love and respect.
C} If you ignore A and B you should probably plan on some jail time and a permanent place on the sex offender registry.

you're getting close - A and B are spot on

C, however, is 100% wrong, at least when it comes to rape

rape should earn the death penalty, swiftly


Well-known member
you're getting close - A and B are spot on

C, however, is 100% wrong, at least when it comes to rape

rape should earn the death penalty, swiftly

I agree that it should, but it currently doesn't. So when we talk to teens and college age young men it is a little easier to deal with the consequences that are currently a real possibility rather than hypothetical.

I've found "you could go to jail" much more impactful than "you probably should be killed, even though we both know you won't be."