On Rape


New member
Ok Doser said:
maybe we get the society we allow, and those of us who have allowed it to come to this bear primary responsibility

Its what we get when we silence ourselves for 50+ years for fear of being an outcast or loser or sociopath.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He seems to be mixing up culpability with mere existence.

Yes, the victim had to exist (in a specific time and place) in order to become a victim of any particular crime.

Yet there is no coherent link to culpability there. At all.

So when you say every victim is partially responsible for the crime committed against him, how do you define "responsible" ?

it comes back to a theme i'm developing in the cowards and heroes thread - about complacency and our duty as citizens and Christians to stand up for what's right, to confront evil

in that context, we are all responsible for our cesspool of a society in which we live, in that we have allowed it to develop without confronting it more forcefully, more effectively

we are supposed to be a light of the world, but too many of us allow our fear to prevent us from standing against evil

maybe we get the society we allow, and those of us who have allowed it to come to this bear primary responsibility

Its what we get when we silence ourselves for 50+ years for fear of being an outcast or loser or sociopath.

oh snap! :thumb:

i swear i banged out my post before i saw yours


Well-known member
in that context, we are all responsible for our cesspool of a society in which we live

You're sort of just defining society, here. Nothing novel. Society is made of people.

There's no case for individual culpability, when it comes to being a victim of a crime.

Maybe you're not arguing for culpability, per se? I'm not sure.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're sort of just defining society, here. Nothing novel. Society is made of people.

yes, but in my lifetime, i've seen changes to the moral structure of American society that disgust me - divorce, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, abortion, drugs, crime - it goes on and on - rape is just the latest unintended consequence of allowing selfishness to rule in the name of individual freedom

There's no case for individual culpability, when it comes to being a victim of a crime.

Maybe you're not arguing for culpability, per se? I'm not sure.

i'm arguing for responsibility

let me put it on a personal level - i worked for a couple of years in an inner city school - i never felt safe in that environment

but it existed as it was because we allowed it to exist that way - we allowed the administrators to take away corporal punishment, to the extent that you couldn't even break up a fight or expel a student - this was in a failing school that, when i was a kid, was a flagship tech school - suburban kids used to compete to get into it - fast forward through thirty years of failed liberal policies and it was just another hellhole in a district full of them

and why?

because we allowed it


Well-known member
You would have to see significant change in the minds of men.
You would have to see women grow up about equal rights and realize in any physical confrontation a woman is at a disadvantage.
You know, as in spousal abuse?

Even then....it's not always true. There are cases where the woman is the abuser....either stronger, or meaner, or the man is too much of a gentleman to ever hit a woman back.


Well-known member
i'm arguing for responsibility

In such a wide sense as to be meaningless.

Someone steals your credit card number online. It's your fault for having a credit card!

Someone breaks into my house while I'm at work. It's my fault because it couldn't happen unless I had a house!

Nancy Kerigan was asking for her leg to get bludgeoned. She had some nerve being good at ice skating. Her fault!

Every victim of every crime? Get real.


New member
In such a wide sense as to be meaningless.

Someone steals your credit card number online. It's your fault for having a credit card!

Someone breaks into my house while I'm at work. It's my fault because it couldn't happen unless I had a house!

Nancy Kerigan was asking for her leg to get bludgeoned. She had some nerve being good at ice skating. Her fault!

Every victim of every crime? Get real.

Responsibility must rest on the individual or it becomes meaningless. Good post!


Well-known member
The point of my posts were to make you think. To get you to expand your mind. :chuckle: Face it, he got called out on it. Cried like a baby and you are nursing his little ego back to health. :carryon:

Just when I start thinking you might be worth listening to, you say something like this. Would you like it if I simply laughed at everyone on this forum with an ego problem, and ignored any topic they might put forth? :chew:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Even then....it's not always true. There are cases where the woman is the abuser....either stronger, or meaner, or the man is too much of a gentleman to ever hit a woman back.

yep - and there are cases where the sexual abuse is directed by the female against the male

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In such a wide sense as to be meaningless.

Someone steals your credit card number online. It's your fault for having a credit card!

are you aware that credit card theft happens?

if so, then you know that you're taking a risk by having one

Someone breaks into my house while I'm at work. It's my fault because it couldn't happen unless I had a house!

do you leave your house in such a condition as to invite being broken into?

more to the point, do you support the election of judges who are lenient to burglars?

Nancy Kerigan was asking for her leg to get bludgeoned. She had some nerve being good at ice skating. Her fault!

did she choose to perform in an environment where competition was intense?

Every victim of every crime? Get real.

every victim of every crime who has had the opportunity to make a better society and stood by quietly while our "culture" has slid downhill


Well-known member
are you aware that credit card theft happens?

if so, then you know that you're taking a risk by having one

do you leave your house in such a condition as to invite being broken into?

more to the point, do you support the election of judges who are lenient to burglars?

did she choose to perform in an environment where competition was intense?

every victim of every crime who has had the opportunity to make a better society and stood by quietly while our "culture" has slid downhill

Like I said - you're defining responsibility in such a broad sense, that it's lost any real meaning.

I am, based on your examples, "responsible" for every event that's taken place in the entire universe since the time I was conceived.


New member
Someone breaks into my house while I'm at work. It's my fault because it couldn't happen unless I had a house!
Clearly it's having nice things inside your house which is one reason that might tempt a poor helpless burglar, but if you also insist on cutting the lawn and having a nice showy garden, perhaps some hanging baskets, why that's just asking for it. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Like I said - you're defining responsibility in such a broad sense, that it's lost any real meaning.

I am, based on your examples, "responsible" for every event that's taken place in the entire universe since the time I was conceived.

no, i've made it clear that your responsibility lies in things you could have effected and haven't


Well-known member
Clearly it's having nice things inside your house which is one reason that might tempt a poor helpless burglar, but if you also insist on cutting the lawn and having a nice showy garden, perhaps some hanging baskets, why that's just asking for it. :plain:

Yep :)

Ok Doser really seems to be claiming that victims of crime are part of the material cause of the crime - which no one would argue against. They are indeed being acted upon by a criminal - therefore part of the material cause. Just as a block of marble was one of the material causes of Michelangelo's David.

To call this "responsibility" is just plain incorrect.