ECT Nang's Boastful Lie

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Lord carried the guilt of sin, and suffered God's judgment against sin unto death, and destroyed the power of the devil that holds the sons of Adam in bondage to sin through fear of death . . .

But you are not now without sin. It remains in your members (mind). If you have been gifted with a new heart to love God, you will evidence repentance, and confess your sins to your High Priest in heaven, Jesus Christ

More misdirection. You assert that the Lord Jesus christ did not die for our sins, and forgive us of all tresspasses, as you assert "repent...confess them."

What sins, perverter?

I thought so.


What is your prayer life like, John? Do you enjoy it?

Quite fine, you self righteouss Professor-ette Demas, slug-ette.

Do you have a need to know, witchiepoo?


TOL Subscriber
PPS could use some Hammer Time.


This is code for when the Dispies decide it is time to get together in secret to figure out how together they can really trash their opponents.

Don't worry . . . it means nothing.

None of them own a hammer big enough to silence biblical Truth.



New member
Christians who attending sound churches, have Elders who have studied the original languages, to teach and edify them.
Load of BS (go ahead report me)

MADists tend to not bother with church attendance, thus they are without this spiritual benefit. And even if they do attend a church, the visible churches today are sadly lacking Pastors and Elders who are properly educated in Linguistics.
You are full of BS

Just because you avoid those who could teach you the deeper foundations of Holy Scripture, does not make such knowledge bad or unimportant.
You don't know anything, so who taught you?


TOL Subscriber
This isn't even about MAD with you. This is about not Geeking it out.

I have the same concerns for many non-MADs. But most others aren't as intentionally obtuse and purposefully ignorance as MADs.

Musterion is one of the few in your ranks who is an exception.

MADs are just one of many groups attempting to compensate for ontology with methodology.

All have embraced English error and excused it in various ways, just like MADs.

Few have any real idea what scripture says, and that's no reflection whatsoever upon God and scripture. It's all on man, and the deception of Satan through language.

All your arrogance and the arrogance of all MADs combined will not change that.


TOL Subscriber
Is that what elders are for?

One of their purposes, yes.

Didn't you already know that?

Or maybe you have never met or been blessed with having an Elder of the Church to look over your spiritual well-being.

If so, that is really sad . . .


TOL Subscriber

This is code for when the Dispies decide it is time to get together in secret to figure out how together they can really trash their opponents.

Don't worry . . . it means nothing.

None of them own a hammer big enough to silence biblical Truth.



TOL Subscriber
See you at the Waffle House later, heir, to discuss how we can bring about the downfall of PPS. ;)

It's not possible. I'm in Christ.

Bring it.

Meanwhile, I've gotta go and get a few things done. I'm not even sure I responded to all posts. Too much MAD nonsense to wade through.


Well-known member
Others ask me all the time if they need to learn Greek or Hebrew, and I always tell them the same thing. NO. Just learn what the words mean in your own language.
Since there are inadequacies in any translation, that's what most Bible students already do.

You're still disparaging any non-Greek version of the Scriptures. You're saying they're inadequate because the language is inadequate; in fact, a tool of Satan.

What you're doing is the same thing hyper-KJO does, but in reverse: limiting God to ONE language. For them, Early Modern English. For you, Greek, at least where some key words are involved.

The result is the same in both cases: the simplicity of Christ is obscured and made complex; the faith of some can be shipwrecked with doting about words. You should seriously consider the implications of your claims.


TOL Subscriber
Since there are inadequacies in any translation, that's what most Bible students already do.

You're still disparaging any non-Greek version of the Scriptures. You're saying they're inadequate because the language is inadequate; in fact, a tool of Satan.

What you're doing is the same thing hyper-KJO does, but in reverse: limiting God to ONE language. For them, Early Modern English. For you, Greek, at least where some key words are involved.

The result is the same in both cases: the simplicity of Christ is obscured and made complex; the faith of some can be shipwrecked with doting about words. You should seriously consider the implications of your claims.

That might be some semblance of truth if scripture weren't inspired to be penned in Greek (NT).

And English is required for tranlsation. It just can't be someone's English concepts overruling Greek content. You're making it something it isn't, and it's from a point of bias.

I'm all for a concise English understanding. That's the whole point.

Gotta jet. Back later.