ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
Nope. God is righteous, and He is not defined by Law. If He was, Law would be greater.

God is not Holy because He maintains submission to Law.

You are a mess. The Law is your god. You worship Moses, just like the Pharisees.

You don't know what you are talking about . . . you do not even understand the simplicity of God, let alone the necessity of Law for righteousness in His creation.

I understand the old Covenant of Works and the Mosaic Covenant of Law and ordinances are past and done away, by the provision of the New Covenant of Grace in Jesus Christ.

But the moral Law/Word of God is eternal. Matthew 24:35

It will never pass away.

The Law of God is good and holy. Believers love the Law/Word of God, for God has engraven this love in their hearts so that they desire to live faithfully and obediently to it.

This is the third use of God's Law, and that is provided to guide the sons of God into all righteousness, and to protect them from evil.


New member
You don't know what you are talking about . . . you do not even understand the simplicity of God, let alone the necessity of Law for righteousness in His creation.
I don't want to know the garbage you know. I'm not interested in being seduced by perverts who trust in their "acts" to be holy.

But the moral Law/Word of God is eternal. Matthew 24:35

It will never pass away.
Ummm ... you better read the whole chapter.

The Law of God is good and holy. Believers love the Law/Word of God, for God has engraven this love in their hearts so that they desire to live faithfully and obediently to it.
You are lost.


TOL Subscriber
PP's god is a failure for not having all men speak and read Greek.

No, but that's the sort of tripe you and MADs always resort to in your ignorance.

God is love. Love works faith, and love abounds in epignosis knowledge, which is a synonym for faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, so faith underlies hope with a true reality of existence for us.

But you'll hide behind your willful ignorance and indoctrination of MAD silliness that ends up being works without you ever realizing it.


TOL Subscriber
PP's god is a failure for not having all men speak and read Greek.

Christians who attend sound churches, have Elders who have studied the original languages, to teach and edify them.

MADists tend to not bother with church attendance, thus they are without this spiritual benefit. And even if they do attend a church, the visible churches today are sadly lacking Pastors and Elders who are properly educated in Linguistics.

Just because you avoid those who could teach you the deeper foundations of Holy Scripture, does not make such knowledge bad or unimportant.

Ignorance is not knowing all of what one does not know. . .


TOL Subscriber
No, but that's the sort of tripe you and MADs always resort to in your ignorance.

God is love. Love works faith, and love abounds in epignosis knowledge, which is a synonym for faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, so faith underlies hope with a true reality of existence for us.

But you'll hide behind your willful ignorance and indoctrination of MAD silliness that ends up being works without you ever realizing it.

This isn't even about MAD with you. This is about not Geeking it out.