ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
First of all, truth is aletheia. The unveiled reality lying at the basis of, and agreeing with, an appearance; the manifest or veritable essence of matter.

(That's lexicography from the preeminent first-language Greek scholar Spiros Zodhiates. But I'm sure you think your vague personal concept of your mind (device) is preferable to a Spirit-filled lifetime scholar, who spent his entire life devoted to the exacting presentation of the Greek text in English. He even did it from Erasmus' text exclusively. You know... the basis for the KJV.)

The above indicates that truth is the prosopon unveiling the reality of the hypostasis, which underlies the ousia (essence) of God.

Jesus Christ is the prosopon of the hypostasis of God, and God's hypostasis underlies His ousia. This is not only exegetical at a tremendous depth, but it's historical from Patristic writings of the same thing.

"Thy Word (Logos) is truth." That's because the Logos was God's divinity made flesh in the person (prosopon) of Christ. The prosopon unveiled the reality (hypostasis) of God, which underlies His essence.

Truth is the word that is founded upon God's very substance and essence as God. His Logos IS truth.

But you'll probably have some falsely over-simplified concept to administer as a test of faith, just you do with every scripture you post.

It's your gauntlet of works that you force everyone to run or you demean their faith as non-existent and them as unsaved.

You're always putting hoops out there for people to jump through, and then if someone puts out a hoop for you, you cry "works" at them.

His Logos is truth. Period. There is none other. Not yours or anyone else's. So to the extent that one speaks His Logos with their own logos, then and only then is there the word of truth.

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,


TOL Subscriber
Another lie, or ignorance. Universalism is not the belief Christ died for the sins of all - that's what Paul taught. Universalism is the belief that all will eventually be saved regardless of what they believe about Christ. If any MADs here believe that (I know a few who do but they're not here), it's news to me.

Well, the above is illogical.

If Jesus Christ died for the sins of all men that ever lived, then there would be no future judgment to hell, for all men would be forgiven and saved.

For scripture teaches that all for whom Jesus suffered on the cross, will be saved without fail.

God's will cannot be thwarted by the sin of unbelief, if that sin was supposedly paid for on the cross.


TOL Subscriber
It is my belief that this epignosis knowledge is the love of God we acquire, by the grace of God, that He engravens upon our new hearts to believe His Gospel of Jesus Christ. Love of the Father is the substance of faith. Belief in His propositional Truths (Holy Scripture) is our salvation.

It is, via the oida intuitive knowledge of the Spirit we have access to when we are born again.


TOL Subscriber

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

Yeah, that's what you and your peers always do. Replace the depth of lexicography for the meaning of words with proof-texting.


Well-known member
Well, the above is illogical.

If Jesus Christ died for the sins of all men that ever lived, then there would be no future judgment to hell, for all men would be saved.

Except for one thing: God still requires FAITH, and without faith, it is impossible to please God. As a Calvinist, you would overlook that since you assume that only you and a select few others receive faith.


TOL Subscriber
I've heard that Les Feldick came to a knowledge of the mystery totally on his own study, then discovered there were others. I've heard of others like him.

I confess I had to be shown the mystery, per Eph 3:9, but I believe that was God's working it out for me because very little of His Word made sense to me. I could not fathom how it all fit together as I was told it was supposed to. Now I see that it really doesn't all fit together in the sense they meant, nor was it all meant to.

Your honesty sets you apart from your peers.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Another lie, or ignorance. Universalism is not the belief Christ died for the sins of all - that's what Paul taught. Universalism is the belief that all will eventually be saved regardless of what they believe about Christ. If any MADs here believe that (I know a few who do but they're not here), it's news to me.

Nang is wrong, of course. Christ died for the sins of, ALL mankind,
past, present, and future! However, unless one hears the Grace
Message and responds in faith, they will not reap the benefits of
Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection!

Christ took care of the "Sin question" at the cross, forever! We
notice in Revelation, that the unsaved will stand before God, and
be judged according to their, "Works" not their "Sins" Why?
because, the sin question was already taken care of about
2,000 year's ago at the cross of Calvary!


New member
If Jesus Christ died for the sins of all men that ever lived, then there would be no future judgment to hell, for all men would be forgiven and saved.
That is simply evidence of your abundant ignorance of the gospel and the entirety of the Bible.

ALL men are included in His death.
ALL men are not included in His life.

Only those who receive His gift of life are saved.
Forgiveness is in Him, in His life.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Unsaved" while being judged according to their "Works" will still
be cast into the "Lake of Fire!" Why? Because they rejected God's ONLY
offer of forgiveness, mercy and eternal life, and that is, through Christ


TOL Subscriber
So the Bible as is, is inadequate.

What you're actually saying is that the English language and your patterning of thought by it is adequate when presuming what scripture means by proof-texting.

I spend two 2-hour sessions on language alone before even attempting to teach.

English requires an awareness of its low-context affects, and others are able to set it aside and learn.

You have no idea how programmed everyone is by the enemy through language, and it's at the heart level of the sub-cognitive.

It's a miracle any English-speaker is saved. It could only be the Spirit of God. I spent longer divesting myself of garbage than learning language.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is simply evidence of your abundant ignorance of the gospel and the entirety of the Bible.

ALL men are included in His death.
ALL men are not included in His life.

Only those who receive His gift of life are saved.
Forgiveness is in Him, in His life.

Good post!


TOL Subscriber
Except for one thing: God still requires FAITH, and without faith, it is impossible to please God. As a Calvinist, you would overlook that since you assume that only you and a select few others receive faith.

Faith is not required; it is gifted.

And Jesus Christ was commission to "quicken" with faith, whom He willed. John 5:21

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What you're actually saying is that the English language and your patterning of thought by it is adequate when presuming what scripture means by proof-texting.

I spend two 2-hour sessions on language alone before even attempting to teach.

English requires an awareness of its low-context affects, and others are able to set it aside and learn.

You have no idea how programmed everyone is by the enemy through language, and it's at the heart level of the sub-cognitive.

It's a miracle any English-speaker is saved. It could only be the Spirit of God. I spent longer divesting myself of garbage than learning language.

You ought not to be teaching others! You need to be taught the truth