ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
What sin/sins? The Lord Jesus Christ died for every last one of them. Of course, you reject the good news, and spam your bad news. You commit sins, that you don't even know you've committed, wicked one, so to whom do you tthink you're kidding? Certainly not the LORD God.

The Lord carried the guilt of sin, and suffered God's judgment against sin unto death, and destroyed the power of the devil that holds the sons of Adam in bondage to sin through fear of death . . .

But you are not now without sin. It remains in your members (mind). If you have been gifted with a new heart to love God, you will evidence repentance, and confess your sins to your High Priest in heaven, Jesus Christ.

What is your prayer life like, John? Do you enjoy it?


Well-known member
No. And it's not all we have. We have more easy-to-use language resources than someone could ever even catalog.

There's no excuse for not knowing what Greek words mean and installing erroneous or incomplete English concepts instead.

It's what I had to do. Now I know what scripture says instead of my own vague replacement English presuppositions.

This raises the same valid question asked of hyper-KJOs: what of those who do not have any Greek resources available to them? Or simply are not up to understanding what is available? Is God's grace thereby limited? Is the Gospel limited? Will their growth be limited for lacking what you say is not only useful, but vital?


TOL Subscriber
I understood those words. At least, I hope I did.

No. If you did, you wouldn't use hope with the presumed definition you've given it from English. Hope isn't wishful. It's trust. You just don't know the difference.

The love that works faith is the love that abounds in epignosis knowledge instead of the puffed up gnosis knowledge you have.


TOL Subscriber
What sin/sins? The Lord Jesus Christ died for every last one of them. Of course, you reject the good news, and spam your bad news. You commit sins, that you don't even know you've committed, wicked one, so to whom do you tthink you're kidding? Certainly not the LORD God.


TOL Subscriber
Too much yukking it up going on around here . .

Remember, he who yuks last, yuks best.

MADist not only prove to be lazy, but you can't get them to be serious.


New member
No. If you did, you wouldn't use hope with the presumed definition you've given it from English. Hope isn't wishful. It's trust. You just don't know the difference.

The love that works faith is the love that abounds in epignosis knowledge instead of the puffed up gnosis knowledge you have.
Do they sell YOUR dictionary on Amazon? Do they make it in a child's big letter version?


TOL Subscriber
If you have been gifted with a new heart to love God, you will evidence repentance, and confess your sins to your High Priest in heaven, Jesus Christ/
Why do you keep denying that the Lord ALREADY paid for every single sin that could ever be committed (2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV) with your unbelieving Catholic confession of sins? Is there one sin that the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for 2000 years before you ever took a breath?


TOL Subscriber
No. If you did, you wouldn't use hope with the presumed definition you've given it from English. Hope isn't wishful. It's trust. You just don't know the difference.

The love that works faith is the love that abounds in epignosis knowledge instead of the puffed up gnosis knowledge you have.

It is my belief that this epignosis knowledge is the love of God we acquire, by the grace of God, that He engravens upon our new hearts to believe His Gospel of Jesus Christ. Love of the Father is the substance of faith. Belief in His propositional Truths (Holy Scripture) is our salvation.


TOL Subscriber
This raises the same valid question asked of hyper-KJOs: what of those who do not have any Greek resources available to them?

But I've never met a MAD who just read scripture and came to their conclusions. MAD is a structured doctrine and it's taught.

If someone wasn't indoctrinated into MAD and other stuff, they'd be getting it straight from scripture by the Spirit. The problem is replacing scripture with formulated doctrines.

Someone alone apart from all indoctrination is not going to be taught all these organized systems of theology, including MAD.

Or simply are not up to understanding what is available?

This is using an exception to address the majority. I'm referring to those who have spent years studying organized dogma according to their indoctrination, but have never bothered to find out what the words means instead of what they think they mean in their shallow understanding of their own language.

Is God's grace thereby limited?

No. And wouldn't it be great to actually define grace rather than just referring to it without understanding of its depth of meaning?

Is the Gospel limited?

No. But man obscures it with doctrines and definitions of his own. That's why I had to scrape off of and out of me to find the truth from scripture in the Greek text.

We weren't meant to go it alone. We were meant to be taught by the Holy Spirit and the thirdly-set-in-the Church Didaskalos (Teacher). The Church-at-large has scuttled that and made "teacher" a role for whomever they can get to take a class in their system of Christian education.

Will their growth be limited lacking what you say is not only useful, but vital?

No. But MADers have gone a long way down a road based on a foundation of completely faulty definitions and their applications, just like most others.

At some point, getting back to the basics of the words themselves is what's vital.

Language is the problem, and it's what Satan uses to instill and install his devices (noema - concepts of the mind) in mankind. That's how he came to Eve, and he hasn't change his tactics. He challenged what God meant by the words He said, and presented another meaning as a false dialectic to replace God's didactic Word.

Language does that, and it's passive at the core of the sub-cognitive. It's in the heart. All the wrong meanings and definitions are in the heart.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. It's all about ontology.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
... As God's creatures we must eliminate (crucify, kill) sin in our members, by repenting, and confessing all sin.

"confessing all sin"

1.Which you don't do, nor does anyone, you wicked wolf-ette.

2. She once again asserts that Christ did not die for our sins, and forgive us of all tresspasses.

Perverter, for all to observe.

Lay out for which sins, did your fake "Jesus" did not die. Specifics.
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