ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
Since there are inadequacies in any translation, that's what most Bible students already do.

You're still disparaging any non-Greek version of the Scriptures. You're saying they're inadequate because the language is inadequate; in fact, a tool of Satan.

What you're doing is the same thing hyper-KJO does, but in reverse: limiting God to ONE language. For them, Early Modern English. For you, Greek, at least where some key words are involved.

The result is the same in both cases: the simplicity of Christ is made complex and the faith of some can be shipwrecked with doting about words.

You do not know the blessings that can come from researching the original languages, if you don't do it. And it is not hard.

One can purchase helpful volumes, such as the "Key Word Study Bible" for the KJV, available on Amazon, that supplies definitions of both Hebrew and Greek key words, for those who really want to learn.


New member
You do not know the blessings that can come from researching the original languages, if you don't do it. And it is not hard.

One can purchase helpful volumes, such as the "Key Word Study Bible" for the KJV, available on Amazon, that supplies definitions of both Hebrew and Greek key words, for those who really want to learn.
Are you on another planet? Because it sounds like your speaking from Uranus (that's Ουρανός for PPS)

Grosnick Marowbe

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That might be some semblance of truth if scripture weren't inspired to be penned in Greek (NT).

And English is required for tranlsation. It just can't be someone's English concepts overruling Greek content. You're making it something it isn't, and it's from a point of bias.

I'm all for a concise English understanding. That's the whole point.

Gotta jet. Back later.

I'll bet you only eat at "Greek Restaurants?"


Well-known member
If you want to start that game, that's where the KJO folks will have you in the bullseye: whose Greek texts? Which variant readings? More than one Greek word is used in one verse in competing texts - which shall it be?

I prefer to think what God wants mankind to know is not in any way bound or limited by any language, nor by anyone's poor understanding of that language. Assuming an honest, competent effort has been made on the part of translators, it's what God wants us to know. It's enough.

Besides, there are workers, circumcizers, cultists, Christ-deniers and atheists who speak, read and write Biblical Greek far better than you well as believers in Christ who can as well. My point is, your discoveries re: language and truth cannot POSSIBLY be new to you. I'm not making an appeal to authority but who else have you found that already taught what you've presented since you've gotten here? You are not the first; I know you know of others. Who are they?


Well-known member
You do not know the blessings that can come from researching the original languages, if you don't do it. And it is not hard.

One can purchase helpful volumes, such as the "Key Word Study Bible" for the KJV, available on Amazon, that supplies definitions of both Hebrew and Greek key words, for those who really want to learn.

I get it. Tet dumped you so now you glom on to PPS, your new knight in armor.

And I already have a heavily dogeared, highlighted copy of Zodhiates, thanks.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Is your flesh righteous?

No, nor do I boast in it, my flesh was crucified with Christ.

Gal. 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself up for me.

Is your old man righteous?


Rom. 6:6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be in bondage to sin.
Rom. 6:7 For he who has died has been freed from sin.

Does that righteous label as your status include your old man?

Nothing prior to my belief in the Gospel was righteous, that man was crucified, I am a new creation by faith in Christ & His righteousness not ant righteous act of my own Eph. 2:8 ... the label & status, "righteous", is Christ's, it belongs to Him, he has imputed the label & status to me by faith in Him, according to His obedience not my disobedience, I deserved death.

Rom. 5:19 For as through the one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the one will many be made righteous.

No. That's the reason for salavtion.

The reason for salvation is because we are not capable of righteousness and the only righteousness available is through faith alone (nothing of my own) in Christ.


Well-known member
I can't help but like the guy but if he's right, we can't know for sure what God says because we're not Greek experts. Period. Even if he has some good technical and practical points, he carries it too far and sows nothing but doubt. Even when I pointed out a word isn't used in the Bible the way he says it is, he blew it off.

The whole thing smacks of "Did God say...?"


TOL Subscriber
If you want to start that game, that's where the KJO folks will have you in the bullseye: whose Greek texts? Which variant readings? More than one Greek word is used in one verse in competing texts - which shall it be?

That is why I suggested this particular volume, for it is for KJV.

I prefer to think what God wants mankind to know is not in any way bound or limited by any language, nor by anyone's poor understanding of that language. Assuming an honest, competent effort has been made on the part of translators, it's what God wants us to know. It's enough.

Yes, honest translations are enough and God has seen fit that is all we have, so we trust in his providence. But some believers enjoy delving into the languages. I do not think doing so is wrong or that it shows a lack of faith to do so; nor should it be discouraged.

Besides, there are workers, circumcizers, cultists, Christ-deniers and atheists who speak, read and write Biblical Greek far better than you well as believers in Christ who can as well.

Indeed! There are also wicked persons who use Linguistics as skeptics, who know the original languages quite well. It is good to have some exposure to key words in Hebrew and Greek, just to protect oneself from these kind.

My point is, your discoveries re: language and truth cannot POSSIBLY be new to you. I'm not making an appeal to authority but who else have you found that already taught what you've presented since you've gotten here? You are not the first; I know you know of others. Who are they?

My husband and I have been blessed with two Pastors in our life, that both had Doctorates in Theology (Westminster TS, East) who knew and taught the original languages quite well.

Is that what you are asking?


Well-known member
That is why I suggested this particular volume, for it is for KJV.

Yes, honest translations are enough and God has seen fit that is all we have, so we trust in his providence. But some believers enjoy delving into the languages. I do not think doing so is wrong or that it shows a lack of faith to do so; nor should it be discouraged.

Indeed! There are also wicked persons who use Linguistics as skeptics, who know the original languages quite well. It is good to have some exposure to key words in Hebrew and Greek, just to protect oneself from these kind.

My husband and I have been blessed with two Pastors in our life, that both had Doctorates in Theology (Westminster TS, East) and knew and taught the original languages quite well.

Is that what you are asking?

That was addressed to him, sorry. He's the one with the Koine six-shooter.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
First of all, truth is aletheia

I dig her-she is a great singer.

(That's lexicography from the preeminent first-language Greek scholar Spiros Zodhiates.

Is that Superman's arch enemy?

Jesus Christ is the prosopon of the hypostasis of God, and God's hypostasis underlies His ousia. This is not only exegetical at a tremendous depth, but it's historical from Patristic writings of the same thing.

Could you repeat that? Can you say "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions – on a sesame seed bun?"

john w

New member
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You do it constantly. It's called English. English is a language, and you're demanding that English determines the meaning for the Greek (and Hebrew) inspired text.

The very foundation for your KJV is Greek. You twist and consult a language alright. English. You use it to destroy the actual meaning of the text that gave you the KJV.


No, you have a lanugage that you've used to define scripture yourself.

Do you dig "The" "Hebrew National" dogs? I do.


New member
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What was/is the first commandment given by God . . To Adam, to Moses, to Christians?

It was/is to love God only. Love for fellow man follows.

Affections reside in the "heart" so if any of us do not possess the love of God, we cannot possibly live. We will only die.

I think it is vital to be given the ability to obey and fulfill the first Law and command of God, and that is what we are actually discussing.

I'm not sure how that's relevant to what I said. :confused: I don't deny the first commandment and didn't realize that's what we were supposed to be discussing.


New member
Hall of Fame
Our reckoned-dead old man (prosopon), with sin in the members of the soma (body) and a mind that needs to be renewed.

It's not internal, constitutionally. Our hypostasis (substance, inner man) is translated and seated in heavely places. We're in Christ, He's in us; and the Spirit in Him is in us, which is deposited in our dead (communion-ceased) human spirit for resurrection unto life.

We don't have two minds or wills. We have one mind and will that is being renewed.

So, is it our hypostasis vs our body and mind?

Also, what is the trigger for our hypostasis being translated? What makes that happen in someone?