Mr. Religion and His Calvinistic Nonsense

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Why we could do the same with the IRS. We'll just tell them, we'll spread the news that they asked us to pay them and then, we'll not actually do it. I'm certain they'll be more than willing to abide by that.


From what I gather, Meshak is preaching that we should spread what Jesus told us to do, however, we don't have to actually do what He says. As long as we spread WHAT He said, we are free to not follow what He said.

Does that make any sense to anybody?

what a deceiver you are, gm.


Well-known member
When someone takes the time to respond to something AMR says, then he needs to come back and do likewise.

AMR likes to lecture then take off.

He needs to defend his statements.

One of the nice things about posts is that they are there in perpetuity (as long as not deleted) so that someone can go back again and again and read the details of what was said. It took some time and effort, but I finally went back to the thread where Jerry was going back and forth with AMR. As expected, this is not a case of AMR posting and running, but of putting into detailed posts what he believes in direct response to the questions posed.

For the amount of effort he (always) puts into his responses, it shouldn't be surprising when he simply stops responding. He has often cited "heavy lifting" that needs to be done and if someone really wants to interact with him, he complies. But in this case, the response wasn't something that necessitated any new response - it was answered in one of AMR's previous responses and any further response would require some further interaction with what was said.

Bottom line - I think AMR actually shows Jerry some respect by leaving him to go back and do the investigation himself instead of having to take him by the hand and lead him through the answer step by step. Jerry's no dummy himself...


Well-known member
No one can obey Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount is a human impossibility.

To say that you obey Jesus is to admit that you are a hypocrite.

You can if you're born of God and live by the Spirit, because he will be giving you the strength to overcome and he will be helping to put your flesh to death so that we live by the will of God, and he will be teaching you and showing you what you are to deny in your heart daily, and we have a choice, obey God or live by our flesh and go against him. Jesus didn't give the sermon on the mount for nothing, and what he teaches we are to obey. And if we truly love God with all of our hearts, we will obey him!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You can if you're born of God and live by the Spirit, because he will be giving you the strength to overcome and he will be helping to put your flesh to death so that we live by the will of God, and he will be teaching you and showing you what you are to deny in your heart daily, and we have a choice, obey God or live by our flesh and go against him. Jesus didn't give the sermon on the mount for nothing, and what he teaches we are to obey. And if we truly love God with all of our hearts, we will obey him!


You may be able to obey some of law, but you cannot obey all of the law, which means that you are a sinner.

Why do think that the apostle Paul referred to himself as... "The Chief of Sinners?" 1 Timothy 1:15.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Both Meshak and LA are good examples of hypocrites. Meshak "believes" she's obeying Christ, however, there are inconsistencies in the way she looks at herself.


Both Meshak and LA are good examples of hypocrites. Meshak "believes" she's obeying Christ, however, there are inconsistencies in the way she looks at herself.

this is another false accusation. I never said I am obeying Jesus. No one can obey Him completely because we are imperfect.

But Jesus' HS will fill our imperfection part and we will be perfect in God's eye if we are striving to be faithful to Him with word and deeds.";

this is what I have been claiming all along.


Well-known member

You may be able to obey some of law, but you cannot obey all of the law, which means that you are a sinner.

Why do think that the apostle Paul referred to himself as... "The Chief of Sinners?" 1 Timothy 1:15.
What do you think Jesus means when he says we are to overcome? What are we to overcome?


Well-known member

You may be able to obey some of law, but you cannot obey all of the law, which means that you are a sinner.

Why do think that the apostle Paul referred to himself as... "The Chief of Sinners?" 1 Timothy 1:15.
Paul called himself the chief of sinners, because he knew that before he knew Christ he was persecuting Gods church. He lived by his flesh and knew what he was capable of in the flesh, but that doesn't mean he carried on like that, Paul was turning from sin and denying himself to do the will of God. As he says he died daily, he didn't live for his flesh daily, he lived to do the will of God and follow Jesus, preach the gospel and live it out!


Well-known member
Meshak believes she obeys Christ. That makes her a Hypocrite.

If we are born of God, we should be obeying Christ. Jesus said

John 14

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
this is another false accusation. I never said I am obeying Jesus. No one can obey Him completely because we are imperfect.

But Jesus' HS will fill our imperfection part and we will be perfect in God's eye if we are striving to be faithful to Him with word and deeds.";

this is what I have been claiming all along.

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