Mr. Religion and His Calvinistic Nonsense

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john w

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Hall of Fame
I am not debating scripture with you because you obviously don't honor Jesus' word.

Neither do you. Sell all you have, per your....

" but Jesus says to obey."

Obey-sell all you have.

Another con artist exposed-keep posting.

Lazy afternoon

GT and "Meshak" won't sell all they have, even though He said "Sell all you have." They TALK big about "obeying ALL the words of Jesus" but that's all it is...TALK. Empty babbling from unstable hypocrite women who say but will not do.

Luk 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

The rules remain the same. nothing has changed.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
GT and "Meshak" won't sell all they have, even though He said "Sell all you have." They TALK big about "obeying ALL the words of Jesus" but that's all it is...TALK. Empty babbling from unstable hypocrite women who say but will not do.

Good point. I'll bet those two (Meshak and LA) will continue to hold onto everything, even after reading that verse. It's called "HYPOCRACY!"


Have you forsaken ALL that you have, including that precious hat of yours?

When are you going to learn?

It is all about what Jesus says, not about our imperfect faith.

Just because you want to change His teachings you should not change what He commands.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Meshak is already being a WEASEL. No big surprise there. It's called "RATIONALIZATION." She says to obey all things Jesus says, however, when it comes to actually doing it, she says she has weak faith, so she doesn't have to do what Jesus said. :rotfl:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
From what I gather, Meshak is preaching that we should spread what Jesus told us to do, however, we don't have to actually do what He says. As long as we spread WHAT He said, we are free to not follow what He said.

Does that make any sense to anybody?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Next time, I receive a bill I'll try the "Meshak Method." I'll tell the collector of the bill that I'll spread the news about him/her asking me to pay the bill and then turn around and not actually, pay the bill. I'll give it a shot, by golly.
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