Mr. Religion and His Calvinistic Nonsense

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Slower...Pay attention..

"Infallible when the popes teach from the chair, ex cathedra, and when all the bishops teach what they all agree on, along with the popes' agreement, when he teaches officially; then and only then is it infallible and is the charism employed which preserves the pope from teaching error, in matters of faith, doctrine and morals."-just made up by the religious prostitute, AKA, the Roman Catholic Organization-no scriptural backing-NADA.
Well, there is, for example, where Peter, as pope, chooses to pronounce infallibly that the epistles of the Apostle Paul are on a level with "the other scriptures" (2P3:16KJV).
I am part of "the Church"
-show me where I, other members of the boc/the Church, on TOL, ever taught:

"that anybody whose faith is a burning fire within them, should, rightly and with abandon, try to be a Saint."
Well, I just did. And I am part of "the Church" too.
And there is no such thing as "try to be a Saint"-no scripture teaches that. You/the RCO made it up.
Romans 1:7 (KJV) 1st Corinthians 1:2 (KJV)

john w

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Well, there is, for example, where Peter, as pope, chooses to pronounce infallibly that the epistles of the Apostle Paul are on a level with "the other scriptures" (2P3:16KJV).
Well, I just did. And I am part of "the Church" too.Romans 1:7 (KJV) 1st Corinthians 1:2 (KJV)
No, you lied:

Infallible when the popes teach from the chair, ex cathedra, and when all the bishops teach what they all agree on, along with the popes' agreement, when he teaches officially; then and only then is it infallible and is the charism employed which preserves the pope from teaching error, in matters of faith, doctrine and morals."-just made up by the religious prostitute, AKA, the Roman Catholic Organization-no scriptural backing-NADA.

I, the church, am not infallible, nor are you, or anyone on earth today. You/Rome made that up. No such thing as "pope."


"though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; ) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"


No, you lied:
That weren't a lie.
I, the church, am not infallible, nor are you, or anyone on earth today. You/Rome made that up. No such thing as "pope."
What I said was that the charism of infallibility, that preserves him from error when teaching on matters of faith, doctrine and morals, is only in effect when the pope teaches from Peter's chair, which popes do not do very frequently, and so far, they have only done so when there already is great agreement among all the bishops of the Church. All such infallible Church teachings are found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which remains free in its entirety online at the Church's own web page at her own web domain, and is also readily available for purchase for about 10 USD in mass-market print form from many book retailers.

john w

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That weren't a lie.
What I said was that the charism of infallibility, that preserves him from error when teaching on matters of faith, doctrine and morals, is only in effect when the pope teaches from Peter's chair, which popes do not do very frequently, and so far, they have only done so when there already is great agreement among all the bishops of the Church. All such infallible Church teachings are found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which remains free in its entirety online at the Church's own web page at her own web domain, and is also readily available for purchase for about 10 USD in mass-market print form from many book retailers.

You/Rome, made that up. No scripture promises, in this dispensation, absolute, "infallible" understanding of scripture, to anyone. That only happened when the Lord Jesus Christ walked this grave yard, and when "the promise" of the Father"(Acts 1:4 KJV, Acts 2:33 KJV), "power from on high"(Luke 24:49 KJV)was given to a select few, for a specific purpose(subject of another thread-discussed on TOL previously).

This bunch of clowns, in clown hats, in clown outfits, is made up. Those charlatans cannot touch me, or others, on TOL, biblically. They/Rome belongs in a straight jacket-they've put you in one. Flee her....Come out of her...(Rev. 18:4 KJV).


You/Rome, made that up. No scripture promises, in this dispensation, absolute, "infallible" understanding of scripture, to anyone. That only happened when the Lord Jesus Christ walked this grave yard, and when "the promise" of the Father"(Acts 1:4 KJV, Acts 2:33 KJV), "power from on high"(Luke 24:49 KJV)was given to a select few, for a specific purpose(subject of another thread-discussed on TOL previously).
Those "select few" are the Apostles, and it was with their "power from on high," that they instituted the Church office of bishop/overseer. 2nd Corinthians 10:8 (KJV), speaking of " our authority; " the authority of the Apostles, who created the college of bishops, who presided over the Jerusalem Church council, recorded in Acts, that was an unmitigated success.

"Clowns": 1; You: 0
This bunch of clowns, in clown hats, in clown outfits, is made up. Those charlatans cannot touch me, or others, on TOL, biblically. They/Rome belongs in a straight jacket-they've put you in one. Flee her....Come out of her...(Rev. 18:4 KJV).
I'd sooner flee my own family than flee the Church's supreme pastor.


New member
Why is it that Samie is so mixed up? I think Samie got ahold of some bad "False doctrine", and swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
Really? So why can't GM refute it despite the challenge? Well, he sort of chickened out.

GM noticed he has false doctrine after comparing his doctrine with Samie's posts.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Those "select few" are the Apostles, and it was with their "power from on high," that they instituted the Church office of bishop/overseer. 2nd Corinthians 10:8 (KJV), speaking of " our authority; " the authority of the Apostles, who created the college of bishops, who presided over the Jerusalem Church council, recorded in Acts, that was an unmitigated success.

"Clowns": 1; You: 0
I'd sooner flee my own family than flee the Church's supreme pastor.

No, that power from on high, including the miraculous gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, word of knowledge,............... was for a specific purpose, in the prophetic program(another thread), and has no place in this dispensation. And there is no such thing as "apostolic succession," or "popes"-Rome/you just made it up.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Really? So why can't GM refute it despite the challenge? Well, he sort of chickened out.

GM noticed he has false doctrine after comparing his doctrine with Samie's posts.

Samie speaks of himself in the third person as we have noticed. Why does Samie do that? There must be a reasonable explanation for this strange anomaly. Then, one must ask: "What questions is GM unable to answer?" I mean, it's a reasonable request to find the answer to this interesting question, is it not?


No, that power from on high, including the miraculous gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, word of knowledge,............... was for a specific purpose, in the prophetic program(another thread), and has no place in this dispensation. And there is no such thing as "apostolic succession," or "popes"-Rome/you just made it up.
It was for building the Church, as Paul so frequently says, and among the most significant of their building activities, was the establishment of the hierarchical clergy, with bishops tasked with Church oversight. Also they built the Eucharist into the pinnacle of the Church's mass/corporate prayer to the Lord.

And if anybody "just made up" succession, and the papacy, it was the Apostles themselves, including Paul, during the first century. If that's what you mean by "Rome," then OK.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Samie seems to be somewhere else in the world other than the USA. One might ask: "Why?" Well, the other day he said it was midnight where he was and yet, it was late afternoon here in the States.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It was for building the Church, as Paul so frequently says, and among the most significant of their building activities, was the establishment of the hierarchical clergy, with bishops tasked with Church oversight. Also they built the Eucharist into the pinnacle of the Church's mass/corporate prayer to the Lord.

And if anybody "just made up" succession, and the papacy, it was the Apostles themselves, including Paul, during the first century. If that's what you mean by "Rome," then OK.

No-another confirm the word, that they were speaking for the LORD God.No longer applicable, in this dispensation.

You wicked Romanists/most other denominations, since you refuse to rightly divide the word of truth, the most significant division, being between the prophetic program, primarily dealing with the nation Israel, and the heathen nations, on earth, and the mystery program, focused primarily on the boc, in heavenly places, and thus follow the wrong apostle, Peter, and the Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry................................................

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No-another confirm the word, that they were speaking for the LORD God.No longer applicable, in this dispensation.

You wicked Romanists/most other denominations, since you refuse to rightly divide the word of truth, the most significant division, being between the prophetic program, primarily dealing with the nation Israel, and the heathen nations, on earth, and the mystery program, focused primarily on the boc, in heavenly places, and thus follow the wrong apostle, Peter, and the Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry................................................

Good post Sonny.

God's Truth

New member
One of the nice things about posts is that they are there in perpetuity (as long as not deleted) so that someone can go back again and again and read the details of what was said. It took some time and effort, but I finally went back to the thread where Jerry was going back and forth with AMR. As expected, this is not a case of AMR posting and running, but of putting into detailed posts what he believes in direct response to the questions posed.

For the amount of effort he (always) puts into his responses, it shouldn't be surprising when he simply stops responding. He has often cited "heavy lifting" that needs to be done and if someone really wants to interact with him, he complies. But in this case, the response wasn't something that necessitated any new response - it was answered in one of AMR's previous responses and any further response would require some further interaction with what was said.

Bottom line - I think AMR actually shows Jerry some respect by leaving him to go back and do the investigation himself instead of having to take him by the hand and lead him through the answer step by step. Jerry's no dummy himself...

I have debated AMR a few times and he merely posts by copying/pasting material; he does not reply directly to what someone says. If you insist he answer a question after all his lectures, he doesn't come back and answer.
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