

The mercy of the Eternal Almighty is shown to all the creatures including all mankind. His grace however is specific and is shown only to the heirs of grace. The children of promise.

Psalm 145:9 KJV 1756

"This then is the message that we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." I John 1:5

Anyone who says that God creates for destruction does not know God.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Anyone who says that God creates for destruction does not know God.

Truster is not in the Body of Christ. He has said so. Didn't want to be saved, didn't ask for it. So, he is not.

Didn't ask to be saved and didn't want to be saved, but I was and as soon as I was it was revealed to me what had happened.

I didn't ask nor want to be saved.

The rest of his first quote is in direct denial of our apostle Paul who said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When presented with the gospel you believe or you reject him. He claims he was just "saved" against his will. He does not believe the gospel.


Ok Nick. So when I read a posting of yours complaining about some things to chrysostom you are not really complaining about chrysostom. You are complaining about the trash talk that Truster puts out. (I'm starting to feel a little better. But strong drink is a depressant. I'm still down. Give up the drinking for me, a weaker brother in Christ.)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok Nick. So when I read a posting of yours complaining about some things to chrysostom you are not really complaining about chrysostom. You are complaining about the trash talk that Truster puts out. (I'm starting to feel a little better. But strong drink is a depressant. I'm still down. Give up the drinking for me, a weaker brother in Christ.)

truster and nick are downers


The Lord gave me a second chance. Maybe Nick can have one also?

But Truster is to be given nothing.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You are complaining about the trash talk that Truster puts out. (I'm starting to feel a little better. But strong drink is a depressant. I'm still down. Give up the drinking for me, a weaker brother in Christ.)

They are both dingbats. Only one is not a bore. One is, and is like talking to a brick wall. He probably bad mouths football to women. The ones that don't run from him.


They are both dingbats. Only one is not a bore. One is, and is like talking to a brick wall. He probably bad mouths football to women. The ones that don't run from him.


Would like to be friends but I have a standard. My standard is that I will attempt to make what ever place I am in a better place. You have the same standard. You are just not living up to it. Why don't you and I start over again?

I enjoy reading your thoughts about the Bible. And I like reading Paul's writings. But I don't always understand. When I ask the Lord for guidance He gives me wisdom.



but there was one to test their obedience

do you think that was cruel?
do you think they needed to be tested?

You tell me chrysostom. After all this thread is titled 'mercy'. Show us how the Law is merciful. Or better yet-

Show us how keeping Adam and Eve from the Tree of Life was mercy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You tell me chrysostom. After all this thread is titled 'mercy'. Show us how the Law is merciful. Or better yet-

Show us how keeping Adam and Eve from the Tree of Life was mercy.

you have to answer the question

do you think they needed to be tested?

the answer to that question will help you with all the others


The answer to your testing question is very simple. Yes they needed to be tested.

Would you like to know why?


Ok I will take your test and answer your test question. Your question is a test because you already know the answer. You are asking me to test me.

Through Christ I know the Father. From what I know of God through Christ I know that God did test Adam and Eve. Since God loved Adam and Eve as He loves me I am assured that God tested them because the testing was needed.

Now will you answer my question?

Show whether or not the Law contains mercy. (If you can't show it then the Law has no place in this thread.)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok I will take your test and answer your test question. Your question is a test because you already know the answer. You are asking me to test me.

Through Christ I know the Father. From what I know of God through Christ I know that God did test Adam and Eve. Since God loved Adam and Eve as He loves me I am assured that God tested them because the testing was needed.

Now will you answer my question?

Show whether or not the Law contains mercy. (If you can't show it then the Law has no place in this thread.)

we are tested because we have free will

the law does not contain mercy
mercy is required because of the law
law is required because we have to live together
love God and your neighbor are the great commandments
all law hang on them