Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'


Hall of Fame
67% of divorces are enacted by women. Do you think all male divorcees are abusers? Or even half? Hell, a third..

Under 20 years old27.6%11.7%
20 to 24 years old36.6%38.8%
25 to 29 years old 16.4% 22.3%
30 to 34 years old 8.5% 11.6%
35 to 39 years old 5.1% 6.5%

You all use this as justification to ignore the problem. And you have ol' Rusha here, who was just talking all about them 'family values' an hour ago, now on a thread supporting a primary problem :think:

Adultery, domestic violence, abuse of alcohol and drugs are all justifiable reasons to divorce one's spouse. Unless of course you are making that claim that these actions promote family values.


Hall of Fame
Which is to do and be what the wife wants (your definition), and the opposite of what Kirk said.

Nope ... I posted several quotes of Kirk's. Just because Kirk does not endorse homosexual marriage does not mean he is a hateful abuser. Going by his words, he seems to be a good guy who would advocate that men treat their wives well. I understand that a man who values women and believes that husbands have a duty to walk the walk of leadership instead of just talking the talk (due to his gender) would be extremely bothersome to you. :)

So go on and try to make Christianity seem to tailor to your bias, and I'll be there to remind you how much it fails :rolleyes:

What on earth are you babbling on about? Kirk is doing a GREAT job in his representation of Christianity because ... his views are opposite of your own. You don't have to remind me that Kirk, the happily married Christian man, values women, wives and people in general.

Feel free to post the quotes of Kirk's that show him as being anything other than I stated. If you can't, then we will all just concede that you are nothing more than insecure person who confuses yelling over others as the equivalent of strength and power.


Rusha is horrible with statistical analysis, tries to make all positive things of marriage be in agreement with her even though she agrees with primary things that make marriages go bad, and pretends that her defense of gays is out of compassion and not because she simply just sees nothing wrong with it.

That's all you've revealed on here, Rusha. Keep it up, saves me the trouble :rolleyes:


:chuckle: I am not surprised that you do not have the enough integrity to comment on the quotes I provided by Kirk.

"Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead"

You don't agree with that, so you tried to MAKE KIRK AGREE WITH YOU by quoting other statements :doh:


Rusha...pretends that her defense of gays is out of compassion...
That isn't defending the Sodomite (1 Co 6:9-10).

"If evil doesn't bother you--you're evil." ~ Darrell Ferguson
...he simply just sees nothing wrong with it.
Then she's part of the problem not the solution (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

[The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).] ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])


Hall of Fame
"Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead"

Still refusing to comment on Kirk's quotes, I see. For some odd reason, you believe that his words translate to "wives are expected to honor and respect their husband regardless of whether or not their actions are worthy of respecting".

You don't believe he has standards for men to follow outside of "Do as I say, not as I do and JUMP when I say it". Too bad for you but not all men are like that.

Either read his quotes that I posted and respond or continue in your cowardly tirade.


Still refusing to comment on Kirk's quotes, I see. For some odd reason, you believe that his words translate to "wives are expected to honor and respect their husband regardless of whether or not their actions are worthy of respecting".

You don't believe he has standards for men to follow outside of "Do as I say, not as I do and JUMP when I say it". Too bad for you but not all men are like that.

Either read his quotes that I posted and respond or continue in your cowardly tirade.

You're the coward, because you're talking about if they are 'worthy of respect' instead of just coming out with what you really mean by that- which is living up to women's standards.

You don't hear men constantly go on about their standard for women in marriage- but you all love to, because you are all utterly self-involved and that is a primary reason why marriages fail. You expect men to deal with what you would not, that is what the hell is wrong with you all.


Gender does not define whether someone is worthy of leadership.

Yes it does...That's why the success rate of a marriage is nearly a coin flip now- women trying to lead families :idunno:
How can a sinner lead? Sinners sin. :plain: If he is the believer, then she is sanctified by him. If she is the believer, then he is sanctified by her (1 Cor. 7:14–16). The two are to be one (Matt. 19:5, 6). They are joint heirs of the grace of life (1 Pe 3:7).


Hall of Fame
Still refusing to comment on Kirk's quotes, I see. For some odd reason, you believe that his words translate to "wives are expected to honor and respect their husband regardless of whether or not their actions are worthy of respecting".

You don't believe he has standards for men to follow outside of "Do as I say, not as I do and JUMP when I say it". Too bad for you but not all men are like that.

Either read his quotes that I posted and respond or continue in your cowardly tirade.

Crucible said:
You're the coward,

I see you have chosen the latter. So noted. :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
67% of divorces are enacted by women. Do you think all male divorcees are abusers? Or even half? Hell, a third..

You all use this as justification to ignore the problem. And you have ol' Rusha here, who was just talking all about them 'family values' an hour ago, now on a thread supporting a primary problem :think:

Look Cruc, it's pretty apparent that you have some personal beef with women for whatever reason and frankly your misogynistic drivel is not only bereft of logic, it's also downright tedious. Get used to being single would be my advice...


Look Cruc, it's pretty apparent that you have some personal beef with women for whatever reason and frankly your misogynistic drivel is not only bereft of logic, it's also downright tedious. Get used to being single would be my advice...

I don't have 'beef' with women anymore than any other subject. The difference is that those like yourself refuse to acknowledge the problems and conflicts of interests therein- it is a subject NEVER spoken about, which adds to what is already frankly disturbing of current society.

I am fully logical with it, you all are the one's in some rabbit hole thinking all is fine. You can sit there and patently ignore the incontrovertible issues, and go right to the same drivel. And that is insanity to me. It's Stockholm's syndrome. It's not acknowledging reality because you have been brainwashed into fantasy.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't have 'beef' with women anymore than any other subject. The difference is that those like yourself refuse to acknowledge the problems and conflicts of interests therein- it is a subject NEVER spoken about, which adds to what is already frankly disturbing of current society.

I am fully logical with it, you all are the one's in some rabbit hole thinking all is fine. You can sit there and patently ignore the incontrovertible issues, and go right to the same drivel. And that is insanity to me. It's Stockholm's syndrome. It's not acknowledging reality because you have been brainwashed into fantasy.

The reality is that women have the same rights as men, are not expected to be subservient to the male in society and that's all fine. You are just a loon who wants women to be deprived of the rights they should have already had and goes on hissy fits and tirades about how they're inferior to blokes. Booooooooring.


The reality is that women have the same rights as men, are not expected to be subservient to the male in society and that's all fine.

The reality is that they are categorically and systematically privileged over men, and men are subservient to women.

And that's not fine, especially with the perpetuation of it being the cringing exposition you just gave.

I literally saw this on my FB earlier:

Having to share your kid with someone SUCKS when all you do is worry and wonder what they're doing while they're gone. ������ even if its just for two days a week.

That kind of thinking is not due to 'equality', you blind moron.
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The Berean

Well-known member
From a Biblical perspective Kirk Cameron is correct. I think its important that man marries a woman that compliments and supports him. A man must love and cherish his wife.

When I decided to get married there were a few characteristics that were essential to me when looking for a wife.

1) She must a Bible believing, Spirit filled, prayerful woman.

2) She must want to be a wife and mother and not obsessed with a career. (See Proverbs 31)

3) She must be feminine and non-feminist.

I married a woman with these characteristics. We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary just yesterday. :banana:

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