Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Wow! The old reliable "straw man" "Hail Mary" cliche, eh Catholic? Weighty.

"Don't you have a problem with that word 'repent' in their, too?"-you

You have a problem, due to 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV/1 Cor. 2:14 KJV, being a Catholic, with understanding the meaning of the word "repent," as the Lord Jesus Christ repented, and Judas repented.

The Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins, every last one of them, forgiving me of all(memorize) trespasses-good news. You reject the good news, as all Catholics like yourself do, and "preach" bad news.

Tell all of TOL for which sins the Lord Jesus Christ died, and those for which He did not, as these "worse-er" sins overpowered Him. Let's go, Brucie boy-eternal destinies are at stake.
You won't touch that.

As I predicted-still not a peep, after being asked over, and over. And sell all you have, as you assert that all of the scripture is about you, and all commands are directed specifically to you, for your obedience.

Silencio, as silent/dead as a gathering of him, and his fellow Catholics, at "church."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Strawman Eph 4:14

False Dilemma...Strawman....Appealing to Authority....Fallacy of the Beard....Slippery Slope....Begging the Question...Equivocation....Questionable Analogy....Ad hominem.......

So there.

The Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins, every last one of them, forgiving me of all(memorize) trespasses-good news. You reject the good news, as all Catholics like yourself do, and "preach" bad news.

Tell all of TOL for which sins the Lord Jesus Christ died, and those for which He did not, as these "worse-er" sins overpowered Him. Let's go, Brucie boy-eternal destinies are at stake.
You won't touch that

As I predicted-still not a peep, after being asked over, and over. And sell all you have, as you assert that all of the scripture is about you, and all commands are directed specifically to you, for your obedience.


You have a problem, due to 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV/1 Cor. 2:14 KJV, being a Catholic, with understanding the meaning of the word "repent," as the Lord Jesus Christ repented, and Judas repented.

The Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins, every last one of them, forgiving me of all(memorize) trespasses-good news. You reject the good news, as all Catholics like yourself do, and "preach" bad news.

Tell all of TOL for which sins the Lord Jesus Christ died, and those for which He did not, as these "worse-er" sins overpowered Him. Let's go, Brucie boy-eternal destinies are at stake.
You won't touch that

As I predicted-not a peep, after being asked over, and over. And sell all you have, as you assert that all of the scripture is about you, and all commands are directed specifically to you, for your obedience.

Silencio, as silent/dead as a gathering of him, and his fellow Catholics, at "church."

Winner of the 'Making Absolutely No Sense Whatsoever' award.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Winner of the 'Making Absolutely No Sense Whatsoever' award.

Thanks! I always take as a compliment, a sound byte of disagreement, from a lost person. Thanks again!!

Pay attention to the arguments at hand.

In the mean time, please take your seat.