[It's a simple question: Have you been born again? Jn 3:7 :chz4brnz:] I am not Israel.
It's a simple question. Have you been born again? Jn 3:7 :chz4brnz:
[It's a simple question: Have you been born again? Jn 3:7 :chz4brnz:] I am not Israel.
It's a simple question. Have you been born again? Jn 3:7 :chz4brnz:
[It's a simple question. Have you been born again? Jn 3:7 :chz4brnz:] I am not Israel.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven [Matt. 5:19].
"You cannot break the commandments and get by with it. But you cannot keep them in your own strength. The only way you can keep them is to come to Jesus Christ for salvation, power, and strength. The commandments are not a way of salvation but a means to show you the way to salvation through the acceptance of the work of Jesus Christ." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13) (electronic ed., Vol. 34, p. 79). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Matthew 5:19 KJV not addressed to me.
Can you now: murder, commit adultery, steal? Ever get angry with your brother? Ever look at a woman who doesn't belong to you for too long? Mt 5:17-30
[Can you now: murder, commit adultery, steal? Ever get angry with your brother? Ever look at a woman who doesn't belong to you for too long? Mt 5:17-30] Yes. The Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins, every last one of them, forgiving me of all(memorize) tresspasses-good news. You reject the good news, as all Catholics like yourself do, and "preach" bad news.
Sounds like you are claiming to have been forgiven for your sins. If you step on your friend's toe, do you say sorry? If you step on it again, do you again apologize? 1 Jn 1:9
Do you expect us to believe that you now are unable to sin? Ro 7:15
What is antinomianism?
Good[Do you expect us to believe that you now are unable to sin? Ro 7:15] Never said that...
Is that what you say when you step on your friend's toe again? "I'm forgiven." :freak: Or do you say, "Sorry."[If you step on your friend's toe, do you say sorry? If you step on it again, do you again apologize? 1 Jn 1:9] And, when I trespass, commit a sin, all of them are forgiven-every last one of them.
Is that what you say when you step on your friend's toe again? "I'm forgiven." :freak: Or do you say, "Sorry."lain: 1 Jn 1:9
Doesn't sound like a relationship to me, Johnny. :idunno:[Is that what you say when you step on your friend's toe again? "I'm forgiven." :freak: Or do you say, "Sorry."lain: 1 Jn 1:9] Translated now-humanism, Catholicism, as he again rejects the bible's good news...
Brucie boy is on record again-the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for anyone's sins...
Can you now: murder, commit adultery, steal? Ever get angry with your brother? Ever look at a woman who doesn't belong to you for too long? Mt 5:17-30
You don't care for my word? One--is this better? Matt. 19:6[Can you now: murder, commit adultery, steal? Ever get angry with your brother? Ever look at a woman who doesn't belong to you for too long? Mt 5:17-30] Belong?
Do you think that a wife belongs to her husband?
I am becoming to see reasons for some wives to break free from dominating husbands!
Belong..... Oh Dear me.
Doesn't sound like a relationship to me, Johnny. :idunno:
Be prepared to hear: ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Mt 7:23
Hello, my name is Felipe...
The Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins, every last one of them, forgiving me of all(memorize) tresspasses-good news...
:yawn: Ray Comfort is a fine servant of the Lord....He is a "Lordship 'Salvation'" proponent. Check him out, what he asserts, along with Ray Comfort of "The Way of the Master" "ministry."
Nothing like a mean spirited, rabble rousing, arrogant MAD wacko, like saint John W., to ruin a "bible study."