Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'


Well-known member
The reality is that they are categorically and systematically privileged over men, and men are subservient to women.

I am not American, but the above is not true.
Female execs, directors and professionals still earn less, on average, than males.
You may not even have a equal pay legislation in all States yet.

Full egalitarian equality is a long way from the finishing line, but the drive to achieve this must surely bulldoze any objecting groups to one side in the ensuing decades.

Blimey! And this forum allows members to call other members Moron? Jesus specifically banned any talk like that.


I am not American, but the above is not true.
Female execs, directors and professionals still earn less, on average, than males.
You may not even have a equal pay legislation in all States yet.

The pay gap is a myth that will not die.

Full egalitarian equality is a long way from the finishing line, but the drive to achieve this must surely bulldoze any objecting groups to one side in the ensuing decades.

We have full egalitarian equality. The finish line is a long way- behind you.
You all labor under the delusion that it requires women being presidents and such- NO! 60% of the voting body are females- they haven't become presidents because one hasn't been good enough for it. And it's the same sort of nonsense with any other example you want to bring up- the fact is that females are not being 'held down', you all are just imagining things because feminist ideology is mental illness.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From a Biblical perspective Kirk Cameron is correct. I think its important that man marries a woman that compliments snd supports him. A man must love and cherish his wife.

When I decided to get married there were a few characteristics that were essential to me when looking for a wife.

1) She must a Bible believing, Spirit filled, prayerful woman.

2) She must want to be a wife and mother and not obsessed with a career. (See Proverbs 31)

3) She must be feminine and non-feminist.

I married a woman with these characteristics. We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary just yesterday. :banana:



Hall of Fame
You're the coward,

That's hysterically funny (and sad) coming from you. No one will ever have to do a search on any other usernames other than this one to locate my posts. Brave guy. :plain:

because you're talking about if they are 'worthy of respect' instead of just coming out with what you really mean by that- which is living up to women's standards.

Ah, Madame Cleo broke the crystal bar ...

Don't blame me for the obvious fact that the sum of your problems is an ongoing grudge against women. You do NOT know my standards outside of what your have contrived out of your own bitterness.

You don't hear men constantly go on about their standard for women in marriage-.

Oh, pardon me ... I thought you were a male. A man. Who has done nothing other than whine whine whine whine whine about women since you created your current username on this forum. Oh, but that's different. :yawn:

but you all love to, because you are all utterly self-involved and that is a primary reason why marriages fail..

Cool story. Feel better?

You expect men to deal with what you would not, that is what the hell is wrong with you all.

:plain: More declarations, rants and empty words with nothing to back them up.

There is no activity or action a married man could participate in that you would not defend ... based solely on his gender. Interestingly enough, the individual who this thread is about would not agree with you ... but rather be embarrassed for you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the Egalitarian movement that is going to sweep over the west, and hopefully the rest!

seems to me a whole buncha dopey french folk were saying stuff like that back in 1789

dint a bunch of them get their heads chopped off a couple years later?


You are confused.
Feminist ideology is just one tiny facet of the Egalitarian movement that is going to sweep over the west, and hopefully the rest!

Folks like you are in for a culture shock.

"Egalitarian movement"

There is a reason 'feminism' is not called 'egalitarianism', and it's because it IS NOT egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is an age old thing going all the way back to classical Rome.

90% of the homeless are men despite the fact that there are more women specific shelters, there is a very visible bias and favoritism of women in courtrooms, both criminal and domestic, there are more women in college- I could complete this list with a hundred other things, but you can't fix the brainwashing that your mind has undergone.

A male feminist is a fool, but that's nothing new- most men have always been fools :plain:
You should look up the term 'Stockholm Syndrome'


Cool story. You should start a separate thread on it ... then we can discuss why those *men* shouldn't be required to seek out employment.

Men are homeless because they do not have the support systems that women have. Women are like children- they act like them, they are treated like them, and that is exactly why they have such support. Men just get the shaft.
No man who has ever been homeless or knows the homeless would ever agree with you all's abysmal bias.

But why would I make a thread telling what is incontrovertible so you all can deny it up and down- the women exemplify what I say and the men embrace their captured state :nono:

It's hard to even look at, really.


Hall of Fame
Men are homeless

For the same reason others are homeless. Bad luck. Drugs. Alcohol. Refusal to work. Pick one ... while remembering, their plight is no more significant than that of other homeless person.

What do you suppose Kirk Cameron says about the homeless?


For the same reason others are homeless. Bad luck. Drugs. Alcohol. Refusal to work. Pick one ... while remembering, their plight is no more significant than that of other homeless person.

What do you suppose Kirk Cameron says about the homeless?

Green as a pickle, as expected.

Kirk Cameron is not some infallible demigod.


:chuckle: No one expected you to answer the question.

Though IF you are actually concerned rather than just pretending to be (like I suspect), you should start a thread on it.

I could tell you what a million people think, but that wouldn't change your bias. Men are homeless for many reasons, but they remain homeless mostly because they are simply men and people don't have the same compassion for them as women.

That is why 90%of them are men, and yet there are more gender specific programs for women :doh:

Don't let sense get in your way, though.


Hall of Fame
For the same reason others are homeless. Bad luck. Drugs. Alcohol. Refusal to work. Pick one ... while remembering, their plight is no more significant than that of other homeless person.

What do you suppose Kirk Cameron says about the homeless?

I could tell you what a million people think, but that wouldn't change your bias..



Well-known member
seems to me a whole buncha dopey french folk were saying stuff like that back in 1789

dint a bunch of them get their heads chopped off a couple years later?

The French Rev took a lot of heads before it settled, but it gave you lot your Statue of Liberte. You wanna make fun of that?


Well-known member
"Egalitarian movement"

There is a reason 'feminism' is not called 'egalitarianism', and it's because it IS NOT egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is an age old thing going all the way back to classical Rome.

90% of the homeless are men despite the fact that there are more women specific shelters, there is a very visible bias and favoritism of women in courtrooms, both criminal and domestic, there are more women in college- I could complete this list with a hundred other things, but you can't fix the brainwashing that your mind has undergone.

A male feminist is a fool, but that's nothing new- most men have always been fools :plain:
You should look up the term 'Stockholm Syndrome'

Egalitarianism goes back far a deep, and it's brilliant culture.

Our Equality Act outlaws discrimination against disability, religion, Creed, race, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, et al..... That's egalitarianism, and so it encompasses all.

But if you called our blokes here mentally deranged feminists they would just laugh and walk on, cos they don't pick on eccentrics! :)

Ya gotta larf..... :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The French Rev took a lot of heads before it settled, but it gave you lot your Statue of Liberte. You wanna make fun of that?

sure, why not? :idunno:

best thing about lady liberty is that she makes no bones about the right way to immigrate to this country - right through ellis island, thank you very much


Egalitarianism goes back far a deep, and it's brilliant culture.

Our Equality Act outlaws discrimination against disability, religion, Creed, race, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, et al..... That's egalitarianism, and so it encompasses all.

But if you called our blokes here mentally deranged feminists they would just laugh and walk on, cos they don't pick on eccentrics! :)

Ya gotta larf..... :)

You all don't have freedom of speech, so you can't actually challenge or critique anything of it either. That's the problem over there- feminists and gays run rampant and sock it to you and you can't even do anything about it. I've heard plenty about how them, and even Muslims, railroad you all :rolleyes:

There's nothing egalitarian about any of it.