Suggestion to really consider the matter on grounds of sanity....
Suggestion to really consider the matter on grounds of sanity....
And round in circles we go.....
Any can see our dialogues with Way 2 go (if you've been following this discussion), and see that we've laid out our propositions, arguments and reasons against the heinous and illogical doctrine of
ECT, on textual-translation grounds, reason, logic and upon ethical/moral principles,....considering such philosophically. - since no judgment or action of 'God' will go contrary to reason or violate a man's conscience, its clear that ECT in the traditional 'hellfire and brimstone' view, holds no water (pardon the pun).
Way 2 go just spouts the same limited passage references and lexicons without a full and studied reference point in the greater context of things, loaded with so many assumptions, constrained to a very limited 'literal' interpretation of things, which fail when tested on many other levels appropriate to the real terms of 'justice' and 'mercy', by an all-loving and wise God.
'God' is not the arbiter of 'endless conscious torment' in a lake of fire (or anywhere for that matter), or any other form of INSANITY. Granted, the universal law of karma continues its 'effects' whether you believe in 'God' or not, but this is taking the subject to a greater context, which includes considering the matter on purely moral/philosophical grounds. Since souls reap what they sow, by way of law,....on another level, its more of having an insight in how law works in the universe, than how a personal 'God' is leveraging any balances or sitting on some cosmic throne keeping the fires of hell stoked to keep sinners in a state of torment with absolutely no reprieve or resolve whatsoever.
There are more ways to really look at this
ECT concept than the narrow pages of a few religious books that people later have deemed 'holy' by mere tradition or assumption.