The sadistic thug is not the one who put's up the "Danger Keep Out" sign in a mine field the evil one is the one who takes it down
The sadistic thug is not the one who put's up the "Danger Keep Out" sign in a mine field the evil one is the one who takes it down
You have had to concede that death does not mean to cease to exist
You have had to concede that death does not mean to cease to exist
The wicked will have a second death, and at that death they will cease to exist.
Psalm 37:10 says "the wicked shall be no more".
You still haven't looked at John 3:16. You should. It confirms what I am saying and it refutes the doctrine of eternal torture in hell. Look at John 3:16 and tell me what it says in your Bible. Why aren't you doing this? Is it because you know that John 3:16 refutes your UnBiblical Doctrine?
You have had to concede that death does not mean to cease to exist
You seem to think that you already have all the answers and don't need to learn anything. I just wanted to leave you with your thoughts. :wave2:I've told you what the Bible says and you have rejected that in favor of your doctrine of eternal conscious torment in Hell.
Your post that I was responding to said this:
Is THAT "kindly affectioned one to another"???
Was THAT "brotherly love"???
Was THAT "in honour preferring one another"???
Or was that exactly what it seemed to be, a baseless insult?
In fact, it was a bald faced lie, because I DO believe that Scripture says what it says and means what it says. What does John 3:16 say in your Bible? Does it say that those who reject Christ will perish or does it say that those who reject Christ will be tortured alive forever?
If I am not a Christian because I insulted you for being stupid, remember that you insulted me first. So by your own standard, you are not a Christian. And I have proof that you are too stupid to understand what the Bible says. The Bible says that the wicked will perish and the Bible says that the wicked will be no more. You can't understand that this means that the wicked will perish and the wicked will be no more. You seem to think that "The wicked will perish" means that the wicked will never perish. That's being too stupid to understand what "the wicked will perish" means. You also seem to think that "the wicked will be no more" means "the wicked will continue to exist forever in hell being tortured alive, That's being too stupid to understand what "the wicked will be no more" means. Psalm 37:20, and Psalm 37:10. Just because I point out the plain fact that you are stupid, doesn't mean that I am not a Christian. It just means that I am observant.
You seem to think that you already have all the answers and don't need to learn anything. I just wanted to leave you with your thoughts. :wave2:
You have had to concede that death does not mean to cease to exist
You have had to concede that death does not mean to cease to exist
you have to know what you are talking about
the death of the body
the death of the soul
the second death
you cease to exist with the last one
Hi TL,
Besides what ive already shared about the insanity of ECT here and elsewhere,...the 'second death' does appear to be 'destruction', a disintegration, an expunging of conscious least for that individual personality. A soul undergoing this death is final, there is no resurrection from such a death for that individual soul and its potential for survival. Somehow that soul forfeited its life-potential, and is dissolved back into the elements. Any thing of eternal/divine value is returned to the OverSoul of creation. I cover some of the metaphysics involved, - the Urantia Papers offer an interesting description of such. So, in this scenario.....some souls do DIE. This 'death' is 'death' in the total, final, absolute sense the word. This 'death' does not infer ECT at all.....since 'death' is the cessation/absence/annulment of life. All potential for life/consciousness is terminated.
This view of 'conditional immortality' has more going for it than ECT, since the latter is a concept that is insane, ilogical, irrational, and furthermore is against all that is just and merciful, contrary to divine will. Infinite Love could never impose, enforce or inflict eternal suffering TO NO END on any conscious being. Such an 'belief' is worse than 'satanic'.
There is another school of universalism that also offers better solutions than ECT but these would need more space to explore, as Im a student of these possibilities as well![]()
Chrysostom, the soul dies with the death of the body. As long as the breath of life is in the body, that's the only reason for the soul to live. Soul by definition is a person. When the Lord formed man from the dust, He breathed into the nostrils of man breath of life and man became a living soul. To become is to be and not to have. Hence, we are souls; we don't have souls. With death, the body goes to the dust and the breath of life returns to God Who breathed it into the body.
So you are telling others that your God is a dummy that anyone can choose to ignore Him, and to live whichever way they like the rest of their lives. They will vanish after that anyway.
That remains your blasphemy.
I don't agree, the Divine state of death isn't in danger of losing it's immortality seeing it was sent here to learn through experience in all phases of life and death which is being subjected to both good and evil.
Is it right that a infant dies before even having to face the tests on an equal footing with the others who have to endure a life time of them, or is it possible that we also died physically young or is that still on our Divine bucket list?. I am reluctant to make terminated list for Souls.
So you are telling others that your God is a dummy that anyone can choose to ignore Him, and to live whichever way they like the rest of their lives. They will vanish after that anyway.
That remains your blasphemy.
Isn't the Jewish afterlife called Olam Ha-Ba, the world to come?If birth is the origin of existence, how could death be any different from the cessation of existence?
So you are telling others that your God is a dummy that anyone can choose to ignore Him, and to live whichever way they like the rest of their lives. They will vanish after that anyway.
That remains your blasphemy.