Its clear that you don't believe what the bible says, you believe a false doctrine that somebody taught you. There is everlasting life and there is everlasting punishment both are eternal.
John 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
You avoided my question. What does John 3:16 say in your Bible?
Define Perish.
I faithfully answered your question, but you artfully avoided my question. The reason is because if you had answered my question, your doctrine would be shown to be unbiblical.
I believe what the Bible says, that the wicked will perish and will be no more. By the way, you said John 25:46, I assume you mean Matthew 25:46. Read it again. "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
Does that say that the everlasting punishment is eternal conscious torment? No, it actually does not say that. I believe that the punishment of the wicked will be eternal, they will be destroyed and will remain destroyed forever. That is an eternal punishment.
But take another look at Matthew 25:46. It says that the righteous will have eternal life. Why would Jesus point out that the righteous will have eternal life, if BOTH groups have eternal life? Obviously the other group does not go to eternal life. Since they do not have eternal life, they cannot be eternally conscious of torture. So the verse you used to try to prove that the wicked will have eternal life in hell being tortured alive forever actually proves that the wicked do not have eternal life in hell being tortured alive forever.
I just believe what the Bible says, and that means that I don't believe your false doctrine of eternal torture.